13 May 2010

BURNcast.TV #55 - Cellphones on the Playa

Earlier this week I featured a video that was shot at Burning Man on an iPhone. Today I'm sharing a video I took the day after the Man burned in '09.

Let me set this up: some members of the community (drink!) embraced the idea of cellphone connectivity on the playa while others did not. My friend Flaux was one who did not. Prior to turning on my video camera she had just expressed her opinion about this but unfortunately the moment had passed and she wouldn't do a second "take".

In the first half of this video my camp mates and I were all cracked out in the late afternoon from the heat and labor involved in striking our camp so we were taking a break. If it seems kinda quiet in our neighborhood: it was. This is probably a side of Burning Man you don't normally see. Not that it's a secret. It's just that, well it's not very exciting and doesn't make for good "picture" like flames or large scale art installations can.

Several hours later after Flaux and her boyfriend had finished packing the car, Flaux realized she had lost her car keys somewhere in the her gear and had to call AAA from her cellphone. In light of her predicament, I thought I'd ask her what she felt about cellphones on the playa. As it turned out, the locksmith was unable to cut a new key for her vehicle so she had to be towed all the way to Reno.

Tip: Get the AAA Premium membership. Flaux was glad she had it!


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