31 October 2007
Haute Tip
OK, like you know how rumours abound on the playa with the lack of real news outlets and information resources? Right?
So, last year on the playa I got word from a burner that claims to be "in the know" (like aren't we all, right?) that the French have their sites on Burning Man in '08. When pressed, this source refused to elaborate further, which leaves me to wonder WTF?
And I go back to thinking it's just a rumour.
But ah! Que je suis bête!
Then I see something like this on Google Video by French-American.tv and I'm all like: Ah HA!!! This is what they meant!
Then again...meh...who knows? It could be true. Maybe. When I look at this video I'm thinking well, it's rather long. But it does have this certain savoir fair...this...ah, hmm... shall we say je ne sais quoi!
So, whatever. If the French are truly planning on invading Black Rock City, blame Canada. Seriously. From my experiences on the playa last year, I'm convinced that it's a tie breaker between Canadians or possibly Jedi knights with light sabers that will overtake the event. Larry help us, and may the farce be with you. Zout alors!
Is Addis burning sacred cows?
One burner's sacred effigy is another Christian's sacred church. Parvaz sentiments have created a backlash by some conservative bloggers such as Jim Miller from Sound Politics and Warner Todd Huston from Newbusters. I'll also add this blog post in the mix "The Significance of the Man Burning Early", a play about cross-cultural communication by Tribe member Jenka.
UPDATE #1 (10/31/07): Cinnamon Stillwell who is a contributing columnist at SFGate.com and a member of Pajamas Media posts in her blog "Anti-Christian Sentiment in San Francisco Leads to Violence, Liberals Shrug". Here she asks "Imagine for a moment if the situation were altered and Addis had attempted to burn down or blow up a mosque. (I won't say a synagogue or other Jewish structures because that doesn't seem to engender much outrage these days either). Were Islam to be the targeted religion, does anyone think for a moment that the "hate crime" label would not be affixed?" Good question, Stillwell!
UPDATE #2 (10/31/07): From Ripclawe, who blogged this: "Seriously, I know the Seattle papers are leftist havens, but this is irresponsible journalism at its worst. If this was a conservative talking about mosques, everyone would go nuts. D. Parvaz should get a talking too, but given this is Seattle, probably get a promotion."
UPDATE #3 (11/01/07): Is this a cat fight? You be the judge. Sadly, No! posted "The Flying CinnaNun" in response to Cinnamon Stillwell's blog post saying: "Burning down a giant stone cathedral is, of course, easier to accomplish in an overheated wingnut’s imagination than in actual practice, particularly where Mr. Addis had not an explosives belt, but an ammunition belt with small explosives which, according to the police, would not have caused substantial damage, much less burned down the whole gigantic stone edifice. But let’s not rain on Cinnamon’s parade, because she’s just getting worked up about how no one is paying attention to this because it was a hateful Christian church and not a beloved mosque." Meow! Fft! Fft!
UPDATE #4 (11/01/07): From the Recliner Commentaries blog: "...So far the only one who appears to have covered it is Bill O'Reilly (It's even hard to find much about it on the internet!). If Paul Addis had been a Christian attempting to set fire to an abortion clinic you can bet that it would be the leading story on every news outlet in the country. If Paul Addis had been a Muslim, his attempt would have been called terrorism."
UPDATE #5 (11/01/07): 1RedThread also blogged on this. The blogger's bio states: "I am a Christian infidel, a card carrying member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, conservative American, living in Canada, and I support Israel." OK!
UPDATE #6 (11/01/07): Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés of the Moderate Voice weighs in with more questions than answers: "How does he fit in with the recent spate of people acting publicly when they a) know cameras are present (don’t tase me bro,) or when a show is being taped live (Bill Maher ran off the stage to help eject a screamer from his audience)? Performance art and threatening to do actual harm in real time context, are two different ideas, yes or no? How can street theater be used in time-honored ways, and where /when? Surely there are many analytic questions that could reveal context, teaching, learning, facts perhaps?"
So BURNcast readers, what do you think? Take the poll! Post a comment!
Is Google becoming the Third Pipe?
From the "Third Pipe - The Future of Broadband" comes this blog post in which writer predominantly discusses Google's plans for growth and domination in the VOIP market with brief mention of the Burner boys who run the enterprise. Altogether, an interesting read and the reader comments are noteworthy.
Check out the entire article here.
About Third Pipe: "Third pipe is alternative information resource about the state broadband communications and a strong advocate of establishing a “third broadband pipe” to increase competition and improve service. We are also your “third pipe” to this information - being beholden to neither the mainstream or “new media” - each having their own interests to spin on the issue."
Check out the entire article here.
About Third Pipe: "Third pipe is alternative information resource about the state broadband communications and a strong advocate of establishing a “third broadband pipe” to increase competition and improve service. We are also your “third pipe” to this information - being beholden to neither the mainstream or “new media” - each having their own interests to spin on the issue."
30 October 2007
Burner: Tales from the Playa

