28 August 2011

Live: Burning Man Webcast

25 August 2011

Law Enforcement at Burning Man: Know Your Rights #aclu

What should you do if you're pulled over by the police on the road to Burning Man? The above scene is an excerpt from "Busted: The Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Police Encounters" video created by FlexYourRights.org.

Flex Your Rights is dedicated to providing the general public with the finest educational media available for teaching people to understand, appreciate, and assert their constitutional rights during police encounters.

You can watch the entire video on YouTube below or download it via BitTorrent here.

Also handy is a this wallet "bust" card provided by the ACLU. It's an abbreviated manual of what every citizen should know in case they are stopped by the police for questioning, pulled over by the road, searched, or arrested.

ACLU Bust Card

UPDATE: How to Speak to Law Enforcement at Burning Man - Know Your Rights

Law Enforcement at Burning Man - Know Your Rights

24 August 2011

The Flat Smiley Project for Burning Man 2011

Flat Smiley Template Final

The Flat Smiley Project is collaborative new media project and community building activity for Burning Man 2011. Flat Smiley invites participants to befriend him and take him along on your travels to Black Rock City. Flat Smiley's message is: "No Burner left behind!" Using Flat Smiley is like sending a postcard from the playa for many burners who are not able to attend the event this year due to fact that Burning Man sold out. It's also a really fun project to get kids involved with, too.

To participate in the Flat Smiley project each participant is asked to download the Flat Smiley PDF file and then color and decorate it in an effort personalize it with their own creative flair. Then, very much like the "traveling gnome" prank in the movie Amelie, participants will take Flat Smiley to the playa and photograph and/or videotape him at various camps, art installations and famous city landmarks. 

Finally, participants will upload the files to the Flat Smiley Flickr pool, Facebook Fan Page or YouTube playlist.  Whatever method you use, be sure to tag them with the following tags: "flatsmiley" and/or "bm2011" (or hash tags "#flatsmiley" and/or "#bm2011" if you're using Twitter) to help us locate them in a search.

More at FlatSmileyProject.com

23 August 2011

RIP Rod Garrett - Black Rock City Designer/Planner #)'(


It is with a sad and heavy heart to announce the passing of Rod Garrett, Black Rock City's City Planner. Rod's duties included city planning and design, design of official structures, as well as production of illustrations and other graphics.

Rod first attended the event in ’95. He says he didn’t realize then that he'd go back to Burning Man again and again, much less end up designing a city for it.

"It started early in 1997, Burning Man had run smack into the stony face of bureaucracy. They had been holding their ever growing event on Federal land without issue, but this year they decided to use a site on private property, and County agencies had jurisdiction. The “book” was thrown, and I was asked to help, and so the odyssey began for me," said Garrett.

All we know about the situation at this time is from tweets by the Burning Man Earth Team including Ortelius who wrote "saddened by the passing of Rod Garrett :(" and by Nym who wrote "R.I.P. Rod Garrett, you were truly an inspirational figure. #burningman".

More updates as information becomes available.

20 August 2011

Burning Man 1998 - A Video Retrospective Series: "The Apotheosis of Crimson Rose"

This video requires QuickTime Plugin

"The Apotheosis of Crimson Rose," from producers Doug Jablin and Anthony Bondi, offers the sights and sounds of Burning Man 1998. Featured here are interviews with Maid Marian, Lady Bee, Fantuzzi, Flash, Dan Das Mann (talking about his installation "The One Tree"), Steve Heck, Waterboy, Wes Modes, Charles A. Gadeken and many more including Larry Harvey.

It's interesting to note that 10,000 pre-sale tickets were sold that year.  Maid Marian estimated about 3,000 more attendees would make it to Black Rock City but the official headcount turned out to be 15,000.

This slow moving video is like an afternoon bike ride on the open playa. It's hard to describe but it really illustrates how much Burning Man has changed. More naked people, lots of original one of a kind costuming, moar drumming and MOAR FIRE! If you were there, this is a must see because it is an utter t-rip.

  • The Man is 52' tall.
  • Theme: Nebulous Entity
  • Numbered streets and street signs on each corner are introduced
  • Attendance: 15,000
  • Tickets: $80-90

16 August 2011

BURNcast.TV #65 - Mountie Josh

BURNcast interviews Mountie Josh, a first time burner from Canada at the bar at Camp Fandango.  A few weeks after the burn he shared this essay about his experiences on the playa with us:

I just spent the last week waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Every person I know who’s ever been to Burning Man has described a decompression state, where “returning to the default world” as difficult as birthing in reverse.  They also describe some sort of epiphany that strikes them from on high, irrevocably changing their perspectives and making their lives weirder, wilder and richer. 

But no such thing has happened to me.  I was working at one of my day jobs 8 hours after getting back to Toronto, and I was having no issues adjusting-- and that blue lightning bolt from the gods never struck.  The trip to Burning Man, the environment, the lack of sleep, the heat, the art.. all of these things were memorable but hardly life changing.

Did I get short-changed, somehow?  Did I spend so much time focusing on the event that I missed the experience?


A combination of poor eating, hydration and altitude sickness had me in a very odd space early on in the event.  The whole thing was just so damn huge.  There were people on the Playa whom I loved and adored and hoped to use as my touchstone, but in the sea of 49,000 people, the tides of the event kept us apart.

It took a monumental effort to break the rut I was in and force myself back into the event without the safeguards I’d previously been depending upon.  The best I could do is wander along the Esplanade and hope that I find something or someone to make me feel at home.

There’s a cliche that kept being repeated over and over again to me: “The Playa Provides.”  It’s got a cult-like mantra to it.    I thought it was a bit hackneyed up until I wandered into an bar that was playing 80’s music.  There were a bunch of people from Boston who were driven, smart, crazy, welcoming and understanding of where I was in my head.  Also, dancing amongst them, was a woman who would become my very first playa-crush, whose smile an intensity would set the stage for the rest of the event.

I’m not sure what they put in the Kool-Aid, but I’ll have another cup please.


Okay.  It’s not entirely true that I didn’t have life-changing experiences.  After spending a few days adjusting, I ended up bonding with my neighbours and actually breaking out of my shell  to make (hopefully) lasting bonds with my fellow burners.  Those people made all the difference for me.

Looking on it now, it seems like a no-brainer that it’s about the people.  The art is at times wonderful, but it’s the people around me that changed this trip from being at some sort of art and culture  festival into a unique event.

The people weren’t all great, however. I had a few encounters with the late-entry “tourists” that came to party, and frankly I wasn’t impressed.  They tended to stand out from the crowd of Playa-Denizens, and I became intrigued at how viscerally I disliked this breed of burner.  For someone like me who lacked experience, I had suddenly acquired a very firm opinion about the people out there with me.  What made one person acceptable and another simply unwelcome?


I met a woman at Orgribbar near 4:00 and C who’d been a veteran burner of over a decade.  This year, she said, would be her last.  I asked her why and she responded:

“Look.  I’ve done this thing for a long time.  At first, it was an escape, but eventually I ended up living here all the time-- even when I was at home.  All my friends are burners.  I go to pre-and-post burn events.  I changed my career to something creative.  I’ve gone from living here on the Playa 1 week a year to expanding it to the other 51 weeks.  I really don’t need to come here to experience the event any more.”


Going back to the differences between the thunder-struck who were changed by the crucible that is Black Rock City and myself, I concluded the reason why I was spared from experiencing something similar:  I live in an extended state of play already.  I’m an actor, a graphic designer, a clown and a writer.  I play role-playing games, video games and board games whenever I have spare time.  In fact, most of my personal and professional life involves a creative outlet and the interaction with other people.

In short, I’m playing almost every waking hour I can, feeling neither childish or foolish in the middle of it all.  I’ve patently refused compromising my play-time as an adult in some sort of weird attempt to be “grown-up”.

But the same can’t be said of those I was camping with, nor many of my other friends who have experienced that epiphany.  Is it possible that the “Magic” of Burning Man is not just in the art there, but in the constructed altered-state of being on the Playa, which allows people to play without fear of being derided by the banal expectations of “normal” society?

For the first time since they were kids, many people are empowered by being at Burning Man to actually play freely with each other on what ever terms that they deem acceptable without fear of reprisal or censure.


I spent the night before and of the burn hanging around another veteran burner who was experiencing her 15th year.  I was taken around the Playa, shown the sights, rode a giant neon rooster-car that played thumpy techno as it made its loop around the Esplanade.  I lent her my eyes, which were fresh for the entire event, and she showed me how easy it was to gracefully move from one creative setting to the next without worrying about direction or pace.

She knew this event like I know my own neighbourhood, and through her I witnessed the strange social framework that was built up behind the scenes like a rickety scaffold whose own historical weight was the basis of its tenuous strength.


I was initially troubled by how judgemental I was being as the week wore on.  Friday night was very busy as loads of people came in just for the weekend, and I found so many of these late attendees wanting. 

On stage, I’m used to a passive audience.  The risk for most performance artists ends squarely on the shoulders of the performer, with the audience simply acting as (mostly) passive witnesses to the media.

On the Playa, however, my expectations changed. When things worked best was when the “audience” was also my co-conspirator.  I stopped simply creating, and began to play with the people around me, emerging myself in a kind of amorphous creative gestalt that seemed to be the real secret sauce to this experience.

Until the tourists arrived.

As the Friday came around, I found that the mood and the energy of the crowds changed.  Finding people to play with became harder (but not impossible) to do, as the audience shifted from being creators back to simply consumers.  Instead of bartering energy and creativity in kind, these new people simply took in the sights without adding to the event themselves-- lessening the value experience for everyone.

I felt like to a certain degree the Burning Man experience was over before the match was struck on Saturday night.


Everyone comes to Burning Man looking for different things, and I can’t begrudge someone who’s simply looking for a good time.  I went with no expectations and no plan outside of what I brought with me and had an experience that ranged from “isolating” to “wondrous”, sometimes within the same hour-- but all of those experiences were inspired by the people there.

I plan to go back.  I just wouldn’t do it the same way.  Clearly, the event I’m looking for takes place a few weeks before gate opens and ends the Thursday of the event.  Energy and creativity is the only currency on the Playa, and when the place is being built is when that feeling is most fresh and vibrant.

I think the secret is to get in before those with little to offer devalue the communal creative coin.



I’ve been accused that I can’t enjoy myself in a pastime unless I turn it into work.  It’s a fair cop.  Every hobby and passion I’ve been involved with ended up with me taking a more organizational hand in it.. Every vacation I’ve taken needed some sort of project to give the days some structure.

It’s the lack relative time.  A vacation needs a goal for me to measure out time against my progress.

So I went down with a pretty simple plan:  Be the Canadian ideal.  I love my country (warts and all) with a deep seated passion, so I worked on a small personal project in mind:  I’d be Mountie-Josh whenever I could.

Every morning, I sat in front of a custom-made backdrop of a very Canadian landscape in uniform, shaved, sang the Canadian National Anthem (bilingual form), saluted the Queen and the Flag, and then went on patrol.

