30 September 2007
Robin Forman's 50 Cent Tour of Burning Man - Part 11
Check out the latest installment: This is Why it's Called Burning Man
(Although Robin has seen her first official burn, her series is not done. A few more parts remain. To read the preceding part, please go here. The next part will be posted soon. )
(Although Robin has seen her first official burn, her series is not done. A few more parts remain. To read the preceding part, please go here. The next part will be posted soon. )
29 September 2007
Greening Utopia
In today's SF Chronicle, Zahid Sardar writes: "When it comes to artful eco-conscious living and improving life, Denmark's new biennial Index design award - and not Burning Man - shows the way."
Read more here.
Read more here.
28 September 2007
Robin Forman's 50 Cent Tour of Burning Man - Parts 9 & 10
The saga continues:
- Robin's Adventures at Burning Man, Part IX - Dorothy was a Sissy
- Robin's Adventures at Burning Man, Part X - Dressing for the Ball
Putt Putt Playa!
5560 - The Laminated Man
5560 - The Laminated Man
Originally uploaded by DangerRanger
I received one of these laminates as a gift on the playa this year. Danger Ranger's comments are worthy of note.
Originally uploaded by DangerRanger
27 September 2007
Who the hell is John Law?
![]() |
Photo Scott Beale/Laughing Squid |
This past summer, some people began to wonder: "Was John Law right?" after he posted this blog.
Time to decide, kiddies.
Through the Eyes of Burners
From my gal Bronwen:
"For a couple of years now I've been pondering how to answer the question "What is Burning Man?" The answers can depend on the day, your mood, how much coffee you've had... My favorite way to explain it is like a return to childhood: you get up in the morning, pick your costume for the day, jump on your bike, ride over to a friend's place, jump on their trampoline, eat some candy or share lunch, then ride off into the back yard to play for the rest of the day (or night).
In July we were over at a friend's place and someone mentioned a book they'd heard about containing people's deepest secrets. The author had collected postcards from these people with their secrets, which he then published. Well, I would like to do something very similar to find out what Burning Man means to the people who have been (and those who live it year-round and make it what it is). I had 1,000 post cards printed before Burning Man but I didn't give out very many because I was too shy! I would love for this project to take off and have people share their thoughts, experiences, art, photographs etc for a coffee table book. One of the objectives of the book is to explain what Burning Man is to the people who go and through those shared experiences answer the question "What is Burning Man?" Another is to give a multi-point perspective on the event and dispel a lot of the media myths that get us inundated with "frat boys".
In order to make this work, I need your help! Please share your stories with me and spread the word about this project to your friends. I have many of these post cards and would love the opportunity to mail you one for yourself or many to share with people you know. Without you guys sharing your stories, this cannot be a success so I thank you all in advance for your involvement. You can keep track of the project here: www.tteob.blogspot.com. "
So how's about it?! PARTICIPATE!
Amsterdam Picnic seeks to change the world
Uncork your brain. Picnic is not only a conference. Picnic is a festival. A week of fresh creative ad innovative ideas that takes place this weekend in Amsterdam. Gezellig!
A new article from RTE.ie says:
A new article from RTE.ie says:
Picnic is a grown-up version of Burning Man - with more dealmaking and posher accomodations. Not everyone here is looking for profits. Many are here to change the world. Others just to play.....
Both Burning Man and Picnic hope to change the world. After 17 years, Burning Man has arguably not done so in any large scale way, perhaps because 'Burners' are too hot or too 'buzzin' to turn their ideas into constructive action....
Erik Davis on Burning Man
Author Erik Davis posts two very well written blogs about this year's burn and Paul Addis' involvement, of which he calls an act of "Poetic Terrorism".
By invoking that phrase , I recognize Davis to be a veteran burner. "Poetic Terrorism" and "Temporary Autonomous Zone" were Cacophany Society concepts (accredited to Hakim Bey) that had initially attracted me to the event back in the late '90's. They were part of the vernacular and experience of Black Rock City that many other veterans lament is missing from the Burning Man of today.
Says Davis:
Erik Davis is an award-winning journalist, independent scholar, and “performance lecturer” based in San Francisco. He is the author "TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information" a cult classic of visionary media studies that has been translated into five languages. His essays on art, music, technoculture, and contemporary spirituality have appeared in over a dozen books, including AfterBurn: Reflections on Burning Man. For many years he was a contributing writer at Wired, and he is now the editor-at-large for Evolver magazine.
By invoking that phrase , I recognize Davis to be a veteran burner. "Poetic Terrorism" and "Temporary Autonomous Zone" were Cacophany Society concepts (accredited to Hakim Bey) that had initially attracted me to the event back in the late '90's. They were part of the vernacular and experience of Black Rock City that many other veterans lament is missing from the Burning Man of today.
Says Davis:
"I first showed up at Burning Man in 94, when the event was ugly, deranged, and totally transformative: cacophony and suicide and discordia rolled into one mobile feast of AK-47s, mescal, and cigars. Larry Harvey may not care for the term, but I believe in the temporary autonomous zone. I felt it; I was there.
Don't get me wrong: I am not pulling an elitist move or claiming the festival was "better" back then. It wasn't. I remain continuously amazed at its evolution. I am fascinated by the fiery city. But those years catalyzed such bizarre ruptures of reality that they demand a fidelity that I and some quasi-jaded old-school Burners who still attend the festival cannot and will not shake.
My sadness these last few weeks is mostly a recognition of how many of today's Burners do not share that fidelity, which in retrospect makes Addis' act even more meaningful to me than the poetic prank it seemed that Monday night."