"Burner: Tales from the Playa" is my true story as a six-time "Burner" and chronicles the joy, heartbreak, amazement and life lessons learned at Burning Man, the annual festival which takes place on a Black Rock Lake, a remote, dry lake bed in Northern Nevada, known to Burners as "the playa".
"Burner" interweaves my own, deeply personal accounts of survival, lust and enlightenment with insights into the beautiful insanity that is Burning Man. I take a wickedly funny aim at the citizens and the culture of Black Rock City, but I save the sharpest barbs for myself. More than anything, "Burner: Tales from the Playa" is a loving tribute to Burning Man and the citizens of Black Rock City.
People who have never been to Burning Man will be introduced to not just the sights and sounds, but also the spirit of Burning Man. And for the experienced, "Burner" is just like going home.
"Burner" is a multi-media production, featuring images, video and sound I have collected during my trips to BRC. It is directed by Jerry Diner.
After the show, you are invited to stay for The Bank Heist's weekly electronic music event, "NoHo Massive". "NoHo Massive" is presented by Chris Cox and Ken Jordan of The Crystal Method, pioneers of the "big beat" electronic dance genre. Every Thursday, Chris and Ken bring superstar DJs such as Rabbit in the Moon, Freddy Be, Sandra Collins, as well as themselves to The Bank Heist for an evening of the best electronic dance music in Los Angeles.
The Bank Heist is North Hollywood's newest nightspot. Housed in an old bank building built in 1926, the club features a restaurant (Bank), and a two-story nightclub (Heist). The upstairs lounge provides the plush and intimate setting which will host both "Burner" and "Noho Massive".
Show-time for "Burner: Tales from the Playa" is 7:30 p.m. and runs for approximately 80 minutes. "NoHo Massive" kicks off at about 9:30.
So, you get to see "Burner: Tales from the Playa" and dance to superstar DJs at "NoHo Massive". What's it going to cost you?
$10. Can you dig it?
The upstairs lounge at The Bank Heist is very comfortable, but intimate. There is seating for about 80 and there is standing room as well. This show will sell out. So, to insure that you are able to get in, you can reserve a space by using PayPal to pay for your cover charge in advance.
This is a lounge and seating is not reserved, so get there early for a good spot. You can even get something to eat at Bank before or after the show.
The Bank Heist is located at 5303 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA. The club is across the street from the the Metro Red Line subway station. If you are interested in taking the Metro Rail, the last train from North Hollywood to Downtown L.A. leaves at 12:45a. Valet parking is available at the club and there is also parking on the street.
For information and reservations, go to www.ohtony.com, and click on the "Burner: Tales from the Playa" link.
It's gonna be fun. Seriously.
P.S. Playa wear is highly encouraged.
Paul Addis On Tape!
Adam Fish shot this video with Paul Addis back in September, about a week before Addis' arraignment for attempted arson hearing in Nevada. Along with Adam and Paul, I also recognize in this video Amacker Bullwinkle and Dee Dee Russell. There is another man featured whom I believe is named Jeff.
Early in the video, Paul references a laminate and says it's the true badge of Black Rock Intelligence. He goes on to say anybody seen carrying one of these is dead.
I have one of those laminates. I ain't dead yet. Does that mean there's a contract out for my life?
Get Hugged Today @ 1:00 p.m.! Go to HUGNATION.COM
Halcyon does everything he can to make the world a more understanding place.
Every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. PST he hosts Hugnation, an on-line place for a world-wide group hug.
Learn more about Halcyon's sweet mission by clicking on the above below and be sure to participate today at one o'clock.
BURNcast Extra: Friend of Addis Speaks Up
powered by ODEO
This is of a conversation of Ms. Amacker Bullwinkle, a friend of Paul Addis. Here she shares information of what she believed occurred regarding Addis' alleged involvement in the Early Burn. She also shares a story of their devoted friendship to one another. Recorded at Burning Man on Wednesday 29 August 2007.
A photo of Amacker and Paul can be seen here.
BURNcast #062 - A Conversation with Bently Biofuels
In this week's episode, we speak with the folks from Bentley Biofuels, Burning Man's #1 supplier of biodiesel fuel. Dragon and Pixie Little tell us their thoughts about mixing work with play, and ObiWan tells us about the higher calling of biodiesel and his thoughts on the Greening of the Burn. Katherine the Great also makes her debut as a BURNcast producer-- yay!