As I biked and hiked through the Playa, I’d stop every time I saw a Canadian Flag and “Check Up” on my country-mates.  If someone on the streets called me in to their camp, or if I was stopped on the street, I’d attempt to indoctrinate them into the Canadian way of life (Universal Health-care and Gay Marriages for all).  Usually, I was greeted with laughter and hugs.  Always, I was asked “Aren’t you hot?”.

On a couple of occasions, I had a few people convinced I was actually a member of the RCMP on cultural exchange in Black Rock City.

The lesson I learned from this experience:  People love my country they love a naive younger sibling.  Also: do it bigger and more ridiculous next time.

15 August 2011

Burning Man 1997 - A Video Retrospective Series

Wow. This video really does take us back. Feather boas on the playa and Nambla the Clown???

1997 marked another major pivotal year Burning Man and the event almost didn't take place. Due to the accidents and deaths from the year before, it was considered too dangerous to continue in the same way. In order to manage the increased liability load, the organizers formed the Black Rock City, LLC. Also, new permit requirements were imposed with a ban on unrestricted driving implemented. Instead, the streets of Black Rock City were reconfigured into a grid and Burning Man was designed to be a pedestrian/bicycle/art car-only event.

For the first time that year Burning Man was held on private property. The location was Fly Ranch with the adjoining Hualapai mini dry lake-bed. This brought the event into the jurisdiction of Washoe County permitting, thereby circumventing issues with Pershing county and the BLM.   An issue arose with the Washoe County Sheriff's department taking over the gate, and impounding all monies  after the fire and protection fees are increased astronomically shortly before the event.

  • The Man is 50') tall.
  • Theme: Fertility
  • Attendance: 10,000
  • Theme camps 400+
  • Tickets: $65 (an increase of nearly double from the year before)

Above is a 360º view from a camp site at Burning Man 1997. 
Click mouse within image to scroll around the image. 
QuickTime required to view. Photo courtesy of SparkMedia.

13 August 2011

Burning Man 1996 - A Video Retrospective Series

The year was 1996 and the theme was Dante's Inferno/HeLLCo.  A shit ton more happened that year. Where do we even begin? Do you want the short version (above) or the long version (below)?

The short version is from Chuck Cirino's WeirdTV. The long version is a playlist of 22 videos by PuzzlingEvidenceTV of which the 11 focus solely on HeLLCo including footage of events leading up to Burning Man that year.

"1996 was the year Burning Man went over the edge: too many people for the infrastructure, too many gawkers, too many cars, too many arrests, too many heartbreaks," said Stuart Mangrum,  former director of communications for the Black Rock City LLC. "After years of beating the odds, we got our asses whipped, and we did it to ourselves."

Artist Michael Fury dies @ Burning Man '96
  • The Man is 48' (some say 50') tall. It is the first year it is elevated on a platform of hay bales.
  • Black Rock City's first fatality: four days before the event opens, artist Michael Fury is killed in a motorcycle accident.
  • Three critical injuries occur when a man high on multiple drugs ran his car over a tent in the middle of the night.
  • Injury claims forces liability coverage up by a factor of 6. 
  • 10 of 16 BLM stipulations violated, putting BM on probationary status for next year.
  • Burning Man is featured in  Wired magazine
  • Guns are banned in Center Camp.
  • Neon smiley appears in the Burning Man effigy for less than a minute.
  • Attendance: 8,000
  • Theme camps 130+
  • Tickets: $35

12 August 2011

DJ Pope Rajulio: BurnerFreekDJGeekResidentTroublemaker

Pope - Freakincense 20101010b by Pope Rajulio

Here's some beats from DJ Pope, who will be serving them up fresh on the playa this year. His schedule is as follows:
  • Tue 8/30 10pm @ Nexus (10 & E)
  • Wed 8/31 12am ...@ Enclave (9 & Esplanade)
  • Thu 9/1 1am @ Burntown (8:45 & Esplanade)
  • Fri 9/2 2pm @ Pink Carpet (3 & C)
  • Sat 9/3 3am @ Transmorpagon (3 & Esplanade)
    And now a word from DJ Pope:
    What started as a voracious appetite for interesting and underground breakbeat and house sounds to cause uncontrollable rhythmic undulations, evolved (with some prodding by a few G-men in the scene) into me picking up the decks Feb-08. I am most attracted to music with darker timbres, minor keys, syncopation, and psychedelic qualities. And the silly. As a general rule, there has to be the correct quantity of The Silly. Silly, Stupid, or downright ridiculous. But I digress... A mix should tell a story, and that's where I'm trying to take this crazy thing.
    My setup consists of a pair of CDJ-2k', SL1210m5g, DJM-800, Mackie monitors, and 6kw of PRX PA. Styles Represented: Breakbeat, Tech-house, Minimal House, Techno, and Trance, with a dash of Drum & Bass, Dubstep, and Electro for taste

    Burning Man in the News: 1995 / A Video Retrospective Series

    This news story out of KTVU from 1995. Dogs were still allowed on the playa.

    11 August 2011

    Burning Man 1994/1995 - A Video Retrospective Series

    Our series continues as we curate videos from each year of Burning Man over the next several blog posts leading up to this year's burn.

    Today's video is logged from 1994-1995. It's from Chuck Cirino of WeirdTV who covered Burning Man in the early days when the event got to the Black Rock Desert. Noteworthy in this video are clips featuring not only Larry Harvey one of the co-founders of Burning Man, but also of his former business partner John Law, also a co-founder of the event. Also featured is Harley K. Dubois, a founding member of the Burning Man Board.

    • In 1995, Burning Man was 10 years old.
    • Theme: Good & Evil.
    • The man was 40' tall and raised directly on the playa with no burn platform to protect the desert surface.
    • Attendance was 4,000.
    • Tickets cost $35.

    10 August 2011

    Burning Man 1994 - A Video Retrospective Series

    The Man 1994 - Photo: Malderor
    Our series continues as we curate videos from each year of Burning Man over the next several blog posts leading up to this year's burn.

    Yesterday we featured early footage of the early years of Burning Man leading up to its arrival on the Black Rock Desert. Today we begin with a video from 1994 by a British based production company called Journeyman Pictures that filed this report in October 1994 on behalf of ABC Australia. 

    • In 1994, Burning Man was 9 years old. 
    • It was the event's fifth year on the Black Rock Desert.
    • There was yet no theme (themes were introduced the following year).  
    • Of note at the event was the Drive By Shooting Range, Chris De Monterey's Camera Obscura, Pepe Ozan's 30-foot lingam fire tower, Greg Schlanger's interactive shower, and Ric Louchard's musical installation, "Four Directions."
    • The man was 40' tall and raised directly on the playa with no burn platform to protect the desert surface.
    • Attendance was 2,000.

    Burning Man 1992- A Video Retrospective Series

    • The Man is 40' tall
    • Attendance: 600
    • Danger Ranger founds the Black Rock Rangers.
    • The first Donner Award is given to a pilot who manages to land his Cessna upside down just south of camp.

    09 August 2011

    Burning Man 1990-2011 - A Video Retrospective Series

    Burning Man 1990. Source: Danger Ranger
    BURNcast was delighted on how our collection of Burning Man tickets from 1995-2011 was shared with a wide audience of burners thanks in no small part to LaughingSquid deeming it worth a blog post.

    It got us to thinking it also might be worthwhile to curate videos from each year of Burning Man as well so over the next posts leading up to this year's burn. So we're going to do just that: post a series of videos about Burning Man from 1990 to current day.

    After culling the Internetz for footage we discovered that some of the earliest videos coming out from the event were dated 1994. But we found this gem produced by the Bay Area Video Coalition that features footage from one of the earliest beach burns as well as the first burn ever to take place on the playa.

    Of this video, BVAC writes:
    Jerry James, Larry Harvey, John Law
    Burning Man 1990 Source: Kevin Evans
    The Burning Man of today evolved originally from an annual art party hosted by Mary Grauberger. Taking place on or around the summer solstice on San Francisco's Baker Beach prior to 1986, the art parties had sculpture burning as a central theme. Then in 1986 Larry Harvey, inspired in part by Mary Grauberger's events, asked his friend Jerry James to help him build an 8' effigy to be burned on Baker beach. This event, unnamed at this point, continued annually until 1990 when, the effigy having grown to 40', the police pulled the plug on the parties climactic burn. Meanwhile, Kevin Evans and John Law, of the Cacophony Society, were planning a similar event called Zone Trip #4 - A Bad Day at Black Rock in Nevada's Black Rock Dessert. Harvey and friends, having nowhere to burn the 40' effigy, joined forces with the Zone Trip #4 group and this was the birth of what we now know as Burning Man.

    08 August 2011

    2,000 Google Employees to Attend Burning Man This Year

     Source: Google Maps

    The first ever Google "doodle", 1998.
    At $360 a ticket the cost of simply entering the gates of Burning Man this year ain't cheap and is only made more exorbitant when BMorg announced the event sold out two weeks ago.  Since then scalpers have been gouging the market with tickets selling anywhere from $700 to $5,000.  Which begs the burning question: who bought all the tickets and why?

    Well here's the scoop: Google bought 2,000 Burning Man tickets to give to their employees this year.

    Yup. Read that last sentence again and repeat after me: What. The. Fuck?

    Pepe Ozan's "Ark of the Nereids"
    Word on the street (the Google Street View Project that is) is that Google is determined to comprehensively map Black Rock City street by street for 2011 which requires a platoon of employees to execute the project. Ergo, they bought a block of 'em on-line (at the highest tier).

    Previous attempts by the company to map the city back in 2009 were thwarted when the tricycle carrying the project's camera set-up collided with Pepe Ozan's art car early on Monday morning damaging 3 of the 9 lenses used to capture the panoramic imagery.

    Available from Barnes & Noble
    While that may be the official story,  according to a confession by Google Employee #69 (who was also the lone camera operator for the map project) he came across a plastic shopping bag full of space cookies and ecstasy while photographing the city along the trash fence perimeter following a dust storm late Thursday afternoon.

    "I'm feeling lucky," he said as he hippy-flipped his new found treasure and subsequently failed to complete the assignment.

    Either story is plausible but it's worth noting that Burning Man and Google have a relationship that goes back since 1997 as we have frequently reported on this blog.

    Furthermore, it wouldn't be the first time Google's benevolent extravagance has effected the playa.  In 2007 it was rumored that the company was behind the 1,200 bikes gifted to Black Rock City for the "Yellow Bike Program" in an effort to further their mission "Don't be evil."

    Wedgie Camp Burning Man 1998
    Many burners including yours truly have valid concerns about privacy on the playa. Google's Black Rock City Street View has pretty much got our panties in a bunch and we'd hate for their camera crew to catch us with a high wedgie somewhere @ 3:30 and Esplanade for all the world to see.

    On the other hand, if reports are true that Larry Harvey, Executive Director of the Black Rock City LLC,  announced that 2011 will be the last Burning Man then capturing a street view for posterity’s sake as well as for future generations to see could very well be a worthwhile endeavor.  Our 2 cents. YMMV.

