06 April 2009

Diva&DaBomb Show Ep01 - Call for Advice


moontroll said...

My advice is pretty general but totally crucial : expect the unexpected. Leave your preconceptions at home. Don't make any plans or agendas for your week on the playa. Just follow the ten tips or whatever in the survival guide so you won't die in the desert, and show up completely open to whatever comes your way, in whatever form, at whatever time. That is the best way to maximize your burn: openness, without preconceived notions!

also, bring foods that can don't have to be cooked -- quick snacks that are healthy and have protein that you can chow down on-the-go. your little camping tent won't survive without extra fortification and is best set up under a tarp or parachute for shade. earplugs for attempted sleep are essential. bring more water than you think necessary.

those are some survival tips, but having the right attitude of openness and flexibility is equally important!

also, you can get musically-prepared for the sounds of the playa by subscribing to my Destination Burning Man podcasts, available at http://www.destinationburningman.com/stuff/podcasts/index.html.

xo, moontroll

Jovia said...

Wear comfortable shoes!!

deckard said...

Learned this one the hard way last year: make sure your friends, when engaging in Chemical Olympics for the first time on the playa, don't put lemon juice in their camel pack while adventuring. herding a pack of snarly cats is easier than keeping your tripped out friends from making an ass out of themselves at the temple....and everywhere else they go. (But it does make for some precious moments)

rock on girls

-Captain Deckard

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