30 September 2008
BURNcast.TV #37 - Adrian Roberts from Piss Clear
29 September 2008
Peter Hudson's Tantalus is Coming to L.A. Decom
My friend Peter Hudson has made some of the MOST amazing stroboscopic zoetrope art installations the playa has ever seen including the "Playa Swimmers", "Sisyphish", "Deeper" and "Possession".
His latest creation entitled "Tantalus" is coming to L.A. Decom and it requires some assistance.
"I don't want see another death by zoetrope," once said our friend Otto, the project manager and fundraising director behind Peter's last tour de force: the fanfuckingtastic monkey-themed installation that wowed the crowds at last year's Burn called "Homouroboros".
Well BURNcast totally agrees. Moreover we revoke the call for "safety third" and instead put a shout out for more safety monitors! It means this installation needs volunteers to help put it together on Friday. If you can help, send an email to volunteers@la-burningman.org
Until then, you may be interested in listening to an interview BURNcast did with Peter last year which is also available for download for free in iTunes:
BURNcast #40 - Mischief. Mayhem. Monkeys.
Published on May 08, 2007
SoCal Decompression Update!
Mission Control crew is feverishly working right now to ready the launch site for all of you. Please remember gates open at 12 Noon on Friday October 17th and close at 5 PM on Sunday October 19th, no exceptions. We will post the Survival Guide for the mission very soon on the website.
We wanted to share our most precious gift of creativity with the inhabitants of Mars. A call went out for artists ready to bring on the art, and they did it! Your Mission Control Crew are excited to announce the just released list of amazing recipients of the San Diego Burning Man Community Art Decom Art Grants for SoCal Decom 2008:
1. Don't Look: By Paul Douglas
2. Flyin" Saucer: By Hatfield
3. The ART Art project: By Vitaly
4. The Golden Case: By Spike
5. A Drop-in Life Drawing/Painting Studio: Whim
6. The Living Room: By Taz and Cooper
7. Cabbage Patch Kids Air Cannon and Shooting Gallery: Maguyver
8. The Art Creation Station: Kiwi & Bet~C
9. The "Exquisite Corpse" Lifesize flipbook: Catspiracy
10. Xxtreme Greatness Corporation (XGC): Matthew Lust
See you on Mars!
Communications Officer
So-Cal Decompression
28 September 2008
You know you wanna hit it!
Los Angeles Decom 10/4/2008

Welcome to the 6th annual LA Decompression Festival at its new location the Los Angeles State Historical Park at 1245 N. Spring St, 90012 -- In between Spring and Broadway in China Town right below the China Town Metro Rail terminal (so ride the metro)
We will be celebrating the art and music of Burning Man from Noon till midnight with 7 stages and over 45 theme camps and art installations.
$10 in costume or with a Metro Rail pass/ $20 in street wear
Children under 12 are free
Limited Secured parking will be available on site for $10 so please CARPOOL. The lot entrace it at the North end of the park off of Baker St. Or the best is to ride the Metro (please check schedule for times) and enter the South end of the park.
Alcohol is not allowed in the park except for the TWO designed bar areas, so please leave your flask at home.
We would like to thank the California State Parks for allowing us to play in their park.
LA Decom Team
24 September 2008
Give Thanks - An Update by RandomLeeKind
From RandomLeeKind:
I Give Thanks for you and all that you add to the world. October 13th, 2007 my friend/brother Otto Schutt was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon cancer, he had just turned 40.
Otto became an inspiration for so many cancer survivors. He had a diet of raw foods, walked a few miles every day and even walked to and from most chemo treatments (about 6 miles). We had an epic snowboarding trip in February where we took the now famous “Fuck Cancer” photo.
In March Otto had finished his 4th round of chemo. We surprised him with a gathering of friends and supporters at the Golden Gate Bridge in what turned out to be a 8 mile hike, not for the faint of heart. We all wore banners with Love, Hope and Gratitude and walked with Otto’s favorite slogan, Give Thanks. Otto was the first person across both directions and it was very difficult for people to believe he still had cancer. Give Thanks.
Otto looked forward to getting back to his charity work once the cancer chapter was finished. Be it sending 75 inner-city girls to Summer Camp every year, working with Kiva to help seed businesses in the 3rd world or helping organize the Power to the Peaceful Music Festival with nearly 60,000 participants, Otto is a force of nature that has touched many lives in such a positive way. Give Thanks.
In April we had a bit of a setback when the cancer savagely attacked Otto’s liver. From his hospital bed he found the Love Hope Strength organization and he asked me to make contact so that we would have a trip to look forward to doing together after he kicked some cancer butt!
As Otto said, Cancer doesn’t play fair. As things started to get increasingly worse I told Otto we would do Peru even if I have to carry him. We had traveled to many points on the globe and I wanted this to be his victory lap and a chance to celebrate the enduring spirit of this great man. Unfortunately, on May 27th Otto lost his battle with cancer and left a huge hole in many hearts.