    07 August 2011

    The Cost of Going to Burning Man in 1997

    Back in 1997 tickets to Burning Man cost only $65. For one time (and one time only) the event was held on privately held land known as Hualapai Playa instead of the publicly owned land of the Black Rock Desert.  According to reports that year about 10,000 people found their way to Black Rock City.

    1997 was also the first year Burning Man hosted their official website after first starting out on the Well and then hanging out briefly on i-STORM.

    Also that year, the Washoe County Sheriff's department overtook the gate and impounded all monies collected. It's a long, complicated story and this already is a long-ass blog post. However, it's an important part of the story of Burning Man and the reason behind this long-ass blog post.  You can learn more about it in Brian Doherty's book "This Is Burning Man".

    Anyway, after the event, visitors to the new Burning Man website were asked to tell how much attendees had spent in Washoe County on their way to Hualapai Playa.

    Below are the responses from the Burning Man website.


    What Did You Spend in Washoe County?

    We'd like to let Washoe County (which includes Reno) know just how much money gets spent in their towns by Burning Man participants. Tell us about gas, groceries, RV rentals, etc.

    Email Address:
    Your Name:

    In the past three years that I have attended Burning Man I have spent MUCH money.From airlines,hotel,casino,restaurant,gas,food,dry ice,water,liquor,kites,lightsticks,film,"impulse items" , bars in Reno and yes, even a bathhouse I'd have to say my annual investment to the welfare of the livelihood of commerce in Washoe county averages $800 to $1000. FOT THE PAST THREE YEARS ! ! AS ONE OF AT LEAST A PARTY OF 20! PART OF A PARTY OF 4 TO 10 THOUSAND ! ! ! DOES NO ONE IN WASHOE COUNTY KNOW MATH! ! i feel better now..................thank you...Billy V Vaughn -- Billy V., February 2, 1998 at 5:15p
    Let's see...there was Hotel ($100), Dinner for two ($50), Supplies in Reno($250), and Car rental and Gas ($250). -- Carl H., January 29, 1998 at 3:06p
    Groceries, gas, hotel, other -- $170 -- Sasha M., January 23, 1998 at 10:20a
    I spent $200.00 on food & supplies in Reno, $40.00 on gas, $100.00 on my room, (two nights), $100.00 on the town, $280.00 on plane fare, and $20 her and $20 there on other odds and ends.

