This has been cut and pasted from a blog set up for Hollis Hawthorne:
For those of you who know Hollis, she has been in a motorcycle accident in Pondicherry, India.
There was a motorcycle in front of her with three passengers that skidded out, and she either swerved to avoid them or ran into them. She was wearing a helmet. Her friend Harrison was on the scene to give her CPR until the ambulance arrived. This happened on wednesday 2/25/09.
The main damage to her body is brain stem damage with a skull fracture at the back of her head. Her ear was cut pretty badly, and she had some major blood loss.
Update on Hollis:
She is still in a coma and she is not breathing on her own since the accident. Her vital signs are stabilized. Her fluids and body are being monitored through her heart. Her lung has not collapsed. Her brain is no longer hemorrhaging. She is reacting to stimulus, so gifts with smells or sounds help. Her body is becoming ridged and shaky. She is out of emergency room where other people were dying and in a hospital room.
A fund will be set up through a website to cover cost and needs.
For more information follow the blog that has been set up for her: http://friendsofhollis.blogspot.com/
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