I am keeping my promise to carry him to Machu Picchu. It seems only fitting as this trip will also support a foundation so closely in tune with Otto’s passion. My goal is to raise $7,500. That may not seem like a lot in American standards but it is amazing what your donation will do in a country like Peru. Give Thanks! Your tax deductible donation will go to purchasing equipment for screening and treating cancer patients in Peru.
Please donate what you can and continue to live in a spirit of gratitude. Again, I Give Thanks for you and your support.
22 September 2008
21 September 2008
18 September 2008
Lady Bee Resigns!
Yes, it's true.
I have resigned from my position as art Curator. I've had my job for ten years, and it's time for me to pass it on. I've been recruited by www.newzonia.com, a new online community based on creative collaboration and global philanthropy, to be their Global Arts Curator. The site will establish the "philanthropic economy" and will connect creative people globally in a collaborative 3D environment. BRAF can benefit from this as well as our other non-profits, and I hope to do a lot of good in the world in my new position. And I hope many of you will get involved. There will be more information on the site soon.
I'll miss all of you, and please know that you've all made my life very interesting over the last decade! I hope to bring all the skills I've acquired here to my new work, which can benefit all of us. I'm going to continue to work at the office until mid-October, so that I can finish my post-event work. My last day in the office will be October 17. While I'll be leaving the office, I'm not leaving the community, and I won't be far away - just over at Fourth and Townsend. I look forward to continuing to be involved with the art of Burning Man, and the organization, in some way.
I"m very excited about my new job and I hope you'll all go to the site and sign up for your passports!
17 September 2008
15 September 2008
Colbert Report: Burning Man Festival Confusion
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Burning Man Festival Confusion | ||||
www.colbertnation.com | ||||
13 September 2008
12 September 2008
11 September 2008
LeCouteur speaks out on Crimson's failures
From: TW <ted@bearclawfire.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 12:58 PM
Subject: [fireconclave shin2008 list] Some things to consider [an open letter]
To: fireconclave shin2008 list
Crimson, when I spoke to you [briefly] Monday, you said you would be sending a letter to everyone explaining the cancellation of the Conclave this year. I considered this in the 12 hour drive back and think there are some things worth noting.
My heart was broken when we could not perform on Saturday. Not for myself, of course. You and I can get gigs whenever we want them; I'm sure many of the Pyronaughts enjoy a similar status. And some of the conclave groups are also performance troupes with regular gigs. But not all. LAFC is just such a group, and I'm fairly certain there are others. In fact, not only do we have performers who get a chance to perform for an audience only once a year, but we have some members who only attend the Burn to perform grand performances in the scale afforded by that much open space. It is for these people I weep. Not to mention the members who made unique costumes or props that either cannot be used next year (because of turn-over) or were damaged in the crush. And let's not forget that All members have to radically alter their partying schedule to insure a sharp mind and sobriety for burn night while others around them enjoy utter debauchery.
Though I find myself in a strangely Zen state about this year's event, I know there are still performers practically frothing at the mouth. I urge you to take the time to fully address this issue for them. Often, the trails of your day seem to intercede in your writing, causing clipped ideas and terse comments on important topics. In this address, we won't accept phrases like "we'd have lost our window", we'll need to know what the window is, who defined it, what kind of enforcement comes with it, etc. Similarly, you have doubtlessly heard comment about the 45 minutes we were forced to endure, sitting, silent, while the man was completed, pre-burn. That will need addressing. And finally, I'm sure some people would like to be informed why they were told they could perform their routines to the backs of people's heads (especially when the post-crush hours are, traditionally, free renegade time that cannot be stopped by any enforcement attempt). Even I still feel the sting of that slap.
To smooth out the troubles mentioned above, I thought that a simple refund to those members who paid for tickets would be in order. But as I pondered this for a while, I now believe that the wiser move would be for you to offer free tickets to those who return next year. That way, there might BE a returning conclave.
And finally, I would like to formally suggest that you relinquish some of your duties in the Org. As the event grows, each of the tasks you perform must also grow, and this is clearly taking a toll upon you. Please take some time to evaluate your favorite or most necessary duties and think about releasing some to other members of the Burning Man staff.
)^( )^( )^( )^( )^( )^(
Please support NAFAA
@-->-->--- ---<--<--@ EJ "Tedward" LeCouteur Bearclaw Manufacturing http://www.bearclawfire.com
10 September 2008
09 September 2008
08 September 2008
Critical Dicks at Burning Man 2008
From Tribe.net:
The Critical Dicks March began as a male response to the glorious annual Critical Tits bike ride, which of course is a take-off on the famous Critical Mass bike ride, which in turn is a pun on the nuclear physics term for the amount of a radioactive substance required to begin spontaneous nuclear fission, which was discovered by a bunch of scientists like Albert Einstein, who, for the most part had DICKS. (OK, Marie Curie was a notable exception, but she was HOT. Talk about a nuclear family!) So ya see, what comes around, goes around.
The Critical Dicks March welcomes all genders: Male, Female, Transsexual, Intersexual, Pansexual, Gay, Bi, Straight, and Bent. However, if you are not naturally blessed with a dick, please bring a long a reasonable fucsimile.