Robin's Adventures at Burning Man, Part VIII
The eighth installment is up. It's called "Rainbow Songs".
26 September 2007
Burning Man and the Global Community (drink!)
Burning Man 2007: Dancing At De-Menthas - Watch the best video clips here
Word from some international friends is that Burning Man is the new Ibiza.
Is that so?
Some recent international blogs about Burning Man:
Burning Man: Art in the Desert
As posted on FORA.TV:
Burning Man: Art in the Desert
Book Passage
Corte Madera, CA
Sep 15th, 2007
A. Leo Nash presents Burning Man: Art in the Desert.
For one week in August the Burning Man Festival in Nevada's Black Rock Desert brings people together in a spirit of self-reliance and creativity. Nash has been creating a photographic document of this gathering for more than a decade, culminating in this visually stunning collection - Book Passage
Superoverlay 2.0.1
From Valery Hronusov blog, who took that fabulous aerial shot of this year's BRC, comes this update.
Black Rock the vote on the "American Dream" theme!
Kitten from Comfort & Joy Camp just sent a link to the poll that's taking place on ePlaya.
Here's what he wrote:
Here's what he wrote:
hey folks... Let's do something about 2008's horrible theme, which has made everyone I know violently ill.
Yes we can all survive by ignoring it & focusing on alternative themes like Passion or Robot Monkeys, but seriously, I think we really need to have more community input during the theme selection process, that's for SURE.
Let's help provide that input.....
Right now there's a poll on eplaya about the 2008 theme. The results right now are 79% think it's "Lame. Lame. Lame" or "Sort of Lame." 7% think it's "Good enough", 12% "Brilliant".
But only 200-something people have voted.
How can we get the Borg to rethink how they select themes is no one is voting?
So go vote yourself.
NOW: http://eplaya.burningman.com/viewtopic.php?t=21654
A Toast to the Art [Cars] of Burning Man

A collection of art car photos as seen in Auto Motto.
MullingItOver is the featured photographer and you can find more of his work on Flickr.
Our Lady of Grace