    I was going to stop and spend money for the heck of it in Mustang, Nevada, but I ran short on time. It's funny. A house of prostitution is OK in Nevada, but they get all uptight about an event like Burningman. -- Wally G., January 19, 1998 at 3:22p
    First let me tell you about us. I'm a former city commissioner in Key West FL, a town that hosts a number of big events every year and depends on the tourist economy.As a former commissioner, I was utterly amazed at the way the county attempted to gouge the Burning Man organization for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I understand how it's done , believe me.In my experience it was unfair, alarmist and arbitrary- nearly costing the county it's reputation and a wonderful event.That said, My spouse and I are both about 50 and last year was our first trip to Nevada.That said, we flew into Reno on American West, took a cab to the Reno RV rental place, had breakfast, and picked up the RV. We then hit a lot of stores: Gas station , grocery,camping, Sears,Target,Walmart,and bought everything we needed for a week( and lots of stuff we took back too).On the way to Gerlach we had lunch, bought more gas and ice.We spent the week in Gerlach , spending very little there unfortunately- the people there seemed to appreciate us. On the way back it was about the same except we spent a little more celebrating with a fancy dinner in a fine restaurant in Reno.Needless to say, we'll be back in '98, wherever Burning Man is held, and we'll be bringing friends along too.All in all we spent close to $2500 on the trip. Hey if Washoe County doesn't want us or our money, keep gouging a great bunch of people and the Goose that lays the Golden Egg will go elsewhere. -- Harry, January 17, 1998 at 6:22a
    I spent about $100.00 on food in Reno, and about another $60.00 on diesel fuel. Black Rock City ought to apply for a zip code, and then establish residence for the inhabitants, and then let the politics work FOR Burning Man. It could work... -- C.S.Houck, January 15, 1998 at 6:12a
    Between our flight from MA, car rental in Nevada, groceries/supplies in Reno, and gas, we spent about roughly $1000.00!!! Doesn't this state(NV) know a cashcow when they see one?!?! -- David & Kim, January 13, 1998 at 7:00p
    As a long time resident of Reno I'm surprised that the Mormons(who run Pershing County Nv, and are strong in Reno) put up with pagan idolatry. They would much rather have nice quiet Ma & Pa bluehair come to town in a big RV, park it at the Hilton(for a price), play one arm bandits, lose moderately(they keep the RV), and leave.Remember possesion of the weed is a felony in Nevada! And the Jail in Washoe Co. holds over 1100 now-built for 450. I think you ought to talk to the Pyramid Lake(near Blackrock) Indian Tribe about holding BurningMan on a Reservation. -- billk, January 13, 1998 at 8:20a
    I travelled with 3 other people... we spent $50 in gas, $30 in food, $150 in Reno for hotel before the festival started. (came from Milwaukee) and at least $30 in various things like chapstick and sunblock and paint and stuff. -- Andrew, January 13, 1998 at 8:20a
    I spent about $150 dollars on supplies: Such as food and water ect,,,Thank you Washoe County Nevada for holding the Worlds most fasinating event..May Burning Man Burn into Eternity! -- Sonjia M. January 12, 1998 at 0:44a
    Gas: 20.00 Grocery: 200.00 Camping@Pyramid Lake: 14.00 Nevada Atlas & Gazeteer:            17.00 Fly Hot Spring:            10.00 Hotel/Dinner in Reno:            120.00            ------           ~ 370.00 for ONE person! -- J. Abbott, January 11, 1998 at 11:17a
    I have to say that we tried to spend money only on gas (about $20.00) because we knew that the cops and local gov't were ripping off the bman project. -- Ken Y., January 10, 1998 at 6:04p
    I spent at least $100 on gas and supplies in the County. -- Shawn J., January 9, 1998 at 5:17p
    'bout 40 on gas, 30 on beer and 85 on rolling papers. oh, and we probly got some chips, too. -- charlie, January 9, 1998 at 4:42p
    we got most of food and liquor as well as some things we had forgotten in Reno and then later in Empire (that was about $150) and then after BM we stopped for a buffet which was more expensive this year ($65) oh, and then there was gas (maybe $60) and a little gambleing on the slot machines everywhere we stopped to shop or pee. So we spent about $300. I'm sure this is an average amount or maybe even less for a group of 4 people so I'd think Washoe County would be overjoyed when BM came around each year. Not to mention all of the money they got up front and such. -- Grrr!, January 9, 1998 at 11:37a
    I forgot gambling losses in Reno... over $100! -- Robert, January 8, 1998 at 10:42p
    Gas - $40+ Food, drinks, and ice - $90+ Totaling over $130 -- Robert, January 8, 1998 at 10:41p
    Well I left with about $600 in cash and ended up borrowing $100 from a friend the last day to get home. We went with a party of about 6 and met up with 10 more friends that we had planned to get together with. We live only a couple hours away from Reno. We didn't drop more than $5 till we hit Nevada. Hit Dennys 3 times, the mini mart/ gas station off of the freeway and dropped $100 in supplies. Probably dropped $300 of it over the weekend in more food and water. I had a blast, and believe me, I would never have even heard of Washoe County if it wasn't for burning man. Ian Briggs President DeepWell Internet Services -- Ian B., January 7, 1998 at 2:30a
    I have been going to Burning Man since 1991. I live in Nevada City, California and go to the Black Rock Desert at least 3 other times a year (besides B-Man). Each time I spend no less than $200 on gas and groceries in Reno before I even get there. And I ALWAYS eat at Bruno's at least twice (on the way in and the way out) and get gas as least once with my good pal Texaco Man. I also have been known to frequent the local watering holes on occasion. All the best, Michael P., Nevada City, California -- Michael P., January 7, 1998 at 0:03a
    Flew to Reno on Reno Air from Vegas with my wife:$108. each.Rented car at airport for 4 days:$219. Food & water:$100. Gas & carwash:$30. Spent 2 nights at a motel in Reno:$97. Ate at several restaurants aprox:$50. -- Tibor, January 5, 1998 at 2:29p
    I would accruately guess that I spent about $300.00 between Reno and Blackrock City, not including the motel somewhere south of Reno for $50.00. -- Pablo, January 3, 1998 at 6:40p
    Motorhome fuel=~ $60 & Services=~ $12 Snacks & food=~ $50 -- David T. , January 3, 1998 at 1:39p
    I live in Reno and look foreward to Burning Man each year. I don't camp a lot so each year just before the event I buy new camping equipment and get ris of it after. Tent, stove, lanterns, etc. Then there's the gas and food I buy to take along. Let's see, looking at what receipts I have found for last event alone, it's over $400.00 not including the $75.00 for the event itself. I can imagine what out-of-towners have spent. It, as always, is worth every penny spent. Looking foreward to spending more $$$ in '98. -- Craig P., January 1, 1998 at 9:34p
    Two of us spent Tuesday night at the hotel, dinner, drinks, gas, water, supplies and more in Gerlach (about $500), and in Reno - 2 nights hotel, rent-a car, many meals, much to drink, gambling and almost all our supplies (about $2000). We are coming back next year!!! -- Adam M., January 1, 1998 at 6:41p
    WE spent about $50 in gas, $15 in food in Gerlach on Monday, car wash $5, $30 for food in Reno on Monday. -- David R., January 1, 1998 at 1:11p
    I have been to burning man the last 3 years. My party of 5 spends about 150 to 200 in groceries and supplies each year each. Every year we stay in reno one night on the way up. (who knows how much we spent there but it was alot). -- Douglas C., December 31, 1997 at 3:25p
    I go to BM every year; buy food, ice, gas, meals in Reno going both ways; bring 3 to 5 people with me; altogether we spend about $500 in Reno each time. -- Ed B., December 31, 1997 at 11:56a
    My friend Trace and I spent over $220.00 in Washoe County on gasoline, water, food and towing. -- Stephen, December 31, 1997 at 1:09a
    Gas, lunch, beer $60 two people. We came up twice, so the total was 120. We love Girlach and will come back again and again! -- Rick and Isabel, December 30, 1997 at 4:07
    spent approx $300 per person, group of eight. mostly spent on forgotten items and food. lots of temp internet fees for two notebooks (toll number) -- edruid, December 30, 1997 at 3:05p
    $218 on a leather jacket, $60 for food and water, $45 for gas, $68 for lightweight shirts, $150 on a hand crafted leather drum. $120 for a large meal with 8 friends before i left -- Richard H., December 30, 1997 at 1:57p
    All food, including beer, ice, forgotten sundry items like sunscreen, baby wipes etc, was purchased at a Reno grocery store. For two people our total was around $180. Plus, gas tank fill up, a casino buffet lunch, multiple payphone calls to coordinate meeting places with others who were arriving later. One friend we met up with spent several hundred dollars on a U-haul and a 500 gallon water tank (for his slip-n-slide), plus any money the Reno airport gets in destination fees from people flying in. In all, about $300 per person from our group (and that's just the NEvada expenditures.) -- Jennifer N., December 28, 1997 at 8:13p
    We got a lot of stuff on the California side, but our group also spent a boatload in Nevada. Food, water, beer, ice, beer, costumes, a huge parachute for shade, a few nights in hotels, beer, gambling, sparkly jewelry in Reno, gas, beer, casino food. . .all in all, I'd say our tribe dropped $1,500 in the state for BM97 alone. . . -- Emily T. , December 28, 1997 at 6:56p
    I and my wife spent $2500 in Rene on food, groceries, booze, gambling, gaboling, and RV rental in and about Reno. I will return. There were too many fireman and poolice, but they were not obtrusive. I am an old fart, 56 years old. Question Man -- William B., December 27, 1997 at 10:43
    Odwalla, beer, orange juice, brownies, twix, sunscreen, trident, gas, cocktails, AA batteries, 2 soft tacos from taco bell, a new lighter, vodka. $179 -- Mike B., December 26, 1997 at 1:43p
    5 vehicles with our group-- all refueling twice in the Washoe county area---. (15 gal/tank)(2)(5 tanks)($1.30 tank)=$195gas jerry cans of gas for generator $20 various sundries-- film, smokes, ice, treats, etc. $50. Call it $270 in Washoe for our group of 10 approx $30/person -- Patrick W., December 24, 1997 at 1:54p
    Wow, after reading all these responses, it must be a divine gift that I have a friend who lives in Churchill County. But we still had to fill up the tank in Winnemucca (?). Not sure of the spelling or what county it's in but it cost about $$34. -- Gregg P., December 21, 1997 at 10:32p
    I spent on gas, food and drink, in Washoe County, approximately $400.00. Also, I stayed in a hotel in Reno and ate in Reno restaurants, one day before traveling to BM. Robert Kohler -- Robert K., December 21, 1997 at 6:55p