07 September 2008
Chris and Nati's Drunk in the Desert Tour '08
Our North American and shameless marinated leg, we rest trashed at this year's BM and endeavor to keep our drink going...
Reality BMTV by Rich Wells
Reality BMTV. An art installation designed for Burning Man 2008. The theme of this years festival was American Dream. The installation was designed as an optical illusion, giving the people of Black Rock an opportunity to interact with the art piece and have their '15 minutes of fame'.
satlans PART 1
The title sequence was a bit long, pro'ly because I don't read hebrew. But hang in there.
06 September 2008
Where the hell is Julie?
This pro'ly my most favorite video so far. Wait for an amazing shot at around the 2:30 mark.
UPDATE: 9/6/08 16:20 - Julie was away for a bit. But she's back, with new and improved video playback. Thank you! Burn on, sister!
The Loyd Family Players
the loyd family players daily get together on a desert and sing about thier favorite ocean creatures in order to get thier creative juices flowing to practice for samba music
the loyds give a little lesson on how to really embrace those beautiful moments out here in walk in.
karisha and sarah lead us in a burning man devotional. they are about to be huge in certain music sub genres and some select small countries so i feel totally privledged to have this video of back when
chillin up in Mis T. karisha and sarah are going at it with thier original drone jamalicious, mike is keeping the vines going and oh, hello
Upcoming in the Los Angeles Burner Community
Picture Me Dust Bowling (Burning Man 2008)
Picture Me Dust Bowling (Burning Man 2008)
from Chris Garcia
40 mile an hour winds and 5 hour long sandstorms weren't going to stop us from enjoying our second to last day on the Playa. This video is a tribute to my beautiful friends in commemoration of the best week of our lives (so far;).
We did it!
Title by Amy Nicholson (apologies to Tupac).
05 September 2008
Burning Man: Basura Sagrada Temple by giles goat boy
Burning Man: Basura Sagrada Temple
From giles goat boy:
"The temple, which burned on Sunday night. Shot just before the whiteout on Saturday. With a melancholy soundtrack from Burial, Julee Cruise, and Angelo Badalamenti.
Burners devoted the temple to people who they lost that year - family, friends, and lovers who had passed away. (And one well-missed dog.) Pictures of the departed, and messages to them, covered most of the structure."
Burning Man 2008: What is Burning Man?
Two hot boyz Jack and Drew give a little tour of THE PLAYA at Burning Man 2008. See also http://drewjemilo.blogspot.com
I Have An American Dream - 2008 Essay

I still have so much to process. Unfortunately, the decompression is coming TOO fast and furious this year. The thick cultural smog is more than I can handle.
read more of "I Have An American Dream..."
UPDATE: Los Angeles Decom - 4 October 2008
Music & Arts Festival
October 4th Noon to Midnight
Los Angeles State Historical Park
1245 N. Spring Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90012
5 Stages of Live Entertainment, Tons of Arts and Activities for all ages
$10 in costume
$20 in street wear
(children under 12 free)
Complete info, photos, schedule, parking info at
Call for Participation
For Art Installation: art@la-burningman.org
For Theme Camps: camps@la-burningman.org
For performers, bands, djs: perform@la-burningman.org
The LA Decom Team.
Green Guy
According to shalgo9000: "Came across this guy at the wild west saloon somewhere around C and 5:30 at Burning Man. Tom asked this guy how he drinks with the suit on, and he said "I just kindof aim for my mouth and pour it through the suit"
Bootie Mashup Saturday 9/6/08 @ The Echoplex
UPDATE: The winners for the three free admittance to tomorrow's Bootie are Istari, Quin and Annemarie.
Winners will be determined by the email notification we receive from Blogger. First come first served. Be sure to leave a way to notify you if you've won by linking to your website, profile or sending us an e-mail at burncast(at)gmail.com
Burning Man 2008 Time Lapse Legends of America and Temple Burn by James Cole
Updated on Friday Sept 5 2008 at 13:30. Thanks James!
The Wheel of Thwarted Ambition by Anton Viditz-Ward
The "Wheel of Thwarted Ambition" is artist Anton Viditz-Ward's latest gift to the playa for 2008.
Below is a brief recording with Viditz-Ward talking about his installation "Fire Spinner" at Burning Man 2007. Recorded 31 August 2007 in Black Rock City.
04 September 2008
My milkshake is better than yours because I got it at McEnlightenment.
Besides last year was better than yours, too!
Burning Man 2008 - dust storm in VW Bus Camp
This is a tip of the hat to my ol' homies at VW Bus Camp. As a former Vanagonomaniac (circa 2002-2004) I empathize with any burner who treks out to the playa in a VW bus.
Burning Man 2008: Flaming Tuba Man
This is David Silverman, whom we've interviewed for the BURNcast audio podcast a few years back.
BM08: The giant robotic arm
"The Hand of the Man" was created by Christian Ristow. It's actuated by a human hand placed inside a glove. It then mimics the movements made within the glove. Fucking tight!