Andie Grace (aka ActionGrl) is BMorg's manager of communications. She works hard at what she does and she does a fab job. Here she's looking pretty and pretty preggy at this year's Burning Man. She's featured in SmithMag's "Beautiful Pregnant Women" series.
Congrats to Andie and Tom!
Robin's Adventures at Burning Man, Part VII
This is multi-episode blog series about Burning Man from Robin Forman. Click here to read the the seventh installment entitled "Once Upon a D Tablet".
Are you digging these posts? I sure am. This quote had me laughing:
Well. Halloween. On. Acid. That's a new one.
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Are you digging these posts? I sure am. This quote had me laughing:
"Now, imagine this: You’re on an intoxicant that’s brand new to you and making your heart race. You know too much of this stuff can kill. So severe anxiety sets in, partially in your head and partially because of the intoxicant. And you’re in the center of a fabricated city in the middle of the desert surrounded by people dressed up like it’s “Halloween on Acid.”"
Well. Halloween. On. Acid. That's a new one.
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25 September 2007
Skypecast follow up
Well, once again that was interesting. Skype is still in beta and it shows. Since the summer, which was the last time we attempted to do a skypecast, their forums are still showing customer dissatisfaction (and I might add "bitter" and "harsh" as adjectives to describe the postings) with this service. Eh, bien.
After a bunch of trials and errors and what seemed like a chinese fire drill, we did get it...er...up! :)
For those of you that had the patience, thanks for sticking around. I actually had to work (yes I have this weird profession with weird hours) so I left. But Lecter stayed and this is his report: "Stayed in until 11:05 p.m. .... at one point eleven people were in the room. Chatted with a New Zealander and two Australians."
Hopefully the next time we do this the bugs will be fixed. Until then...cheers!
After a bunch of trials and errors and what seemed like a chinese fire drill, we did get it...er...up! :)
For those of you that had the patience, thanks for sticking around. I actually had to work (yes I have this weird profession with weird hours) so I left. But Lecter stayed and this is his report: "Stayed in until 11:05 p.m. .... at one point eleven people were in the room. Chatted with a New Zealander and two Australians."
Hopefully the next time we do this the bugs will be fixed. Until then...cheers!
Newsom's Top Advisor Contributes to Chicken John Campaign

For you non-San Francisco burners here's a goodie: Chicken John, a long time member of our community (drink!) is running for the office of mayor. Today in the SF Examiner says of the candidate:
"He is the only mayoral candidate — in a race in which Newsom is considered to have no serious competition...."
So why did a top advisor to Gavin Newsom (the current mayor) contribute to Chicken John's election campaign? Because his brain was fried!
Read all about it here.
DJ Jesus Goes to Burning Man

Here's a hilarious video from Adult Swim. If you liked Malcolm in the Middle, we think you'll love this one, too.
Although he hasn't updated for years, Julian Cash's "Supersnail" BM portraits are always inspirational to me. I got lost cruising through old galleries today. By taking the playa people out of the playa environment, he seems to highlight their brilliance.
Check out his David Best portrait from 2001:

more supersnail
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Check out his David Best portrait from 2001:

more supersnail
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Robin's Adventures at Burning Man, Part VI
This is multi-episode blog series about Burning Man from Robin Forman. Click here to read the the sixth installment "The Mailman".
BURNcast #057 - I Have An American Dream
In today’s episode we talk to veteran burner and all American guy Mac Maker and virgin Burner and Brazilian gal Cynthia about “the American dream” the new theme for Burning Man 2008.
24 September 2007
Burning Man Stories:Parts 1-3 by Nasu Dengaku

A great blog series by Nasu Dengaku highlighting this year's burn.
Episode 1 - Settlers game finished!
Episode 2 - Dust, rain, supernumerary rainbows, and nipply goodness
Episode 3 - The Star of Orion
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Everybody likes free stuff!
Some person's schwag is another person's living. It's a gift!
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Looking back with green colored glasses

Chlorophyll Collective's installation at Entheon Village.

Envision Solar's Bob Noble (L), talking up his company's
LifePort carports in an interview
A few articles about the greening of the burn:
From Carbon Tech:
- Carbon and algae from the playa to you. This article features the Chlorophyll Collective which had an exhibit in the pavilion.
- Partying to biodiesel. This article plugs one of the corporate sponsors of the green pavilion. Avert your eyes if this kinda thing offends your Burning Man partying ethics.
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BURNcast's Paul Addis Discussion Tomorrow on Skype
This coming tu-tu-Tuesday, Mr. Paul Addis will be arraigned at Pershing County Courthouse in Nevada for allegedly committing arson to the Burning Man effigy this year.
So BURNcast has scheduled a Skypecast to discuss it with the community ... drink! Skypecasts are large, hosted calls on Skype. Let your opinion be heard with a group of up to 100 other burners participating from anywhere in the world.

