At the beginning. (photo by Veganskater)
More for myself then anybody else, although I'm hoping that others take an interest, I decided to chronicle the "Minty Fresh Gift Ring" that was my installation in the Center Camp Cafe. It started out life as a way to do something with all the used Altoid™ tins I had in the back of my car. What can I say, minty fresh breath is a priority in my life. Basically nobody (that I know of) knows how to recycle them and we hate to throw them out and have them become part of a landfill somewhere. So, instead I decided to upcycle them and hopefully have some fun too.
Before the burn I loaded up all the chambers with little gifts, some were custom glass pieces that I had made, some were little treasures that I had held onto for years and decided to part with (like my dragon claw) and some were merely quarter (actually it's more like 50 cents to a buck these days) toys found in vending machines. Then set up the rules, periodically visit it to make sure it hadn't fallen completely into disrepair (which it did now and then) and wait till the end when I could clean it out and see what wonderful treasures I ended up with.
So here is at least a partial list of what I ended up with in no particular order:
Three condoms of various shapes and sizes.
Rolling Papers, a C02 canister and some sort of concentrated energy drink (there may also have been something extra with the loose rolling paper... but it was long gone by the time I opened the ring up) :)
A tampon, some fake tree leaves, a prayer card, finger light, a button and a googly eye.
A sticker a barrette and a smiley face coin purse.
A plastic bracelet, a burningman handmade necklace, a rubber bracelet, a pom pom and an ear ring with no back.
Two packs of (interesting) gum, a handful of Starburst™, a mini Twix™ Bar, several pieces of gum and two Emergen-C® type packets.
And then some of my favorites :)...
Like a mini carabiner from a camp who's name I still can't read.
A handmade patch that says "you are loved". ♥
a little handmade clay Santa head.
And the one that confuses me the most... a little crystal heart in a bag with a note (written on a piece of a cigarette pack) that just says "Bring better gifts and come next year!"
Out of the initial 32 chambers only 26 survived and came home with me... I'd like to hope that the others became ash trays for those who were not otherwise prepared.
So that's it... if you had an experience with the ring... good, bad, indifferent... I'd love to hear about it. I kept a few of my favorite things out of the loot and the rest I put right back into the ring in the hopes that it will show up again some time. Let me know what you thought.
And much minty fresh good luck to all.
P.S. and feel free to share this with anybody else who you know who had something fun happen with the MFGR as well... I left it open to everybody.
I used the Minty Fresh Gift Ring myself, quite fun. Took a bit to reason out how the chain actually worked then AHA! I put in a dice and card game I made that converts the playa to a board game. Hopefully someone took a good long random walk after randomly choosing my tin. I spent an extra five minutes reassembling the chain, some of the lid hinges had come undone so I fixed them. If you painted them in two colors, alternating them, then people might grok the whole chain thing easier and apply less stress to the device. A nice way to do this, far better than a pile of loose playa bling.
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