Music: "Nitro Dub" by Stargarden
available on Magnatune.
29 October 2007
Paul Addis Arrested In Connection With Another Arson Attempt

Alleged Burning Man arsonist accused of trying to burn Grace Cathedral
As reported in the SFGate, Paul Addis was arrested yesterday in connection with an arson attempt on the Grace Cathedral. Read more here.

Authorities say suspect in Burning Man arson arrested in SF
The San Jose Mercury News also reports on this. Read the article here.

SF Police Police Arrest Man Allegedly Trying To Burn Down Grace Cathedral
Officers, Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Search Church
San Francisco police arrest a man overnight for attempted arson at Grace Cathedral after finding him outside the church with explosives in a backpack. Watch the news report from last night here.
Matt's Movie: Burning Man 2007
Matt from the Mystikal Misfits Camp put together this heartfelt video from Burning Man 2007. Only 308 more days until the Man burns again!
27 October 2007
The Burning Question (Parts 1 and 2).
I've been doing BURNcast for three seasons now. As some of you may know, it all started when Chai Guy and I took the advice of some friends who said "Be the change you want to see" with regards to how the media covers Burning Man.
Speaking for myself (and not for Chai), I find it utterly fascinating as to how the event is portrayed in both mainstream media and social media. I've seen examples that IMHO are really terrible. I've seen others that have been absolutely sublime. But I have to say that the following videos below are my absolute favorites thus far. There's no gratuitous T and A (OK...some nudity, but done with taste), no hedonism, no fire, no blowing shit up, no nothing that would capture an audience attention and generate ratings or click-throughs. Yet, to me, it's deep, powerful and meaningful. It's an aspect of Burning Man culture I really enjoy and that is reflecting on the mystery of life and having a few good answers and some absolutely ridiculous ones as well. It reminds me of the saying I was told when I was a teenager: "Life is mysterious. Don't take it so serious!"
I hope you enjoy the following videos as much as I did. Thanks, Shananda, for this work.
The Burning Question - Part 1
The Burning Question - Part 2
Speaking for myself (and not for Chai), I find it utterly fascinating as to how the event is portrayed in both mainstream media and social media. I've seen examples that IMHO are really terrible. I've seen others that have been absolutely sublime. But I have to say that the following videos below are my absolute favorites thus far. There's no gratuitous T and A (OK...some nudity, but done with taste), no hedonism, no fire, no blowing shit up, no nothing that would capture an audience attention and generate ratings or click-throughs. Yet, to me, it's deep, powerful and meaningful. It's an aspect of Burning Man culture I really enjoy and that is reflecting on the mystery of life and having a few good answers and some absolutely ridiculous ones as well. It reminds me of the saying I was told when I was a teenager: "Life is mysterious. Don't take it so serious!"
I hope you enjoy the following videos as much as I did. Thanks, Shananda, for this work.
The Burning Question - Part 1
The Burning Question - Part 2
LA Decom Video
LA Decompression was awesome. I went and set up an “unscheduled installation” in the form of a “HUG HERE @ 6PM” sign. This video gives a taste of the amazing burner vibe.
26 October 2007
Tubatron on Boing Boing
Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin is one of the coolest people I know. She's super hip, über intelligent, and she's a burner, too. Here, she talks with Simpson's director David Silverman about his flaming tuba. Incidentally, David is just as hip, just as intelligent and just as burn-y too. He's also a member of the Phoenix Projekt, LA's premiere fire troupe.
Oh, and if ya wanna to hear more from David, his tubatron-ics and thoughts about Burning Man, click the player below listen to the BURNcast we did with him last summer.
25 October 2007
24 October 2007
Let's Talk About Sex
Mim Chapman, a burner from New Mexico, is performing her original work "The Vagina Penis Monologues" this weekend in Santa Fe. Santa Fe, incidentally, is the city with "Zozobra" the original Burning Man of which I've had the opportunity to see burn several times when I've visited that enchanted state.
Chapman says in a recent article: "I started out at Burning Man because I wanted to go to a really liberal enlightened group of people. I went in the 6-foot vulva costume and gave away invitations to our camp, where we were giving away free oral sex—as in talking about it. Every afternoon people gathered and filled out my survey, ‘What did you ever want to ask a vagina or a penis?’ basic demographic info and where people learned most of what they knew."
Read the article in its entirety here.
Chapman says in a recent article: "I started out at Burning Man because I wanted to go to a really liberal enlightened group of people. I went in the 6-foot vulva costume and gave away invitations to our camp, where we were giving away free oral sex—as in talking about it. Every afternoon people gathered and filled out my survey, ‘What did you ever want to ask a vagina or a penis?’ basic demographic info and where people learned most of what they knew."
Read the article in its entirety here.
23 October 2007
The Shroom
I saw a copy at SD Decom and was *honored* to see my image illustrate their "Twice As Gay" article. :)
BURNcast #061 - Los Angeles Decompression 2007
Today BURNcast goes to Los Angeles Decom which took place on October 13, 2007.

