15 August 2011

Burning Man 1997 - A Video Retrospective Series

Wow. This video really does take us back. Feather boas on the playa and Nambla the Clown???

1997 marked another major pivotal year Burning Man and the event almost didn't take place. Due to the accidents and deaths from the year before, it was considered too dangerous to continue in the same way. In order to manage the increased liability load, the organizers formed the Black Rock City, LLC. Also, new permit requirements were imposed with a ban on unrestricted driving implemented. Instead, the streets of Black Rock City were reconfigured into a grid and Burning Man was designed to be a pedestrian/bicycle/art car-only event.

For the first time that year Burning Man was held on private property. The location was Fly Ranch with the adjoining Hualapai mini dry lake-bed. This brought the event into the jurisdiction of Washoe County permitting, thereby circumventing issues with Pershing county and the BLM.   An issue arose with the Washoe County Sheriff's department taking over the gate, and impounding all monies  after the fire and protection fees are increased astronomically shortly before the event.

  • The Man is 50') tall.
  • Theme: Fertility
  • Attendance: 10,000
  • Theme camps 400+
  • Tickets: $65 (an increase of nearly double from the year before)

Above is a 360º view from a camp site at Burning Man 1997. 
Click mouse within image to scroll around the image. 
QuickTime required to view. Photo courtesy of SparkMedia.


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