    $200 car rental & gas; $150 on groceries and essentials. -- Sean P., December 19, 1997 at 3:34p
    expenditures: $60 on gasoline $30 at Target in Reno for supplies $30 on dinner leaving Reno on way home -- Steve L., December 18, 1997 at 4:26p
    $968.00 equipment rental Reno $350.00 food & consumables $ 57.00 gas & propane $150.00 misc $1,250.00 plane tickets $275.00 hotel rooms $ 75.00 meals in Reno -- Brad W., December 18, 1997 at 2:38p
    Between the two of us that went we spent close to $500.oo dollars. We filled up the gas tank several times. We spent at least 100 hundred a piece in the casinos we went to a little place on the side of the road and bought several neccesities and that was just a few things on the way going there not to mention how much more we spent on the way back.  {SCREAM MACHINE} -- JOE H., December 18, 1997 at 0:27p
    I spent about $200 on hotel, food, gas, ice, and gambling. I feel that the revenue we genterated for the county merchants exceeds the mostly uneccesary excessive policing expenditures paid by the county. I'm sure the county made more money on us that they did on Hot August night, with a lot less crime and drunken violence and vandallism. -- kenneth s., December 17, 1997 at 5:10p
    I left colfax, ca with $350 in cash and ended up tapping into my credit cards by the time I got back. -- Jim B., December 17, 1997 at 0:00p
    There were four of us. Together we spent close to $4,000 We stopped at a home Depot and purchased a generator and some lumber and a few other odds annd ends for our camp. Toltalling about $1200 Then there was the hotal before and after. The casino the dinners. The supplies of water and Ice. Then Groceries totalling about $400.oo And of course we spent about $200.oo on Meat at the Slaughter House. Gas...Well we filled up 10 2 gallon containers for the show Filled the car and the truck went back into town in the middle of the week filled up all ten containers of gas again and filled up both vehicles on the way home. And lets not forget the Alcohol we bought. About $150.oo bucks worth. -- Jayj B., December 16, 1997 at 11:38a
    tank of gas at Garlock.thank ishtar they were open.in wadsworth we bought topo book,ice and a few last more essentialsso...about 70 bucks -- Todd S., December 13, 1997 at 7:30a
    This was my first year at BM with my friends James and Ernesto. We flew to Reno from LAX at $90 a pop on Reno Air, we rented a car at the airport for $195. Gasoline was not cheap, at about $40 for the weekend. We spent $80 on groceries in town. Hot steam baths were $7 a pop and our last night in Reno was spent in a motel for $40. The event was well worth the money and I look foward to our next trip. -- John S., December 11, 1997 at 2:30a
    loved this (was our first time there)!! 1)We flew Reno Air into Reno... about $550 for 2 people 2)rented a car, about $300 to drive there, gas up and back 3)we ate at a couple restaurants @ $50 (plus, spent lots of money on drinks @ the Reno airport ($50) waiting for our delayed (by 4 hrs) flight back home... 4)@ the hamburger joint in desert.. we spent about $20 and another $10 or so on sunscreen (we ran out) 5)spent $100 bucks on water and groceries for our tribe -- Scarlet Babes from the Pacific NW, December 10, 1997 at 9:06p
    This has been our 2nd of, hopefully, many years to come at the Burning Man Festival. Coming from the SF Bay area, we make at least 2 stops in NV to get our final supplies, gas, etc. and spend about $200 per year. Next year we are leaving a little time to stop in Reno on our way home and have some fun there, too! We have also recruited 4 friends this year who have committed to coming back to BM as long as it's there!! We love it!! -- Karen K., December 10, 1997 at 5:10p
    Fifth year at B. Man. We always fill up both gas tanks (about 38 gals. @ $1.479/gal.) in Reno, and buy groceries, alcohol, sundries, and ice (lots) at Raley's. Can't give an exact total, but 5-year average is about $200/yr. -- Barry & Wendy, December 10, 1997 at 0:56p
    gas: about $45.00 food: about $120.00 gambling in reno: $30.00 -- Joseph W., December 9, 1997 at 10:19p
    I spent probably $150 on the way, including motel in Reno, groceries, restaurants etc -- AJ Nolley, December 9, 1997 at 0:24p
    hi! our RV full of five people spent about $150 in Reno on the way in (food, gas, knick knacks, slot machines) and about $70 on the way out (food and gas). -- elizabeth m., December 8, 1997 at 10:37p
    We had 5 people attending BM97 in 2 vehicles. We always stop in Reno for a meal, usually at our favorite sports-casino buffet. Then there's groceries: we like to get most of our food in Reno so it's fresher, usually at Albertson's. This year we also got 25 lbs of dry ice and several blocks of regular ice. In addition to filling up both vans, we got an additional 17 gallons of gas for the generator. That's just on the way *up*, you understand ... we also get more gas and stop for dinner on the way down, but that may or may not be in Reno depending on how full the tanks are and how late it is. We also would have bought fireworks if there were any for sale, but there weren't. My daughters love running around with sparklers. -- H. Landman, December 8, 1997 at 9:29p
    I probably spent $400.00 altogether from Reno to Burning Man. I bought food, camping equipment, gas, and more food. I loed the trip so much that I am going back to Nevada to vacation when the weather gets better. It is a beautiful state, and thanks to Burning man, I now know about the beauty of Neveada. -- miles w., December 8, 1997 at 1:13a
    Flew to Reno,rented Budget van, bought bicycles, food, water, booze, 5 days later, turned in the van,gave away the bicycles,spent the night in a hotel, flew home. Probally about a grand not counting the airline tickets. -- K L Smith, December 7, 1997 at 6:26p
    i spent nearly $100 bucks; gas, food, booze, ice. I know the other 12 people in my camp spent that and more. look--white folks out looking for fun inevitably spend more than they plan. X. -- philip, December 7, 1997 at 5:56p
    I drove with 2 friends from Minnesota to the Burning Man '97 festival in Washoe county. We spent over $1000 total on food, gas and lodging - probably about $400 in Nevada. We stocked up at Winnemucca. I still wonder if we could have made it down Jungo Road... -- Eric D., December 6, 1997 at 6:28p
    Appx $250.00 - Food/film/booze. $25.00 Gas. -- Carl F., December 4, 1997 at 7:23p
    Iam interested on your projects and new features for us . -- Meg C. , December 4, 1997 at 6:23p
    R.V. Rental - approx. $350, Gas $75, Groceries & provisions $150 -- Peg, December 4, 1997 at 11:47a
    Nevada expenses (approximate) for group: $120 hotel rooms (one night- Reno) $300 Wal-Mart and grocery store $150 gas for Winnebago $200 gambling -- tod w., December 3, 1997 at 3:54p
    Three buffet lunches: ~$30 Two tanks of gas: ~$35 Munchies: ~$20 -- Zza, December 3, 1997 at 10:34a
    Our crew spent over 150 dollars in gas, food, water, and doubtless a few souveniers as we wended my way from Reno. If stores were more obvious along the way, I suspect we would have spent more. I KNOW the grocery store near BM was nearly emptied by the time we got there. -- Deanne T., December 2, 1997 at 10:32p
    I probably spent >$150 in Washoe, if you count the BM ticket, gasoline, food, etc. Next year I expect to spend more as I wasn't aware of the Kmart conveniently located along the way. (Of course if it moves to another county, which might not be a bad idea, such $ would be spent there instead.) -- Andrew, December 2, 1997 at 11:17a
    God, what did we spend...two nights in a Reno motel (coming and going) plus about four hamburger-heavy meals after the Man...we also spent gas money coming in and out, filling a station wagon tank, and on our way in loaded up on extra duct tape, a six-pack of beer, some cheese, and about forty pounds of dry ice. Also twenty or so two-gallon bottles of water. And more gas! And my eighty-dollar speeding ticket on the way in (those seventy-mile-an-hour limits went to my head and I went ten miles over, but fair is fair) cost me eighty dollars straight in to the pockets of the Washoe County police department. Also bought toilet paper...juice...lots of stuff. I had a great time, and hope that this annual event can continue to be a part of our lives as well as the lives and livelihoods of the Washoe County merchants! -- Jennifer, December 1, 1997 at 3:49p
    Our Reno expenditures. $600 for a scissor lift and fuel and supplies. $100 for liquor. -- Pat M., December 1, 1997 at 10:27a
    Before I left my mother told to be a good boy-don't ever play with guns...but I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. When I hear that train a comin' I hang my head and cry...... -- Low voice, November 30, 1997 at 10:36p
    I spent $300 on the rental van. (I flew in from Florida.) Between food and gas, I easily spent another $100. -- Steve V., November 29, 1997 at 11:35p
    I spent at least $400 on gas, food, and ice. -- tim b., November 29, 1997 at 5:16p
    dropped about 50 in washoe, 200 in nevada total. -Chris -- chris c., November 29, 1997 at 0:01p
    Hotels/Gambling/Restaurants $350 Souvenirs/Camping Gear/Clothes $1100 Food/Water/Alcohol $400 4WD rental $350 This plus our flights from New Zealand ($2400) meant a spend of around $4550 (3 ppl) for the week we were there and worth every penny! We'll be back for the next one wherever it is. -- Mark, November 28, 1997 at 7:02a
    Sam I Am speaks again.... Is there any way to search for $, and add it all up real time? Well, I got $100 STOLEN (I'm sure some of that had to be spent in Nevada), and besides that probably $50 in GAS/Snacks! -- Sam I Am, November 28, 1997 at 0:20a
    Between myself and my 4 friends, about $50 in food from restaurants, $120 on groceries and ice, $50-60 on gas, and of course $375 in tickets, which went to the hostile territory of Washoe county, whose residents acted rather like Parisians in despising their main source of income... -- Heidi L., November 27, 1997 at 10:22a
    I try to avoid Nevada (the horrible video poker sounds don't leave my head for several weeks), but during bman the 2 of us spent $30 on a (terrible) dinner, $50 on groceries and TQ, $35 on gas. And of course $150 on bman tickets of which nearly all went directly to your county. -- Wes C., November 26, 1997 at 9:04p
    My van filled with 6 people with no money to spend... and would otherwise NEVER visit Washoe County, still managed to drop an easy $300.50 on gambling, buffets, ice, groceries, gas, batteries etc... I will bring twice as many broke people next year. -- Paul H., November 26, 1997 at 6:31p
    Bought all of our supplies in Reno; tents, army surplus, dry/reg ice, tons o stuff a toys r us, camping gear at super k mart, a lot from hardware stores, and spent our first night at silver legacy and gambled the night away = all totaling over $3,000 and worth every cent. -- Phil B., November 26, 1997 at 4:57p
    60.00 Gas 100.00 Gaming 50.00 Misc Food/Supplies 50.00 Hotel 100.00 Reno Meals (Try the Ciapinno at The Silver Legacy). -- Mark F., November 25, 1997 at 7:51