Music: "mystery box house"
by Daniel Berkman,
available on Magnatune.
BURNcast Special: Well Wishes for Otto, Volume 2
This recording contains several voice-messages for Otto Schutt which can also be heard in the next episode of BURNcast.
If you would like to leave well wishes for Otto, please call the BURNcast hot-line at 775-363-5861.

Music: "mystery box house"
by Daniel Berkman,
available on Magnatune.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Please spread the love.
If you would like to leave well wishes for Otto, please call the BURNcast hot-line at 775-363-5861.

Music: "mystery box house"
by Daniel Berkman,
available on Magnatune.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Please spread the love.
Can 'Burning Man' Become a Model for Green Living?
Here's an article by Matthew Taylor of Peace Power Magazine in which Taylor asks "Can 45,000 people journey vast distances to a lifeless Nevada desert and participate in an environmentally sustainable festival devoted to burning stuff?".
His response and the entire article here.
His response and the entire article here.
22 October 2007
Anton Viditz-Ward's "Fire Spinner"
Soon to be heard in an upcoming BURNcast is Anton Viditz-Ward talking about his installation "Fire Spinner" for BM 2007.
20 October 2007
19 October 2007
Burning Man Fashion Designer Tiffa Novoa Dies

Steven "Scribe" Jones of the San Francisco Bay Guardian blogs this news about the recent and unexpected passing of El Circo's Tiffa Novoa.
18 October 2007
Inside the Burning Man Festival
I just found this video on the ABC News website. Unfortunately, though I would love to embed it here in this posting, the code is unavailable.
At any rate, I've obviously missed it's original air broadcast for the fact that I was at the event. The old footage from 1997 shows a Burning Man from a long time ago on a playa far, far away.
At any rate, I've obviously missed it's original air broadcast for the fact that I was at the event. The old footage from 1997 shows a Burning Man from a long time ago on a playa far, far away.
Hugs @ SF Decom
The Hugmobile stopped at SF Decom and shot a little bit of video of the start of the event. What a fantastic time it was!
16 October 2007
BURNcast #060 - San Francisco Decompression 2007
Today BURNcast goes to San Francisco Decom where we take a ride on the Skeedaddlehopper with Darin Selby. Additional guests include (in no particular order):
- Miss Cameltopia 2007;
- the Postman and Kernul Killbuck;
- Mr. Jellyfish;
- the Massive Bri;
- Black Rock City mayoral candidate Steve23;
- also, we make fresh home-made ice cream with our playa neighbor Stephen.
- Embedded photos by Tristan Savatier. Check out his Flickr photos from SF Decom.
- Music by Burning Babylon from Magnatune.
Extra! Extra! The Skeedaddlehopper on YouTube:
15 October 2007
BURNcast Special: Well Wishes for Otto, Volume 1
This recording contains several voice-messages for Otto Schutt which can also be heard in the next episode of BURNcast coming out tutu-tomorrow (tutu-Tuesday!).
We are currently working on our next volume of messages, so keep'em coming by calling the BURNcast hot-line at 775-363-5861.

Music -
"Diabolique" by Burning Babylon,
available on Magnatune.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Please spread the love.
Spearhead Loves Otto!

Michael Franti and the Spearhead family have stepped up to help raise the money for Otto’s treatment, which is now going to be nearer to $100,000 with chemo, etc.
On Friday, October 19, 2007, SpearGear will donate 100% of proceeds from their online store to our brother Otto.
Be sure to click here on Friday.
14 October 2007
Otto Update: The Day After Surgery
From Random Lee Kind:
I was able to visit Otto for a few minutes today. Wow, he has a lot going on; tubes, wires, and needles everywhere. Mark (former roommate), Dex (travel brother) and I snuck in before visiting hours because Dex was on a lay-over on his way to NYC. Otto is still very groggy and heavily sedated. In the moments Otto was able to focus he conveyed the gratitude he has for all of you. The Diorama Stacy and Amy made filled with Budhas and bacon were his favorite point of the hospital room tour.
Mark, who was with Otto before surgery a few years ago thinks he looks much better this time. You can tell Otto wants to be up and running ASAP but the body isn’t cooperating. Otto has already done a few laps around the ward and hopes to be home by Monday. God speed!
With his sisters here, Otto is getting good treatment and has his own room now with a view. They send their thanks.
Food: For those asking to cook food for Indra, Ari and Otto’s family, healthy especially veggie is best. Casseroles or anything that can be frozen is sooooo very helpful. Recovery is going to take a while so we are putting together a calendar for baby-sitting, errands, and cooking. Please contact our favorite wedding planner, Jennifer Steinle to volunteer.
Weddings: Aaron and Gayle are getting married today and were to have Otto officiate their SF wedding next week. Send them some love if you can, they are as worried as you. Also, if you were married by Otto please contact Chip Vitarelli (Married to Amy by Otto).
Auction: I have been offered cars, art and vacations to auction off for Otto. If you have something you’d like to donate please let me know. Expect a silent auction link from this site soon.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, let it out slow as you think of your favorite Otto moment. Now smile and know that your message has been received.
Give Thanks.
12 October 2007
Otto Update

Save the date!