Let's talk about it! Was it art? arson? artson?
Get your tu-tu on and get out your shot glass. This Skypecast is scheduled for Tu-tu-Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. PDT . Click here for the details.
This is the second time we've schedule a Skypecast. The first one was a complete failure as I was unable to log-in to my account to moderate the discussion. Let's hope it works this time.
23 September 2007
Deep End Video (but so much more!)
Fantastic 7 minute video from the first stakes of The Deep End until the last fireball. And lots of great memories in-between.
22 September 2007
BURNcast Out Takes #2 - Found: John Cougar Mellen Camp!
In this out take, a follow up to our first one, we learn that a friend has found the camp he was looking for. We also hear more rumors!
NOmadjik Burning Man 07
21 September 2007
BURNcast Out Takes #1 - Looking for John Cougar Mellen Camp
So this is an out-take from Burning Man 2007. We were just about to record our discussion about the Green Pavillion when one of my friends who I met working on the art project "Green Shoes" came by to ask me a question. I'm hoping you can hear what it was. Forgive the audio quality!
How rumors get started.

I knew it!
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas since Burning Man™ may have to destroy itself to save the planet.
gibbon - Sep 21 2007, 9:21AM (†) (x)
I always though that Bunringman was about harshing peoples experience.
Side note for your consideration. This year a Hunter S Thompson obsessed nut suffering from mania with psychotic tenancies lit the man on fire. Consider, what is the full title of Hunter S Thompson most famous work?
Revvy - Sep 21 2007, 9:27AM (†) (x)
Go ahead, ask me what I do for a living.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream
I still prefer Songs of the Doomed: More Notes on the Death of the American Dream
Chai Guy - Sep 21 2007, 9:28AM (†) (x)
Taking, it's the new Gifting!
Nice catch there gibbon!
blyslv - Sep 21 2007, 9:30AM (†) (x)
"Kickboxing mental patients"
gibbon, are you saying that the Tri-Lateral Commission has taken over Burningman as part of their plot of WORLDWIDE Dommination?
Brad Templeton's Panoramas
A series of panos from this year's burn. Brad's also got them from years past, all the way to '98!
Collection of Interactive Installations Videos
The Design Llama has posted a great collection of videos from this year's burn highlighting some cool art including the Cubitron, Homouroboros, the Tarantula and the Spider car.
And now a word from our sponsor!
BURNcast is brought to you by Playazon -- your on-line resource for that burning sensation.

Playazon Dust-Storm-Proof Matches
Ever since our ancestors crawled out of the primordial ooze one of the first things they looked for in a potential mate was the ability to make fire. Hundreds of thousand of years later getting lucky still often depends on this basic skill. If you are trying to be the first to catch the attention of that walking pheromone with the unlit cigarette dangling from their mouth you better be prepared to do more than just stand around rubbing two sticks together. Which is why we recommend carrying a box of Playazon Dust-Storm-Proof matches with you at all times. These dustproof and windproof matches light and burn even when wet. Match can not be extinguished until chemical covering has completely burned out. Don't spend another year standing around spectating in a white out while everyone else on the playa gets to participate in the evolutionary process. Two boxes of 25 matches each. Extra strikers included.
Prepare for next year's burn and stock up today! Supplies are limited!
Remember: you gotta shop to burn!

