03 April 2011

Get Ready for Tutu Tuesday )'(

Hellooooo e'erybody...we're baaaaack!


BURNcast is getting ready for our new season and we're testing a few things to make sure it ain't broke.

Yeah, yeah, if it ain't broke don't fix it, right?

Well unfortunately the BURNcast website has been broke for awhile. A lot of readers kept telling us that clicking here would crash their browser.  We think (but we're not sure) it had something to do with all the crazy FLASH elements we served up to enable visitors to view our media enclosures live on the site in addition to subscribing to them via RSS.

For the interim, we offered this humble work around solution.  We sincerely hope it helped.

But new for 2011 we made some changes around here. What? Did you think we took over a month off and just slacked off? Au contraire! We were busy, busy, busy behind the scenes trying to figger out how to make you happy.

So now BURNcast is proud to offer this brand new solution: we've gone HTML5. Woo hoo!  This means that many visitors using an iPhone or an iPad can see what's going on around here, too. Seeing as I have an iPhone, I was really sad I couldn't see a lot of the content here on my phone so now I'm a happy camper too.

But...but... (there's always a but, right?) in some instances we weren't entirely able to disable FLASH and if you're having issues, please let us know.

With all these changes unfortunately may also come some hiccups.  If you find your subscription fails to update, please be sure  to subscribe to BURNcast using this feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BurncastBlog.  You can also subscribe via email if ya want. Of course, we have NOT abandoned the Blogger platform, so if you're subscribed to us on Blogger, make sure that you've got the right blog: http://burncast.blogspot.com

Now for us to roll out these changes, we're gonna need some help. If you see some strangeness in our RSS feed, whether through your reader or on Facebook please help us help you and let us know. Post a comment here on the blog or contact us here

Here's hoping this transition to HTML5 and a new server will be smooth!  Until then, stay tuned for Tutu Tuesday!


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