Otto went into surgery this morning at 7:30 a.m. at St. Lukes Hospital. Here's the latest update from Random Lee Kind:
Otto is out of surgery but deeper in the woods. The tumor they took out was the size of an orange and showed serious signs of spreading. The doctors removed the lymph nodes around the liver and biopsied the surrounding tissue. Either way he is expected to need the most aggressive forms of treatment.
Your thoughts and prayers have meant so much to him and he is up to the challenge of fighting this. Julie reminded me of the friends she has that have bounced back from fatal diagnosis and one key thing is LOVE. He’s received love, well wishes and donations from all over the planet. Keep it coming!
He IS NOT ready for visiters just yet and you can leave him a message on his cell or on the BURNcast Hotline at (775) 363-5861. I’ve been printing his emails at Otto@ottoschutt.com for him to read. You can also leave comments here.
Here’s how you can help:
- Let him know you are on his team. Notes, photos, and well wishes help. E-mails, voice mail, BURNcast messages. I need a few people to help with photo books we are putting together.
- Donate through PayPal. Chemo is expensive. People have sent from $20 to $3,000. Every gift has come from love and every dollar helps.
Brother Otto Has Friends

Otto Schutt is a big man with a little tumor that is going to be removed from his intestine on Friday. They cut him open last week to check out his appendix saw that was fine and thought it was all just a nasty infection. The biopsy results came back Monday and unfortunately the doctors found the tumor is malignant (the bad kind) and I don't know the prognosis but your prayers and support will help.
The cost is $30,000 for the surgery and there is no insurance. We are doing a little fundraiser to help defer the cost.We will be gathering at Shine on October 21st to do what Otto would want us to do most...dance. Count on guest DJs, Jack and Ginger drink specials, and a gathering of folks that love him most. Please bring your favorite picture of Otto for a book we are putting together.
Can't even count the number of fundraisers brother Schutt has lead in our community.
In the event you can't make it; please consider a little donation via PayPal to randomleekind@yahoo.com
If you'd like to send a check please send it to:
Ishmun Lee Williams
c/o ARC Funding
500 3rd Street, Suite 405
San Francisco, CA 94107
Thank you SO MUCH for the early donations. CLICK HERE to see where we are to date.
Forward the Evite to all your friends.
For updates, visit Otto's website.
When you get a chance please send him some love.
Thoughts and prayers...
(415) 310-0855
11 October 2007
L.A. Decom Needs Volunteers Tomorrow (Friday)!
L.A. Decom organizer Athena Demos puts a shout out for volunteers to help with the Homouroros installation. Please contact her for details at the number she leaves in this voice recording.
Mobile post sent by Athena using Utterz.
Hipgenesis, Ninja Skillz and Pocket present Afterparty
Hipgenesis, Ninja Skillz and Pocket Present:
Saturday,October 13th
10pm to 5 am
Shuttles will grab you from the main gate at the La Decom,
at Corner of Mateo and Palmetto
15$ presale, 20 at the door.
Dear Burners and Burnettes,
How's your recovery going? Have you cleaned the Playa dust off of your shade?
Do you think you will before next year? We haven't because we're getting ready
Saturday Night, October 13th 2007, starting at 10pm:
Hipgenesis, Ninja Skillz and Pocket are coming together to create Afterparty.
We will be starting right as the La Decom is ending. Shuttles will run from 10
pm to 5 am, at the front gate of the La Decom event.
We have a great location and lineup. Entertainment will feature good mix of
local favorites and some Bay Area talent we're smuggling in like -- the creator
of "Opulent Temple" -- Syd Gris. We have a super-fly chill area, music that
goes till dawn, and a guarantee that the party doesn't stop when the party stops.
DJ Lineups: (in order of appearance)
First Floor:
Saynt (Ninja Skillz)
divaDanielle (Hipgenesis / djdivadanielle.com)
Mike Insane (Ninja Skillz)
Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple)
Blue (blueinsomnia.com)
Jokton Strealy (POCKETunderground.com)
Second floor:
Hyjynx (Ninja Skillz)
Zak Brown (Hipgenesis / djzakbrown.com)
Wolfie (Hipgenesis / djwolfie.com)
darkMatter (Hipgenesis)
Sammy Bliss (POCKETunderground.com)
J Cush (POCKETunderground.com)
Rooftop Ambient Soundtrack:
Julz (StormRiders)
Jesse Wright (POCKETunderground.com)
King EI (POCKETunderground.com)
$20 at the door.
$15 presale tickets available at http://www.djwolfie.com/
Shuttles will pick you up near the main entrance gate to LA DECOM on the corner
of MATEO ST and PALMETTO. We have three of them running, so there will be little or no waiting.
Or, you are welcome to cab or drive to the location, which is at
225 E 5th street, just West of Los Angeles street. It's about 10 blocks from
the La Decom.
Saturday,October 13th
10pm to 5 am
Shuttles will grab you from the main gate at the La Decom,
at Corner of Mateo and Palmetto
15$ presale, 20 at the door.
Dear Burners and Burnettes,
How's your recovery going? Have you cleaned the Playa dust off of your shade?
Do you think you will before next year? We haven't because we're getting ready
Saturday Night, October 13th 2007, starting at 10pm:
Hipgenesis, Ninja Skillz and Pocket are coming together to create Afterparty.
We will be starting right as the La Decom is ending. Shuttles will run from 10
pm to 5 am, at the front gate of the La Decom event.
We have a great location and lineup. Entertainment will feature good mix of
local favorites and some Bay Area talent we're smuggling in like -- the creator
of "Opulent Temple" -- Syd Gris. We have a super-fly chill area, music that
goes till dawn, and a guarantee that the party doesn't stop when the party stops.
DJ Lineups: (in order of appearance)
First Floor:
Saynt (Ninja Skillz)
divaDanielle (Hipgenesis / djdivadanielle.com)
Mike Insane (Ninja Skillz)
Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple)
Blue (blueinsomnia.com)
Jokton Strealy (POCKETunderground.com)
Second floor:
Hyjynx (Ninja Skillz)
Zak Brown (Hipgenesis / djzakbrown.com)
Wolfie (Hipgenesis / djwolfie.com)
darkMatter (Hipgenesis)
Sammy Bliss (POCKETunderground.com)
J Cush (POCKETunderground.com)
Rooftop Ambient Soundtrack:
Julz (StormRiders)
Jesse Wright (POCKETunderground.com)
King EI (POCKETunderground.com)
$20 at the door.
$15 presale tickets available at http://www.djwolfie.com/
Shuttles will pick you up near the main entrance gate to LA DECOM on the corner
of MATEO ST and PALMETTO. We have three of them running, so there will be little or no waiting.
Or, you are welcome to cab or drive to the location, which is at
225 E 5th street, just West of Los Angeles street. It's about 10 blocks from
the La Decom.
10 October 2007
BURNcast #059 - Burning Love with divaD