    We spent at least: $250 in groceries. $100 in restaurants. $100 in gas $65 the ticket (of which Washoe got part) $415 total from Minnesota to You. -- Jason H., November 23, 1997 at 10:27a
    I would guss that Nevada is about $200 richer on me. well worth it. -- L.  Kramer, November 21, 1997 at 3:07p
    I really think this forum is missing the point. The event grows, it changes, and there is nothing wrong with that. Instead of trying to convince Washoe county that we should stay, we should just pull up roots and go. What could be more free spirited than moving on? -- Tom Rowe, November 21, 1997 at 2:57p
    As part of that large 'Mo' contingent in "smart ass camp" my receipts seem to go like this: Gas=$45 Food/alchohol/other ingestables=$150 Additional film/batteries=$60 Reno gambling losses and hotel are about $80 and that bloody Tickle Me Elmo ran $30. (yes, we burned him) That's going to be nothing compared to next year. I hear that damn Bill Gates Barney thing is upwards of $100. All in all: about $370...brother...and I STILL have to get my soul back from those bastards at the Used Soul Emporium... -- kevin rolly, November 20, 1997 at 4:10a
    RV = 1,300.00 Groceries etc = 600.00 Thrift Store = 300.00 Restaurant etc = 150.00 Gas etc = 200.00 All together for four people: $ 2,550.00 -- Uwe W., November 19, 1997 at 6:33p
    Let me think... 6 people in my VW van spent a couple of hundred on groceries and general supplies, plus about $60 on gas. I also drove a Green Tortoise bus up from San Francisco with about 16 employees and friends... we spent lots in Gerlach on the way out as well as the cash we all spent in reno at one of the buffets in the casino. Gambling losses- who knows. The Green Tortoise also sent a bus with 38 paying passengers who all spent money in Gerlach and at the buffet. Diesel fuel in Reno both ways for two buses was about $300. Grand Total was about $1,400 -- Geoff, November 19, 1997 at 5:11p
    There were four of us at BM this year. Two drove in from Vancouver and two flew down on Reno Air. We spent two nights at hotels in Reno, didn't gamble though, and we spent about $700 at Costco in Reno which included food, drink, a new tent and camping supplies. There was also gas in Gerlach and in Reno. I also bought $30.00 of souvenirs in Reno for friends at home. -- James K-M, November 19, 1997 at 2:37p
    We spent a lot of money in Reno! We bought cold water and food in large quantities at Costco. We also made a second trip back to Reno for ice and some more food. We spent probably about $350 for gas food and water for 4 people. -- jolene m., November 18, 1997 at 3:13p
    All total, our camp, Aliceum *easily* spent 200 dollars, which is a lot, considering we passed through, right? Oh, wait a minute. There were some personal expenses as well, which ammounted to another couple hundred - and then the trips back to clean up. So let's say - 600. -- Aliceum, November 18, 1997 at 11:14a
    $150 for groceries, $50 on Gasoline, $150 on Tow Truck, $200 on engine repairs in Reno, $10 camping & am willing to spend it all again next year! -- Tom C., November 18, 1997 at 4:34a
    Geralch Neveda gas fillup $25 Gerlach Neveda groceries 15 Reno Neveda dinner 20 Reno gambling 10 Reno Neveda hardward 10 Fly Ranch Hot Springs 10 Total $90 -- Robert B., November 17, 1997 at 2:31p
    On the way from SF, probably stocked up on about $50 in groceries and sundries and a tank of gas. -- Seth G., November 17, 1997 at 0:32p
    I and my fellow burn outs spent... at least $500 between 10 people in groceries, gas, ice, water, beer, etc. in mostly reno but we did fill up on gas($30) in the town of gerlach. got a couple of sodas in gerlach too. finally we had dinner at denny's (bleh) and spent about $50 for 5 people. total is just under 6 bills. so lighten up washoe!!!!!!!!!! -- Doug P., November 17, 1997 at 11:28a
    my wife and I purchase our groceries in reno, includng meats/beer/wine/water and ice, about $150. We bought gas about $20. We bought lunch on the way there and a late breakfast on the way back, about $45. Stopped at Atlantis on the way home and lost $100 (not our lucky day - though we had thought it would be) -- roy c., November 16, 1997 at 5:56p
    As part of a rather large group (Smart Ass Camp), I spent $162.22 at Raley's and $78.59 at Savon in Reno, personally. Plus gas (probably in Gerlach); about $10.00 -- Mo, November 15, 1997 at 3:25p
    Spent about $300 total in Reno and Gerlach. Gas, food, supplies -- mark, November 14, 1997 at 9:13p
    Spent about $50 in gas and another $30 in food, in Reno. Plus about $20 at the taco stand on the Indian reservation. -- Paul M., November 14, 1997 at 5:46p
    In groceries, we spent about $5 for water bottles. In gas, we spent about $35 (to and from). Hope this helps! -- Daphne, November 14, 1997 at 1:43p
    We spent about $100 in gas for the bus, plus about $400 in food and supplies, for a total of $500. -- Fred, November 14, 1997 at 11:38a
    I spent $150 on food and camping stuff. -- Bridget Hendrix, November 13, 1997 at 11:03p
    I spent over $440.00 in supplies, gas and lodging. -- Chris McConnell, November 13, 1997 at 11:02p
    Among the 6 passengers in our vehicle, I estimate we spent $650 ($300 on straw bales alone for my project). This only includes money spent in Washoe Co. towns. -- Heidi R., November 13, 1997 at 9:46p
    My friend James, my girlfriend Victoria, and I drove from San Francisco to BurningMan '97. We bought gas, food, water, sunglasses, and two meals, plus dropped by Reno for a spell. I'm sure we spent $200. -- Mark L., November 13, 1997 at 7:44p
    Well, we spent about $10 on Gas. Anticipating price hikes, that was the one thing we didn't have enough of as we came and left. -- Don C., November 13, 1997 at 0:30p
    Gasoline in Reno and Garlich~ $60.00 Misc. Food in Reno~ $40.00 Misc. Food in Garlich~ $25.00 -- D. Timson, November 13, 1997 at 11:39a

    My expenses for burningman `97: GAS- 7 FILLUPS(2 OUTSIDE WASHOE COUNTY)      $280.00 FOOD- ENROUTE= $100.00       RENO SAFEWAY= $220.00 LODGING- SILVER LEGACY (1 NIGHT)=                          $250.00 GAMBLING/ENTERTAINMENT= $380.00 BURNINGMAN EXPENSES- $100.00 TOTAL = $1430.00 FOR AN INTENSE WEEK'S WORTH OF "CULTURE!!!" -- Michael L., November 13, 1997 at 11:18a
    My igloo car got caught in a speeding trap set up by the law enforcement on the reservation. I tried to convince them that eskimos and Native Americans were all part of the same tribes, but I had to pay $50 anyway... Also bought seven cans of fake snow and ice for the igloo...I do have a complaint as the ice kept melting... -- Flemming N., November 12, 1997 at 8:37p
    Gas-$30, Food-$20, Ice-$5 -- CapnShady, November 12, 1997 at 6:01p
    Gas: $20 Food: $65 Rental car: $140 -- gilles b., November 11, 1997 at 4:12p
    overnite stay for 2 80 bucks, Supplies for burning man 100 bucks, gambling, drinking, Snow gear bought, at least 400 bucks between 2 of us. -- ray, November 11, 1997 at 1:52p
    I landed in Reno, Plane tix=$160. rode with a new-found freind, gas=$20 we then stopped at a Target chairs=$45 camp_accessories=$32 We then spopped at the grocery store..Natural_Lite=$20 Misc_groceries=$35 and proceeded to "The Event" while there, I spent $45 at the outpost (benfitting local school)On the way back spent nothing..(broke) However I spent several days in Reno recovering, and spent the following: Indian_restaurant=$12, Bead_shop=$20 Buffet_fude=$20, Gamblin'=$60, Sierra_Nevada_Pale_Ale_bottles=$14, Pitchers/SamAdams+MexFood=$15, Misc_sundry_items=$10.....for a grand total of.............................$408 (gonna price a few Rottweillers next year) -- Neil K., November 10, 1997 at 8:06p
    We spent over 175 dollars from when we entered Reno to Burning Man and out again.... Also we would have spent more at the little store just before Burning man but they were all sold out of just about everything cold :) -- Ronni, November 10, 1997 at 5:59p
    I spent $132 at the Gerlach grocery store. Mostly on Beer... which I ended up only drinking 1 bottle. I filled my gas a few times due to the trailer I was pulling and bought last minute supplies at a Target(?) in Reno. -- Paul C., November 10, 1997 at 9:53a
    I purchased a large duffle type bag at a local sporting goods store($58). Bought plane tickets: SLC to Reno, Delta($87) & Reno to SLC, Southwest($62). In Reno: I rented a car,Advantage($242) they later charge me an extra ($24) becase they said the car was dusty. Rented a bike, Snowwind Sports($107). Bought groceries, Scolaris #11($209.). Bought bike lock & propane, Super Target($28). There is a little gas only station just before you hit Gerlach that I filled up, sorry I dont know the name($18). Ifell secure in knowing I helped strenghten the entire world economy. Total expenditures for BURNNING MAN '97=($835) -- Jeffery, November 10, 1997 at 8:42a
    The ten or so of us spent between three and four hundred dollars in Washoe County. -- Vagabond Jim, November 8, 1997 at 10:52p
    We came into Nevada from the north, so we didn't stop until Gerlach, but once there we filled both a car and a van with gas, probably about $35 worth, and we bought two fifths of Jack Daniels from the local bar for $50. -- Charles L., November 8, 1997 at 9:45p
    three trips to the site from the east bay in 97... hotel rooms,food,meals,gambling,cigars,gas, etc.-1200 dollars american ! -- kaigan, November 8, 1997 at 8:22p
    Oh, and I forgot the $75 at K-Mart for suntan lotion and lounge chairs. This was my 5th Burning Man and we have spent about each year. B. Man 96 probably another $500 for booze for our martini party (doesn't liquor charge a hefty state tax??) -- Nancy, November 8, 1997 at 8:25a
    We had a group of 4 - rental van at airport we paid approx. $400, plus food (Sak n' Save), booze (Friends' Liquor), ice and dry-ice came to $225, some last-minute thrift shopping in Reno came to about $100, then there was gas of $24, lunch on the way out to the play - let's say $30 and dinner on the way back to the airport $80. Yeah, we spent some bucks. -- Nancy, November 8, 1997 at 8:20a
    With a group of about 15, and 4 vehicles, we spent upwards of $20 per car on gas just in Washoe county alone, and over $200 for lunch in Sparks on the way home. Also bought ice for about $20 at Burningman itself.... that's at least $300 in the pockets of Washoe County and I know I'm forgetting stuff. People will surely pay more per ticket next year if that's what has to be done to pull it off in '98. Our group has grown exponentially over the last 3 years and will continue to do so. Thanks all. Lauren -- Lauren Fox, November 7, 1997 at 4:38p
    Trish and I purchased gas and sushi (at Club Sushi - a great place!) We spent $75 in Washoe County. -- Peyton, November 7, 1997 at 4:30p

