This episode features Peter Hudson, a self-described autodidact kinetic artist from the Bay Area who channels his technical and set design experience, childlike curiosity, and creative passion into life-size stroboscopic zoetropes. Known for his playa installations such as The Playa Swimmers, Sisyphish, and Deeper, his newest project entitled “Homouroboros” is set to come to Black Rock City this year.
Monkeys, the leader for the alternative theme for Burning Man 2007, is also featured in this episode.
As mentioned in this episode, contact information for Carol “Cryptofishy” Sachs is featured below:
Innsbruck Medical UniversityContact information for Killagrrrl is featured below:
Unfallchirurgie für Patientin Carol Sachs
Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck
Donna Piggott (Patient)
c/o San Francisco General Hospital
1001 Potrero Avenue, Ward 4B
San Francisco, CA 94110
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