Photos: Jared Mechaber
Music: "Giant" by Test Shot Starfish
Music: "Giant" by Test Shot Starfish
09 October 2007
Burning Man and the Rituals of Capitalism
So I found this old article about Burning Man entitled "Burning Man and the Rituals of Capitalism" written in 1995 by Matt Ray. At the time Ray is reflecting back on his first year, 1993, in which there were only 2,500 participants. (Sotto voce: can you imagine?)
In this piece, among other things, Ray discusses media presence at Burning Man and his concerns at the time echoed my concerns 10 years later when, in 2005, Discovery came to Burning Man. He says:
It's rather disheartening, to say the least, to think that Harvey thinks BURNcast as a media entity is partly responsible in turning the event I love so much into a cliché. Mea culpa!
What about Main Stream Media? Or Larry's friends at Current TV? Is it really the media that is responsible for commodifying the Burning Man brand? Or could it possibly be the administration?
One thing I know for sure is: at least it's not the community...(drink!)
In this piece, among other things, Ray discusses media presence at Burning Man and his concerns at the time echoed my concerns 10 years later when, in 2005, Discovery came to Burning Man. He says:
Last year it was HBO, this year it will be MTV. I worry that this media exposure will soon bring dramatic changes to the event. In fact, I know it will. Of course, change is often a good thing, but my fear is that the presence of corporate media will radically alter the scene, undermining the participatory nature of the event, turning it into yet another commodified, fetishized spectacle of late capitalist culture, to be consumed like a professional sporting event or some kind of desert Lollapalooza. My fear is that the communal rituals I've come to associate with Burning Man will be overwhelmed by another more powerful ritual of the capitalist belief system — the ritual commodification of our everyday lives under capitalist economic relations. Burning Man is, in so many ways, an embodiment of the conflicts and contradictions we experience as participants in capitalist culture. We don't escape these contradictions simply by trekking out into the desert wilderness. But we do adventure into the unknown, an as yet unformed and inchoate social space.In reading this article, I am reminded of a quote by Larry Harvey from Zpub in which he says:
"We lead lives that are deadeningly passive. Everyone is sorted out in a seperate [sic] stall, like cattle in a feed-lot. Every time anything like real culture is produced by a creative community it's expropriated and flogged in the media and turned into a cliche - it used to be six years, now it's six months it's getting down to six weeks."I disagree, Larry. It's getting down to :30 second spots between episodes of the Simpsons and Malcolm in the Middle.
It's rather disheartening, to say the least, to think that Harvey thinks BURNcast as a media entity is partly responsible in turning the event I love so much into a cliché. Mea culpa!
What about Main Stream Media? Or Larry's friends at Current TV? Is it really the media that is responsible for commodifying the Burning Man brand? Or could it possibly be the administration?
One thing I know for sure is: at least it's not the community...(drink!)
08 October 2007
Paul Addis' Shows Cancelled Until Further Notice
Since BURNcast has not heard a peep about Paul Addis' arraignment trial last month, we decided to give the man a call and catch up. His one-man play "Gonzo - A Brutal Chrysalis" was set to run in Los Angeles this month. Currently his voice mailbox is full.
The official statement (which can also be found on his website) is as follows: "Regrettably, due to Paul's illness, all upcoming shows have been cancelled. We hope to resume the run upon his recovery."
SF Decom on YouTube
OK, so here's a montage of photos and video clips of SF Decom where we get to experience the event along with a cat . I think it's name is "Boo". Mew! Mew! Mew!
Also, this video shows how Opulent Temple's "shit was bangin'".
LA Decom Fire Performance - 'The Emperor's Court'