    Well over $400 in gas for 3 RVs and 2 pickup trucks, and that's having left home w/ full tanks! -- Vangelis, November 7, 1997 at 4:10p
    Our car spent about $300 on supplies and gas in Washoe County. -- Jeff B., November 7, 1997 at 11:00a
    With the purchase of PVC pipe, Bamboo poles, Teak shades, liquid libation, more liquid libation, grimace proportions of edibles, crushed ice, cubed ice, dry ice, gas, propane and a myriad of assorted toys, our grand total came to around $600.00. Thats for only two people. Word to the Ice Boyz on 4th Street!!!!!! -- Kyle K., November 7, 1997 at 7:41a
    2 vehicles (4 people): Gas in Reno (both ways) + munchies: approx $80. Had some really tasty Indian Tacos on the way out of Gerlach: approx $40 total (again, 4 people + beverages). -- ExplOkie Mike, November 7, 1997 at 0:16a
    Hmmm. About $70 dollars in foodstuffs and campstuffs. $30 or so in gas. My friends ate at that crappy meat shack that curiously sold veggie burgers during and after BM. (Although I'll bet the patties were cooked on the regular flesh grill...) So about $12 there....During BM an aquaintence in our group didn't charge the "law enforcement" (or local townsfolk that myteriously got in) to gawk at her boobs so thats probably a $40 dollar value to them....(They are nice boobs).... -- Frog Gilmore, November 6, 1997 at 6:48p
    A hotel room in Reno, $60. Dinner and breakfast on the way out, in Reno again, about $15. Gas, going and returning, about $30. Dinner for two at the Nugget on the way home, with drinks and dessert, about $30. Munchies for use in the car, maybe $10. -- The Elder Dan, November 6, 1997 at 3:38p
    We filled up on gas twice $26x2 and bought a variety of munchies $10. -- kyle, November 6, 1997 at 2:29p
    I spent about $20 at a gas station for gas and some food when I exited highway 80 and headed north to Gerlach. -- Paul., November 6, 1997 at 8:33
    I spent $70.00 at Circus Circus ($60 for a room, $10 gambling) in Reno. $20 at a 7-11 type store. About $40 on gas. Probably another ten or 20 at a small grocery store. This only refers to what I spent in Washoe County, which was a small part of the total cost of the trip. -- Harold B,, November 5, 1997 at 10:49p
    Third year in a row I have come to burning man. Granted I packed a lot of stuff before hand, but I also loaded up each year in Washoe county with food, lots of ice, gas, water, rebar, extra coolers and tarps and a place to stay the evening before I arrived in the desert. I guess I spent between 250.00 and 300.00 dollars. That doesn't count the gambeling done in Reno. -- Kevin, November 5, 1997 at 10:30p
    I came to Washoe County last year to attend Burning Man. I spent: RV-$175.00 (my share) Food-$125.00 Hotel-$60.00 Other Stuff-$150.00 -- Rob K., November 5, 1997 at 10:11p
    i thank the county of Washoe for hosting the Burning Man event. It was my first year going and it seemed like it securtiy was good and no one got hurt. I din't spend much going through your county, only 30 gallons of gas and dinner at Denny's in Reno. Not much for one but for 15,000 people it begins to add up. I plan to go next year and bring friends. I wouldn't mind spending up to $120 for attending the event. With camping for 3 to 6 day, plus live entertainment it is a reasonable price to pay. thank you -- Chad C., November 5, 1997 at 3:49p
    Spent $80 total gas in Washoe for two vehicles. Spent $110 groceries + other supplies in Reno and $65 groceries+film in Gerlach. Also spent $5 on car wash and $30 food on the way back. -- Steven Raspa, November 5, 1997 at 3:18p
    Our party spent about $105-125 total in Washoe. $60 on gas and supplies in Wadsworth, about $40 at the Empire Store (I really like those folks). We also got our car washed by the high school kids in Gerlach again this year ($5). I should have given them more -- they offer a great service for a good cause. The "folks" in Washoe (Empire/Gerlach) have been great both times I went. I wish the "authorities" would get a little perspective. Sheeesh! -- David W., November 5, 1997 at 1:10p
    $30.00 for gas $60.00 for groceries $30.00 for meals -- rebecca s., November 5, 1997 at 11:23a
    At least $5000 was spent at lumber yards in Reno/Sparks by the Project on lumber and construction supplies for the Cafe and other structures in Center Camp. That's probably a low estimate. I personally spent about $1000 in Washoe Co. on items such as construction and mechanical supplies ($250), gas ($250), supermarket food ($200), restaurant food ($100), camp supplies ($100), a new tire ($80), and tobacco ($20). Washoe, we love you ... but I curse your bureaucrats .. may all their children be born NAKED. -- BillyBob, November 5, 1997 at 9:27a
    Coming from Toronto Canada, we spent tons. Before our departure: tent/freeze dried food/supplies/airfare-one week Vegas package ($1,100us). In Washoe County: flight to Reno ($220us), car rental ($120us), additional supplies/ booze/camera-film/coolers/water/ cooking fluid ($200us). I make note of the US currency as Canadians lose 40% on the dollar exchange. And guess what? It was worth it! -- Phil /Peter, November 4, 1997 at 4:43p
    I probably spent about $75 in Washoe county, as follows: Gas - $20 Dinner in Reno - $40 Breakfast at Bruno's - $10 Ice - $5 -- Neil Robertson, November 4, 1997 at 4:05p
    Since I live here, unfortunatly I spend most of my $30,000 per year here... If the county were more sympatheric towards my lifestyles then I could possible justify it... -- Joshua!!, November 4, 1997 at 8:04a
    $200 suppies Reno $30 gas Reno 28$ gas Gurlack $225 Black Rock City Gate $3 Black Rock General Store $20 "misc" goods -- dave, November 4, 1997 at 7:40a
    i spent $500 to fly in, about $20 on food stuffs in the Reno airport, $75 on groceries outside of Reno, and $200 on assorted supplies at hardware stores and two salvation armys. -- Dan F., November 3, 1997 at 9:11p
    My brother-in-law flew in from Kansas City and spent over $600 on supplies, food, etc., in Reno/Washoe County alone. I will certainly spend more next year. Preferably not in Washoe, because they don't deserve it. -- James A., November 3, 1997 at 6:17p
    Me and my pal flew in from New York and spent MUCHO DINERO in Reno. First we rented a car (without insurance) for about $250 bucks. Then we got a room for about $40 at the Golden Nugget something or other. Because we flew in from out of state we figured it would be best to by all of our supplies in Reno. So we went to the highly recommended SUPER K-MART where we bought everything. Food, beer, ice, not to mention ice-coolers(way to expensive if you ask me), camping gear, lounge chairs, a radio, and tiki torches, basically all the essentials. This all added up to about $250 big ones. We ate lunch at Taco Bell (Yo quiero Taco Bell) $10. Dinner at the Atlantis buffet (a superb choice)$20. $100 gambling (when in Rome...). $200 at the Bunny Ranch (uh- when in Rome...). Gas there $20 bucks. Donations on the way out $20 bucks. 7-11 on the way home 10 bucks. Denny's (where all of Black Rock seemed to be) $40 bucks (we were hungry), hotel $50. Refill gas $20. So roughly between two people we spent about $900 AMERICAN DOLLARS. And I'll do it again, and this time I'm taking more people with me, no matter where it is. It might as well be Washoe but if they don't appreciate us we can sure as hell take our business elsewhere. -- $900 BUCKS!!!, November 3, 1997 at 4:35p
    I spent about $150 on supplies at Kmart in Reno, 2 tanks of gas in Wadsworth, and then dinners, gas etc in Carson City, where I have family. I have on numerous occasions throughout my life spent money in and around Washoe County. Not inclined to any more, but if Burning Man happens in Washoe Co. again, well, I guess there's no choice. -- Trey D., November 3, 1997 at 4:07p
    Our group of five spent $600 on grocerices, liquor, cigarettes, and assorted toys(including Baywatch sticker book) for the Burn in Reno, $150 on gas for two vehicles, and $200 on food and gambling and a night's stay in Reno. It ain't chicken feed. -- Napboy, November 3, 1997 at 9:37a
    I was traveling by myself and spent at least $200 in Reno: meals x3 = $25, lodging = $50, gas = $25, last minute supplies = $100. Won $50 playing BlackJack on my way in and donated it to BM on my way home. (Oh ya, another msg. reminded me about the $135 at the Old Bridge Ranch on the way up.. :') So make that over $335... -- Kev, November 3, 1997 at 1:14a
    i spent $3.79 i bought a drink, a pack of gum, and the guy in front of the shop borrowed a $1 from me -- john, November 2, 1997 at 7:12p
    $1,300.: r.v., gasoline, food, ice, groceries, and various sundries. I would be happy to spend this kind of money in washoe county again, though i have not a problem in paying this money in another more compassionate and support county.... -- aj, November 2, 1997 at 6:48p
    I came to BM 97 in an rv with 6 other people, and between all of us, we spent about $70 on ice and dry ice (Sparks), close to $250 on groceries, liquor and cigarettes (Sparks), $120 on gas (Sparks, Empire and Wadsworth), a stop at Bruno's on the way out that totalled about $60 for food, drinks and gambling (Gerlach), and additionally had our rv washed in Gerlach by the kids from the local school, and gave the Pyramid Lake Reservation some money to use the lake to swim in on the way back. So there's another $500. As far as I'm concerned, I won't ever give Washoe County any of my money again... No more trips to Reno. If I want to gamble, I'll go out of my way to head to LV instead. -- Greg R., November 2, 1997 at 3:05a
    Total spendings in Washoe = $450,- -- Stefan, November 1, 1997 at 8:36p
    I spent roughly $85.00 personally, and my troupe spent a total of $283.82 -- Alexander J., November 1, 1997 at 8:34p
    I spent $175 -- Dan E., October 31, 1997 at 8:38p
    My wife and I came from Chicago, rented a car in Reno, $240. Bought supplies in Reno, $200 and donated $80 to the Washoe county sheriff because of speeding. That is not including the money we spent in the small town in the desert. I would like to comment on the ridiculous use of a helicopter at the Man. The presence of police was understandable. A little excessive, but understandable. The use of a Helicopter for no other reason than to get your pilot free air time and to harass the participants at the event is a serious breach of law enforcement trust and professionalism. I hope that the Washoe County sheriffs department understands that they perpetuate the distaste and contempt many people feel for police. The reason 15,000 people went to the middle of the desert is so no one would be affected who did not want to be affected. Regards, -- Dan O., October 31, 1997 at 2:35p
    gas for 1 car, 2 vans, 2 trucks, all filled in Nevada.....at least $400 in food and alcohol.......various batteries, bungee cords, etc., at least $60...... -- lau***@dph.com, October 31, 1997 at 1:52p
    Although our group was limited financially this year, the only money we spent on the entire trip was in Reno, which included a full tank of gas & a meal on the way there and back, totalling around $100 for all of us. -- Catherine, October 31, 1997 at 0:44p
    Our group of three vehicles stopped for gasoline in Reno both going and coming with our fuel purchases adding up to $125.00. We also stopped to eat in Reno both times for a total of approximately $100.00. Last minute items were purchased at a local drug store for approximatley $100.00 more. We also picked up a person from the airport so I'm sure there are landing fees and taxes that go to the Reno area. Several of our group also visited the casino while waiting for the person arriving at the airport. I'm not sure how extensive thier losses were but I don't remember anyone bragging about winnings. I almost forgot the gasoline we purchased in Gerlach for an additional $40.00. -- Greg , October 31, 1997 at 0:22p
    I Spent $60 in gas and $80 on a bicycle at K-Mart in Reno... -- Jamie, October 31, 1997 at 0:11p
    spent $25 in gas, spent $20 in groceries -- Martin, October 31, 1997 at 10:22a
    Spending in Reno - Ice for 3 for four days, food in same quatities, Case of beer, fifth of Jack (never opened), hand saw at Home depot, gasoline fill-up, Taco Bell meal. All told probably in the 'hood of $150 for the two hours we spent there. Gerlach spending - One inflated tank of gas at approx. $18. I'm from Seattle so if Oregon wants our business I'll gladly save on the drive time. -- Sean H., October 30, 1997 at 9:13p
    As part of our plan: We reccomended that everyone in our group buy thier groceries in Reno. There were about 15 of us. I personally spent about $150 easy. Gas. Ice. Etc. So do the math. -- Todd S., October 30, 1997 at 4:20p
    ! night in a Reno motel,3 meals, food supplies, gas, gambling. About $120. Went up to clean up 3 weekends ago. Spent about $80 in Reno and $50 in Gerlach. Hope that Washoe County doesn't drive us away, but there are many desert counties who would welcome us. -- Bob G., October 30, 1997 at 3:43p
    $200 on a rental car and gas...about the same for food and toys--way too much of both and gave away tons. IMHO other sites should be investigated ASAP: Washoe probably will not lighten up on the ridiculous demands. They don't Understand, and I doubt pointing out that they were wrong about our cash flow will change anything. Next year I am taking two weeks off to prepare and attend. See you there! John -- John Edwards, October 30, 1997 at 1:25p
    As one individual, I may have only spent $300 in Washoe County for the weekend. It was my first year, however, and next year will be accompanied by new participation ideas that will undoubtedly require me to lean on the resources of Washoe County. My projected spending for next year will, without a doubt, be significantly higher. -- Glen, October 30, 1997 at 11:25a
    We spent around $500 that week in Washoe. On the way there we stoppped for gas and at the nugget to eat and gamble.. Then to Susansville for a couple days to see a friend, eating out every meal, plus trips to wallmart. Groceries just outside Reno. Gas again in Gerlach. On the way back, big dinners and more gambling in Reno, where we dropped off a new friend at the airport, where he bought an airplane ticket back to new york. -- Lance & Lisa, October 30, 1997 at 7:43a
    I was 1 of a 4 person party, including two clients from Hong Kong who came FOR Burning Man. We spent over $3500.00 in 3 days. Most of that, about $2500. to 3000. of that was in slots and prostitues. Washoe County really impressed my clients. If all goes well, they may bring 4 people in next year. The Atlantis serves a good dinner, but be sure to steer clear of their lunch buffet. Dennys, for what it's worth is more than hospitable. Over the last 3 years, I have have spent over $10,000. related to burning man. I even donated money VIA an unwarranted speeding ticket. This upcoming year I am planning on a 6 member party, the biggest to date. I anticipate that we will easily spend at leat $4500. this year, if not more. peace out -- Major Co. High Level Managment., October 30, 1997 at 3:40a
    There were about 15 people in our group here is a rough break down of what we spent: $200.00 in gas $300.00 in food -- David F., October 29, 1997 at 8:31p
    I'd just like to say that your policies, fire, poloice etc. were completely unnecessary! I live in Reno and talked to many Wa. County sheriffs and they thought it was overkill as well. You sent a strong message of not wanting The Burning Man county. It's a shame, not only did it help Northern Pershing and Wa. counties finicially, it brought a sense of culture to a region where gambling and prostitution are the only things worth writing home about. -- Ed C., October 29, 1997 at 1:37p
    3 tanks of gas total 115.00-throughout Nevada. Supplies in Reno 95.00 Resturants in Reno 35.00 fly hot springs 20.00 Total: 265.00 Only was able to stay two days. I was an awesome experiance. -- james g., October 28, 1997 at 8:26p
    2 tanks of gas @ about $30 each 2 lunches at a Denny's in Reno - $15.00 money into slot machines - $5.00 total: $50.00 I know it wasn't much, but I'm sure multiplied by 10,000 people it all adds up! And I would have gambled more, but we were in a hurry to get to the campsite by nightfall. -- Laura La Gassa, October 28, 1997 at 6:56p
    I was part of a six-person group which travelled light. We flew in from Seattle via San Fran and bought literally all of our provisions in Reno (barring clothes). This included hundreds of dollars' worth of groceries, a rented SUV, fuel for same, and a night at the Reno Hilton. Not to mention a few dozen meals at various area restaraunts. Total expenses within the state (not considering air fare) were probably ~$2,000. -- Eric R., October 28, 1997 at 5:25p