Playazon Dust-Storm-Proof Matches
Ever since our ancestors crawled out of the primordial ooze one of the first things they looked for in a potential mate was the ability to make fire. Hundreds of thousand of years later getting lucky still often depends on this basic skill. If you are trying to be the first to catch the attention of that walking pheromone with the unlit cigarette dangling from their mouth you better be prepared to do more than just stand around rubbing two sticks together. Which is why we recommend carrying a box of Playazon Dust-Storm-Proof matches with you at all times. These dustproof and windproof matches light and burn even when wet. Match can not be extinguished until chemical covering has completely burned out. Don't spend another year standing around spectating in a white out while everyone else on the playa gets to participate in the evolutionary process. Two boxes of 25 matches each. Extra strikers included.
Prepare for next year's burn and stock up today! Supplies are limited!
Remember: you gotta shop to burn!
The Tao of Burning Man

Hail fellow burners!
DaBomb asked me to share this with you (download the PDF file at here).
It's a little booklet I wrote and gave away as a gift at Burning Man. It proposes that Burning Man is a "Taoist" event. Anyway, whether you're taoist or Buddhist or pagan or Christian, I hope you enjoy reading it.
Burning Man, it's not an event, it's an addiction...
20 September 2007
Sukkot Man
Rob Eshman,the editor-in-chief of the Jewish Journal posted this article comparing Burning Man to the festival of Sukkot. He's never been to the playa but says "I think I do know a little about the spiritual and communal power of Burning Man. Because I have Sukkot."
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha‑olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu leishev ba‑sukah.
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha‑olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu leishev ba‑sukah.
Tonight: I'm a superstar, radio star!!