Friends and family, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...
At a loss as to what to do this Saturday night? Have something planned already? Well, drop whatever you're doing and ransack your closet for your Burn-night best to come out to the Fire Stage at LA Decompression 2007! A night of truly epic talent showcasing LA's finest firebirds in all their glorious plumage needs only your presence to grace it. Don't miss this thrilling, fiery blend of thundering drums, martial arts, bellydance, acrobatics, and more. 'The Emperor's Court' promises to be an unforgettable experience, so come down to the LA Decompression Fire Stage Saturday night and prepare yourselves for an amazing show!
More info below:
NEW LOCATION: Sante Fe between 4th and 6th St Bridge, Artist District Downtown LA
Main gate is located on MATEO STREET AND PALMETTO.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th, Noon until 11 PM
$10 in Playa wear/$15 in non-Playa street wear
Children under 12 are FREE
rain or shine, it's PLAYATIME!
It's that time again! Time to grab those dusty boots you just don't have the heart to clean off and experience the art, the culture and the thrill of Burning Man, brought to life on the streets of downtown Los Angeles. This is an annual event to bring the spirit of Burning Man alive in our community.
PARTICIPATE! Just like Burning Man, this event is put on through volunteer efforts. We are currently looking for volunteers the day of the event. If you are interested, please contact: monica@thedolab.com
This is an art event. Come, immerse yourself in eleven hours of art and performance with theme camps, art cars, art installations, street performers and 2007 imagery.
ARTISTS (in alphabetical order):
THEME CAMPS (in alphabetical order):
8 stages featuring DJs, live bands, performance art, spoken word poetry, fire troupes, aerialists, workshops and lectures on sustainability, new green technology and the Earth friendly movement.
STAGES (in alphabetical order):
FEATURING THE MUSICAL TALENTS OF (in alphabetical order):
Decompression is an opportunity to come together and share the art, performances, theme camps, photos, videos and stories from the playa; to re-connect with family and friends; and collaborate to create something new. It is, at its simplest, a reunion. But more significantly, it is a thoroughly participatory celebration of Burning Man art and community within our larger communities...
Park on 1st, 2nd or 3rd and walk down to the main gate, located at MATEO and PALMETTO, downtown los angeles.
Energy Inspirations from Burning Man
Writer Chris Nelder recycles an article he wrote into a blog and shares his thoughts and experiences on the Green Man theme and the Green Pavilion at Burning Man 2007. read more
SF Decom Recap
Disclaimer: I was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray.
As some of you may have heard from my previous audio post from SF Decom, it was going off! If you're a virgin reading this, here's a primer: Decom's are the after parties of Burning Man and take place within local communities (drink!). I love'em! Lots of music, art, performance and freaks!
While I was there, I got an opportunity to speak to a lot of folks and heard a few rumors. And boy, wow. Some them just crack me up. But some of them make you go "Whoa!"
What's the goss, you ask?
Well...it's all unconfirmed of course...but I heard that BMorg does not intend to last another decade and that they are really looking to pass the torch to the regional network.
This is really no news as it was reported in that Business 2.0 article last July. But the question is: why? Why can't Burning Man as we know it continue in perpetuity?
Aaahhh...well...there's the secret, dear BURNcast readers. There's the secret!
Shhhush! Zip it!
Let me start by saying, a friend of Bill W's once told me this important tenet in AA: you're as sick as your secrets. Emphasis on the word "sick".
But far be it from me to tell tales, especially those that don't have a happy ending. As some of you may know, it was at SF Decom last year that I learned that my father had terminal cancer and two weeks later he had passed from this existence. So stories of the kind I heard are to be taken seriously and with respect.
I will say this (cue sound): Dust in the wind. All we are is playa dust in the wind.
So enjoy it while it lasts. And remember: I was dreamin' when I wrote this, so sue me if I go 2 fast. But life is just a party and parties weren't meant 2 last.
