At what point is it OK to prank people? Is it ever OK to prank people?
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This is an unofficial website. BURNcast is independently produced by burners for burners. It is offered as a gift to the Community (drink!!!). Our podcasts, vidcasts and blog are not intended to represent Burning Man in virtual reality or actual reality. The views expressed on BURNcast may or may not reflect that of the BMorg or the Black Rock City LLC and we're not affiliated with the Cult of Larry.
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Hey Da Bomb, wish I could see your face! But then, anonymity is something I understand and respect.
You're trying to tell me that all that stuff in (for example) PissClear might have been... pranks? God, then I'm glad they shut it down. I kept buying Nike shoes and Absolut vodka thinking they were really hip corporations because they advertised to the Burning Man crowd. No, all pranksters need to learn that they are harassing the average consumer by sowing confusion and requiring "critical thought—" an distasteful activity in which no consumer should be required to engage.
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