divaD here! I've edited a few episodes of BURNcast as well as had the pleasure of co-hosting a show on the Playa-Burning Love coming up this season!
What did I learn? Tell me a romantic story about falling in love on the Playa and I will start blubbering like a baby! Ha! I have been to Burning Man the past 7 years and I am a fan of DaBomb's mini-hats. I DJ here in LA and am part of the LA Decom team.
Well, enough about me, let's talk about me! They don't call me the DIVA for nothing! Snap! he he he... Actually, tonight I am going to be on an internet radio show, Disciples of House, on In Soul We Trust Radio. So if you are around your computer from 8-9pm, have a listen.
Robin Forman's 50 Cent Tour of Burning Man, Part II
As first featured on our former blog on Myspace, comes this second installment of blogger Robin Forman's adventures at Burning Man.
The Burning Man Chronicles
A blog chronicling the event from 2001 on Juke. Takes me back to the good old days!
19 September 2007
Two Flames: The Story of Green Man 2007
Cross-posted with permission by Doctress Neutopia:
Two Flames: The Story of Green Man 2007
By Doctress Neutopia
Burning Man's founder, Larry Harvey, picked the theme for the annual 2007 festival as “Green Man,” which meant the ecological man. Artwork on the playa was designed to reflect the theme, building a world which lives in harmony with nature.
Actor and retired lawyer, Paul Addis, has been charged with a felony for lighting Burning Man's “Green Man” effigy on fire before the official scheduled time of its burn, September 1st. Instead, he chose to light it to coincide with a rare total lunar eclipse August 28th at 3:00 am. Lighting the fire to coincide with the lunar eclipse, defied patriarchal time, and moved us toward recovering our sacred alignment with the cosmos.
So, what were the reasons why Addis torched the Man? According at Wired interview he said, “The celebration of individual expression and community-building at the core of Burning Man has been lost in recent years as the event has become too "suburban." A spontaneous act like prematurely burning the Man was an attempt to recapture some of the original spirit of the event.”
By lighting the fire, Addis became the personification of Green Man. Burning the effigy during the eclipse took our collective memory back in time to the Neolithic era when the great festivals at architectural monuments such as Avebury, Stonehenge , and Newgrange were held in celebration of cosmic events such as lunar eclipses.
The defiant premature burning of the Green Man reminds me of the story of Saint Patrick. He realized that he would not be able to change the chiefdom system of Ireland by converting one person at a time to Christianity. He needed to make a big statement that would broadcast news about his Christian god, an action that would be talked about around the country long after his action occurred.
During the great annual festival on the Hill of Tara, Ireland 's spiritual and political center, the custom was for the king to light the paschal fire. Everyone in the valley was informed not to light a fire for the night until the king lit the festival's bonfire. The fire symbolized his power and chiefdom.
Patrick went to the Hill of Slane, a hilltop in view of Tara, and gathered wood to light a huge bonfire. Before the king could light the huge paschal fire, which could be seen for miles around, Patrick lit his fire defying the king's authority. Immediately, the king ordered his army to ride with him to the Hill of Slane to fight the army that was responsible for disobeying his word. When he arrived, he found one man, Patrick, who said he lit the fire to tell the world about the light of the love of God within him. The king was so impressed by his bravery, that instead of killing Patrick, he converted to Christianity.
So, you can see that I am in support of Addis' brave action. Setting the effigy on fire before Larry Harvey lit the match challenged his authority. Addis torch was the shamanic art of shifting energies. Perhaps Addis' performance has stirred up the Burning Man ashes so much so that something new and more meaningful has a chance to grow.
Responding to his unscheduled burn, bloggers voiced complaints similar to Addis in that the annual celebration has lost touch with radical self-expression and its spontaneous, subversive roots.
I can testify to the above sentiments because I was suppressed by the Burning Man establishment. In 2001, after attending Burning Man, I wrote a short story about my journey through the Nevada Test Site to Burning Man which ended on September 11, 2001. The theme of Burning Man that year was “The Ages of Man,” so my piece was an ecofeminist look at the Burning Man project.
After posting the story to my web site, I sent the link to the Burning Man editor, so that she could add it on the Burning Man web site page designed especially for stories that participants had written. But my link never appeared on their site. After sending numerous emails to the editor, it became apparent that my story was being actively ignored or censored by the Burning Man establishment.
My essay, and now, my campaign, is about moving the Burning Man festival from northern Nevada 's Black Rock desert south to the Nevada Test Site. The move is not only a symbolic protest against the immortal and stupid war in Iraq, and the commercial culture that supports it, but a protest for changing the direction and funding of the military industrial establishment away from war and armament production toward building a prototype arcology, an architectural theory developed by architect Paolo Soleri, one of the experts in Leonardo DiCaprio's 11 th Hour.
In a world that is heating up because of global warming, our only defense is to restructure civilization by building a network of car-free, toxic free, organic, high-tech/high touch, cradle to cradle industrial arcologies. If artists don't demand our money to be redirected so that we can build a truly creative, awe-inspiring society, who will?
