19 September 2010

GeoEye's Satellite Imagery of Burning Man 2010

A lot of folks want to know what happened to the Burning Man Earth team's GeoEye satellite image of Black Rock City that was slated for 2 September, 2010 at precisely 11:41 a.m.

It looks like at this time the GeoEye website is only featuring imagery of  Black Rock City taken from Wednesday (the day before) however there's a couple of photos from Thursday available for viewing at BME's Facebook page.

That said, we did some hunting around and totally scored a huge-ass image from GeoEye (click on the photo below to embiggen) and we're hoping it will be available for viewing as a gigapan soon.

Satellite photo of BM taken on the 2nd by the good people at ... on Twitpic
Black Rock City @ 11:41am Sept 2nd, 2010. Click the image. It's ginormous!!!
Note: The watermark is incorrect. This image is indeed from 2010.

If you look real closely -- after you clicked on the above photo like I told you to -- you'll see the palm tree just off of the 5:30 radius.  Further on down the road near 4:30 you'll see a spider and if you go all the way over at 3:30 you'll see "BWB" as Burners Without Borders throws it down. 

Of course, surrounding the Man itself is the peace symbol as K'buster mentioned and here's a close up...

11:41am Sept 2nd, 2010. Several hundred people forming a "peace" sign around the Man

Here's hoping there are more to come. Many thanks to Jeffrey Johnson for his efforts on this project!


Anonymous said...

There's also a "Hi" near 8:00 on the Esplanade. Thanks so much for the picture! I'm having fun discovering the things people did for this shot (and trying to remember what the hell I was doing Thursday morning).

Anonymous said...

At 3:30 and "I" we formed a large "N" next to the Neverwas Haul.


Anonymous said...

Much as I love the effort and all, that peace symbol seems to have sprouted an extra spoke! Also, where on the pic might I find the palm tree? I embiggened the one at the link you posted but could make out no such shape. And lastly, what shape were those people trying to make towards the end of the film (when the camera girl was talking to the ranger)?

DaBomb said...

Hi, so I'm the camera operator and since the playa name "Camera Girl" is already taken just call me "Bomb".

So here's a link to the "palm tree" shape: http://trunc.it/b5lzz

As for the motley crew of rangers, I can't discern them from the satellite image either. They said they had no defined shape if you listen to the audio from what the ranger was saying. I know it was kinda hard to hear it though.

Zeitgeist said...

I'm the ranger they were talking to in the video. We were directly across the esplanade from Ranger HQ, which is about 2oclock in center camp (the U shaped area.) The folks laying down are visible as a faint loop.

Unknown said...

I see the OrphanEaters camp at 7:35 & Istanbul, on the side of the street away from the Man! I see the huge cargo parachute in the camp with a ring of trailers, tents, domes, and the Cookie Van!

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