27 April 2010

Xray Image of @Danger_Ranger's Frankenstein Hand #burningman

Danger Ranger just tweeted an xray image of his hand earlier this evening. He tweets:
Microsurgey[sic]: bones pinned, tendons, arteries, nerves, skin stitched together. Frankenstein Hand.
Maybe you should follow him on Twitter 'cuz the dude can tap out his own reports! :)

As Hippy Steve put it: "[It] looks like thumb and index finger weren't affected. M2 will ride again." I think I'm going to faint now.

Get well soon, M2!


Rhino said...

I sent M2 (Danger Ranger) a tweet on behalf of the entire tribe that said the following:

"Glad to see you up and tweeting! The Burningman Tribe on Tribe.net wishes you a hearty "GET HEALED SOON!"

He doesn't normally answer tweets from folks he doesn't know, but I don't blame him. His latest post: "My hospital bed has a Pain Eject button: direct to the vein. " Good drugs. And legal, too. You can't blame the man. The previous tweet was " On pain scale of 1 to 10, I have done ten."

So, that's all the news that is news for the day. And I got it directly from Danger Ranger's tweets.

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