Artists of the world need to come together to protest for the right to use our money and our state land to build 21 st century arcologies. To begin this process, what better place to start than by “Burning the Man” across from the Nevada Test Site where the biggest and baddest burns have been conducted? Isn't it time to Burn the Man at a place where the US government has wasted billions of dollars developing weapons of mass destruction, money that could have gone to assure our species' long-term survival by building sustainable arcologies on Earth and in Outer Space? What greater symbol of peace and love could there be than to take Black Rock City with its population of 40,000 people, to the Gates of Hell—the Nevada Test Site—and demand our money be re-channeled in a way that funds building a new world in an image of paradise?
So, it is time for the Burning Man organization to evolve to the next level of development. To do this takes the superpower of the people under the guidance of the “creative minority.” By overthrowing the US corporate military regime and replacing it with a vision of development that builds a model that fuses together sustainable city design (arcology) and radical creativity (Burning Man culture) there is a chance that artists could liberate the world.
Bringing Burning Man back to its subversive roots could cause shock waves throughout the world media. Burning Man could truly become a social movement that Harvey dreams about fusing art and politics for the transformation and salvation of humanity. To go up against the global corporate military regime, we need to fight fire with fire, symbol with symbol, religion with religion.
But, alas, as in the real world, the Burning Man staff didn't take time out to reflect and understand the significance of Addis' wise action. Instead, they called it a selfish publicity stunt. They rebuilt the Man so that the Saturday night's “Burn” could go on as scheduled. It seems their Green Man effigy was only “green washing.” Rebuilding it to re-burn it only caused more CO2 to be cast into our dying atmosphere and more forests were destroyed to provide more wood for the “ Green Man. ” Addis writes, “ Burning Man should stop the disingenuous Green Man immediately. It's all a lie. If you want to know how much a of a total lie it is, run a Google satellite photo of Burning Man right now and count the number of RVs there. And they're telling me it's an environmental movement? Bullshit. There are people sucking gas up there faster than they are passing it.”
Had Harvey, Burning Man's prophet, actually given up on community building and conflict resolution, and gone for profits as Addis claims? Unlike the tale of St. Patrick, I'm not suggesting that Harvey convert to Christianity, but instead, I'm asking him to find reverence for the sacred Earth, Gaia. Christianity devised the unnatural time system that is not aligned to stellar events which enslaves the world now. It is the Christian judicial system that puts Gaia loving, green environmental activists in prison for acting to save the global ecology. It is the system that arrested Addis and charged him with a 3,000 dollar bail.
What I am asking of Harvey is to rekindle his spontaneous, revolutionary, evolutionary, or lovolutionary roots within him, and rebel with all his heart and soul against the nuclear fire that could cause all of us to become burning people. I'm asking him to embrace the green Goddess within him and move on with the next phase of Black Rock City 's development, making it a sustainable model of a utopian arcology on Earth.
It's time for Harvey to follow the themes of the past two Burning Man festivals: the Green Man and the Utopian Man by finding the way to actualize them. If art can't be manifested into daily life, then the festival is phony. If Burning Man doesn't have a great social purpose for the good of the planet, it is nothing more than a hedonistic, nihilist week of superficial pleasure for the few who can afford the price of the ticket. For the Burning Man staff, the festival then becomes a ten million dollar a year money-making machine for them to live on for the rest of the year as Earth slowly suffocates.
We can transform Burning Man if we allow the royal art of city making to be liberated. By allowing the best and most noble ideas to lead the event, we can find a way to bring an end to nuclear terrorism by rebuilding the world using designs that unite sacred arcologies and radical self-expression.
Can you imagine the mass ecstasy and profound celebration of 40,000 people Burning the Man—the Nuclear Man—across from the Nevada Test Site? What a massgasm! The thought makes my mind radiate with supreme joy! It's fighting the ignorance of poison fire with the intelligence of sacred fire!
Addis stated that he torched the Man as a “reality check.” It's time for a Larry Harvey to cash that reality check, not bounce it.
Back on the MySpace blog, we posted some really cool videos by multimedia journalist Zach Wise for the Las Vegas Sun's blog. Wise's work is breathtaking!
Click here to see the archived slideshows and phenomenal panorama images of the Celtic Forest, Crude Awakening, the Big Rig Jig, the Steampunk Treehouse and lots, lots more!
Click here to see the archived slideshows and phenomenal panorama images of the Celtic Forest, Crude Awakening, the Big Rig Jig, the Steampunk Treehouse and lots, lots more!
The Burning Man Arson and the growth of Burning Man
Brad Templeton of the EFF blogs about this year's burn and suggests ways to improve the event and curb it's growth.
Click here to read.
Click here to read.
Slow Burn to Solstice -- Burning Basket Project in Alaska

Learn more about Mitchell's "Burning Basket Project” here.
Testing 1 - 2 - 3 !
Hello World!
This is a test of the new and improved BURNcast blog.
This blog will replace the BURNcast blog on MySpace.
Click here to be taken to the former MySpace blog.
This is a test of the new and improved BURNcast blog.
This blog will replace the BURNcast blog on MySpace.
Click here to be taken to the former MySpace blog.
17 September 2007
BURNcast #56 - The 8/28 BURNcast Report
This episode explores citizen or participatory media at Burning Man 2007 with focus on the coverage of the torching of the Burning Man effigy early in the week of the event by arson.
Included is:
- Brian Doherty reporting on “the morning after” the first burn;
- Word on the streets of Black Rock City as news and rumors spreads via word of mouth;
- Official statements from the Black Rock City LLC at the Burning Man press conference later that afternoon;
- BURNcast listener opinions about the alleged arsonist Paul Addis.
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