Neither, for that matter, is Burning Man.
Love & Rockets,
As some of you may have heard from my previous audio post from SF Decom, it was going off! If you're a virgin reading this, here's a primer: Decom's are the after parties of Burning Man and take place within local communities (drink!). I love'em! Lots of music, art, performance and freaks!
While I was there, I got an opportunity to speak to a lot of folks and heard a few rumors. And boy, wow. Some them just crack me up. But some of them make you go "Whoa!"
What's the goss, you ask?
Well...it's all unconfirmed of course...but I heard that BMorg does not intend to last another decade and that they are really looking to pass the torch to the regional network.
This is really no news as it was reported in that Business 2.0 article last July. But the question is: why? Why can't Burning Man as we know it continue in perpetuity?
Aaahhh...well...there's the secret, dear BURNcast readers. There's the secret!
Shhhush! Zip it!
Let me start by saying, a friend of Bill W's once told me this important tenet in AA: you're as sick as your secrets. Emphasis on the word "sick".
But far be it from me to tell tales, especially those that don't have a happy ending. As some of you may know, it was at SF Decom last year that I learned that my father had terminal cancer and two weeks later he had passed from this existence. So stories of the kind I heard are to be taken seriously and with respect.
I will say this (cue sound): Dust in the wind. All we are is playa dust in the wind.
So enjoy it while it lasts. And remember: I was dreamin' when I wrote this, so sue me if I go 2 fast. But life is just a party and parties weren't meant 2 last.
Neither, for that matter, is Burning Man.
Love & Rockets,
Viva Les Burners Français
French Burners have launched their website: FrenchBurners.org. With 400 current members, they are officially BMorg sanctioned and join a global community (drink!) of burners that includes Burners Canadiens, Burners of New Zealand, Burners of Ireland, Burners Australia, Burners UK, Burners Japan, and Burners of South Africa.
Translated from the French Burners website (Veuillez pardonner mon français. If someone can provide a better translation, I'm happy to repost this):
Translated from the French Burners website (Veuillez pardonner mon français. If someone can provide a better translation, I'm happy to repost this):
Who are we?
Burners French is the official community BURNING MAN in France. It brings together all those interested in BURNING MAN and create events around the principles of BURNING MAN. The most famous events so far are BURNING NIGHT! ! !
The community was created by the official representatives of Burning Man in France, the so-called "Regional Contacts." So the community's official Burning Man in France. As such, it has the support and must be accountable to the Burning Man organization based in San Francisco. "French Burners" has the status of non-profit association.
We are above all burners! Being a burner is to respect the principles and values of Burning Man: open-minded, artistic expression, don & sharing, respect for others and their environment, autonomy, Burners ... The French are the French who have subscribed the conveniences of Burning Man. More about Burning Man
Just respect the values of Burning Man and live in France for a French Burner! This community gathers all the people who want to live according to the values of Burning Man on a daily basis, whether or not fairways in the desert of Nevada. It is a community open to all.
We meet at the now mythical and delusions BURNING NIGHT. But not only. When Burning Coffee monthly at the Burning Occasional brunch, Burning Picnic ... And to the Decompression Party in London in early December. And of course, we are preparing all the travel BURNING MAN late August. And even NOWHERE, the European mini Burning Man held in July in Spain.
The Brooklyn Rail: The Art at Burning Man
The Brooklyn Rail provides an open forum for criticism of the arts, politics, and culture. This article by Valery Oisteanu covers the art at Burning Man for 2007.
07 October 2007
Audio Post from SF Decom
OK, so I experimented making an audio post from my cell phone using Utterz at SF Decom. Thing is: it was sooo loud at Space Cowboys, I was unable to hear the menu prompts. Surprisingly, the post made it through. We'll work on getting better at this. :)
Mobile post sent by DaBomb using Utterz.
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