    We spent about $300 in reno, as well as $50 fr gas. -- Thomas G., October 28, 1997 at 1:40p
    about $200 on food,supplies, and equipment in Reno, about $90 in gas, and $50 on restaurants coming and going through Reno. -- b. karr, October 28, 1997 at 11:40a
    pre-event: Reno: gas, full tank, $25 groceries, water, $50 empire: food, water, film, etc: $45 post-event: gas, full tank, $25 loding & fun in reno: $80 next year, I plan on staying in reno both before and after the event, to reduce dangerously exhausted driving. Will likely drop $300+ in washoe county during that week. -- chris m., October 28, 1997 at 11:09a
    We spent around $300 in Washoe county on gas, last minute provisions, etc. split between Gerlach and Empire. We spent another $200 in Reno. Also, like last year, we got our car washed on the way out. It was well worth it so we gave them $20 since it was going to the local school. -- John A., October 28, 1997 at 6:28a
    $92.82 groceries in Reno. $41.50 gas at Bruno's in Gerlach $20 various items at Twin Cities Surplus $10 refreshments at bar in Reno One of our party rented a car and flew into the Reno airport. Probably another $200 in expenditures. -- David Z., October 27, 1997 at 7:12p
    1500 bucks you assholes use the email to request receipts. -- joel w., October 27, 1997 at 4:54p
    I spent about $20.00 at the gas stations for gas and snapple (lemon) etc.. I spent $100 in reno to win $60 (gag). we bought the bulk of our groceries before we got to Nevada, I think? I was wasted most of the time. -- Doug W., October 27, 1997 at 2:15p
    I spent approx $200 in Washoe County. Broken down, it was something like: Gas in Reno, Gerlach, Reno: $50. Supplies in Reno: $50. Groceries in Reno: $50. Food in Sparks: $20. water/misc: ~$30. -JB -- Sizzle/Fri, October 27, 1997 at 0:45p
    We live in Reno, and completely outfitted our camp at local stores to the tune of $600. That plus a tank of gas and dinner in Gerlach on the way home. -- amii aka this woman, October 27, 1997 at 10:44a
    My wife and I flew into Reno, then rented an Isuzu trooper from Friday to Monday. We bought a full tank of gas, and about $100 of groceries. On the way out, we spent $40 on meal in a casino. Total reno cost, about $300 -- Robert K., October 27, 1997 at 10:04a
    Thank you Washoe County! I spent about $50.00 on gasoline and supplies. I travelled alone. I hope you will continue allowing Burning Man events to take place in the Nevada desert. Thank you so much! Naiya Cominos San Jose (Silicon Valley) Professional and Musician, Artist, Burning Man Participant -- Naiya of the Playa, October 27, 1997 at 9:38a
    We rented two cars, and food for ten people. All in all, the total Nevada spendings equaled approximately $700. -- Xaviera, October 26, 1997 at 9:05p
    My roomate and I spent the following: hotel - $70 food - $250 misc. supplies - $125 new barbell (for tongue) $35 gas - $80 total: approx $550 Of course, it was all worth it... Keith -- Keith S., October 26, 1997 at 9:03p
    Our family of 4 to 12 members has attended the past 3 burning man events. This year we spent at least $200.00 in Gerlach on food and drinks. Plus we gased up an RV in Gerlach and in Reno. $40.00 or so on ice from Gerlach plus $40.00 at the Empire store. At least $160.00 at the hot springs in the 4 days that we attended. Two of our family members flew in from New York and stayed at the Peppermill while waiting for their return home and knowing them I'm sure the ate, drank, and gambled to their hearts content but I don't know how much. We also bought a parachute from Twin City Surplus which was around $100.00 plus what ever else the New York boys picked up from there. PVC pipe and other supplies were purchased from Winnemucca Nevada as well as over $200.00 in groceries and water plus gas for 3 utility vehicles one of which was rented in Reno. This is just for this years visit and I'm sure there where a lot of other expenses that I don't know about as I'm just one of the 12 that were in our party. Last year we stayed longer in Reno before and after the man renting more rooms and consuming great amounts of everything!!!!! Thanks for asking Mona whatever the New York boys picked up. -- Mona, October 26, 1997 at 8:50p
    Gas=$45...I get really poor gas mileage. Food=$120...I get really hungry in the desert. -- Michael P., October 26, 1997 at 7:31p
    Me and my friend stopped and stayed in Reno for 3 days on our way to Burningman. Eventhough we stayed at his mother's house, we still went to many casinos and spent about $50. We did all of our food and water shopping in Reno and we spent about $200 dollars. We also gassed up two cars twice in Reno (there and on the way back) totaling about $100 dollars. -- Todd M., October 26, 1997 at 2:39p
    I contributed at least $500 to Nevada's economy while attending Burning Man this year. This included a motel while in transit, car rental, and supplies. I thought it was great how all the communities on the road between I-80 and Gerlach offered services to the participants. On Monday, weary participants happily paid for Indian tacos and car washes. The locals really appreciated the business, and the travelers really appreciated the services being offered. If Burning Man were not to occur again next year, it would be very sad for all involved, including Washoe County's residents. -- John G., October 26, 1997 at 9:04a
    We think, altogether the fifteen people in our camp spent about $350. If you think it is cool, we will buy more stuff locally -- if it makes us some s. -- Phoebe, October 26, 1997 at 8:20a
    For me and my friend Airfare 1200 RV rental reno 1000 Food in Reno and groceries 300 Hotel 1 night $60 Gambling 150 Bruno's on the way 25 Gas & stuff 100 -- Carl M., October 25, 1997 at 8:41p
    What did I spend? Well my friend and I spent quite a bit... Airfare in to Reno ($150 each) Car rental at Alamo ($200 or so) Lunch in Reno on the way out ($6 each) Groceries and supplies in Reno (about $50 each, included some camping supplies and some thrift store combustibles to have around camp/burn before we go) Breakfast on the way in ($5 each) A room for a night at the Atlantis. ($50) Lunch at the Atlantis buffett ($8 each, too much for the crappy food, the desserts were good though.) Bus fare to get downtown ($1.50 each) Money at the damn gamblin' machines! (about $10 each) Money at the damn card gamblin' tables (about $20 each) Dinner at Atlantis ($9 each) Keno at dinner ($5 each) Breakfast at the airport ($5 each) can't for get my admission to Burning Man, that money went to the county, didn't it.. ($65 each) I think it's safe to say that anyone who had to fly in and rent a car probably would have spent a similar amount. I can say that I spent more than I usually do on my labor day weekend. Another note, just to be clear all the gambling money was LOST! If you find it let me know and I might be able to pick it up next year. Viva La Burning Man! -- Chris D., October 25, 1997 at 0:12p
    Ok, $90 reno rent a car, $200 at payless, $100 at local grocery store, $30 in Gurlack, $50 misc. $480 for one person, course they don't get the airfare, just the tax. Well worth it BM98 -- Cal, October 24, 1997 at 11:02p
    Did We Ever Spend! (my best friend from college and myself) I'm especially fond of the Ace Hardware in Reno, which we bought wood, poles, brackets, fixtures galore to the tune of several hundred dollars to erect the Structures in our part of camp, including custom heavy-duty tent poles that were easier to buy than to truck across the country from Reading, PA--Also, Wal-Mart and Safeway got a couple hundred dollars each, as we bought supplies left and right with a "more is better" mentality...the Zeal started to get to me as I am not used to dropping cash so rapidly...but it was all worth it..this is money which would have been spent at the Philadelphia Folk Festival and lots of other places, but it was as if we were preparing for the Sabbath or Stocking our Fallout Shelter for the end of the World....Also Suzie's adult supertore, you are the best! (80dollars for me, and 200 for my buddy, who found some unique products sold in Nevada and unavailable in some other states) Not to mention film, lodging, meals for a stay of 24 hours in Reno prior to Bman...If the movement of Vehicles had not been an issue, we also would have had breakfast in Gerlach, as the Pork Chop breakfast at one locale came highly reccommended. I have been to many festivals, and not one other involves the kind of commerce that Burning Man does because of all the preparation involved and not wanting to be caught short...We bought so much Water, containers , food, supplies,etc that our van was heavily loaded down to the point of near Collapse of the suspension--which fortunately did not occur, but which would have been serviced by local mechanics if it had... I am quite sure that the estimation of 1.8 million dollars put into the local economy is a conservative one...Not only that, but I am already saving for Burning man 1998, and more friends from back home have set up savings accounts to make a cross country pilgrimage to burning man...If washoe county only knew the real cash cow it had, they would roll out the red carpet...Just my Opinion, which is free ... all the protests of the naysayers who tried to over-regulate and stop burning man did not put one red cent into the economy and took up a lot of public resources holding hearings to determine the suitability of the festival, which was on supposedly private land. -- Theo, Aka John, October 24, 1997 at 6:39p
    My group spent close to $300 in Reno for food and $40.00 on gas and about $50.00 in the casinos. How about that. -- Keith M., October 24, 1997 at 6:05p
    My group spent about $150 on Reno (mostly for food and gas) and another $25 or so for gas in Gerlach. -- Mike W., October 24, 1997 at 3:49p
    My boyfriend and I spent at least $400 in Washoe County. Most was spent in Reno (food, gas, hotel, reckless gambling). -- Megan G., October 24, 1997 at 3:46p
    I spent $2 on a hooker -- Ian C., October 24, 1997 at 2:11p
    I spent $50 on condoms! -- Jake R., October 24, 1997 at 2:10p
    I spent approximately $50.00 in Gerlach for gas and food supplies, and over $200.00 at the super K-Mart in Reno for just about all my camping equipment. It was much easier to buy items there than truck them all the way. Plus the prices were great. I also told a lot of other people to buy supplies at the super K-mart. Hope we'll be in Washoe so I can shop there next year! -- Jay B., October 24, 1997 at 2:07p
    we filled up on gas on the way out, on the way in ($20 each), ate some killer mexican food at el miguel ($30), about 6 quarters in the slots, groceries and water and cigarettes for $100, plus lots of film frames taking shots of those guys with the animal heads/trophies on the way out.....thanks. -- rebecca z., October 22, 1997 at 3:17p
    As I drove into BM on wednesday from Portland Or., my tire went over something sharp and pointy. By morning, it was completely dead flat, so I and one of my more sympathetic campmates drove about 75 miles on the spare (yeah, YOU try driving under 50 MPH without A/C in 105 degree heat next time)to the only truck station that we could find that had Honda tires that would fit my car. Apparently, Hondas ain't too popular 'round dem parts. As it also turned out, the other front tire was about ready to blow, attributable to driving on 100 degree pavement on a wheel put out of alignment by driving over something sharp and pointy. So I bought 2 new tires: total cost $130.00. While we waited for the shop to do its thing, we spent around 3 hours in the adjacent tuckstop, which consisted of grocery, restaurant, motel, and casino. One of the highlights was the rented shower at the motel... sheer luxury and a tremendous bargain at 5 bucks... but lunch, drinks, casino games, and picking up additional supplies (ice, beer, and cigs, mostly) added up to right around $150.00. On the way back, I filled my tank in Gerlach... another 20 bucks. Total round trip cost: about 300 bones. And that was just me, and just ONE day. My camp caravan consited of 2 vans, one truck hauling a trailer, and my car. We met up with 2 more vans from Portland to set up our camp there at BM, so I'd guess that our entire camp probably spent well over 500 bucks on gas alone driving through Nevada. I'd guess that I spent about another 100 bucks on groceries in some little town about 90 miles out from Gerlach... buying all the most perishable things at the last minute, and all those extra limes really came in handy for the chambord kamikazes on friday night. My friend who'd lost his tickets somewhere in Portland ended up buying 2 more at the gate... no way to trace his lost tickets, no way to prove he'd already paid. He wasn't real happy about it, but paying double ($300 for 2 tickets) made him feel better at least in contributing to the event. His name is Randall, and if anyone is listening, I think he should get at least one free ticket to next year's event for donating the extra $150. Contact me thru email and I'll send his address. I'm trying to organize a BM party, maybe I'll try to turn it into a fund-raiser. Anyone in the Portland/Vancouver/Seattle area, feel free to contact me at 503.274.2113. I despise the thought that my first BM experience may have well been the last. yers in burnin' luv, Bethany -- Bethany M., October 22, 1997 at 0:42a
    Gas: $20 (in the first town we came to), Airliine ticket: $300 (I'm sure someone in Nevada made some money in that amount), etc. etc. etc. Oh yeah...and a speed trap isn't a speed trap if you're not speeding. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. -- Senor G., October 21, 1997 at 4:02p
    Lemmee see...at least 12 bucks on lunch in Gerlach, fifty bucks on a speeding ticket (in what was a total speed-trap in Nixon), 13 bucks on gas in Reno, and 10 bucks on lunch at the El Dorado in Reno (which serves very tasty little waffles shaped like the symbols of suite of plaing cards), not to mention an indeterminate amount pissed away at the roullette table and the slot machines. This is a way conservative estimate just to be on the safe side. Let's say a grand total of $85.00. -- Gax the Whiskey Pixie, October 21, 1997 at 1:44p
    I believe I spent $40 to fill my van's gas tank, plus another $10 on ice and last minute supplies. I also dropped about $50 in Reno, if that counts. -- Amy/Sheyna, October 21, 1997 at 0:26p
    About $35 in gas & ice, and about $20 in sit-down meals, and $80 for a speeding ticket in Gerlach!!!! (but instead of paying the ticket, we donated money to BM!) -- Karen & Paul, October 21, 1997 at 9:54a
    A loose but conservative estimate of what our extended group (30+ people) spent in the county (just in '97 -- most of us have been participating since '91 or '92): gas for three big ass motorhomes & 7 or 8 cars: ~$500. Food, beer & last-minute stuff @ Safeway: ~$300. Hotel for 2, sit-down dinners and gambling: ~$250. Tire change and towing services: ~$200. Keys made: ~$15. Approximate total: ~$1,265.00. Again, I think this is fairly conservative, and doesn't count similar Washoe county expenses every year for the last 5 or 6 years. (Nor does it count the weekends when some of us came up beforehand to help prepare the site.) -=Be=- -- Bill, October 20, 1997 at 5:10p
    This was all spent in Reno Car rental - $148 Groceries/supplies - $110 Gambling - $50 Meals/drinks - $35 + I flew in and out on Southwest Airlines from Boise, Idaho $200+ dollars if that counts for anything as well. -- Kurt E., October 20, 1997 at 3:59p
    I spent about $150 on ice, groceries, camping supplies, sit-down meals and gasoline and another $50 gambling. -- John B., October 20, 1997 at 9:09a
    Food and ice about $200 A night at the Hilton $100,Dinner,Breakfast $100 Show$100Gambling about$200 not a bad night for Reno and gas another $30 -- Gary, October 19, 1997 at 7:00p
    Last year in 96 we spent $80 for beer in a Reno supermarket 40$ for food and approximately $100 in replacement car parts in Reno so I could safely make it home -- Andrew, October 18, 1997 at 10:47a 
    spent one night in hotel in Reno prior to heading out-$50 filled gas tank twice on way in and out-$100 bought groceries in and out- $100 -- Ellen Q., October 18, 1997 at 10:28a
    We spent around $30 in gas and about $10 for miscellaneous groceries. We also paid $5 for a permit for Pyramid Lake. -- Wayne, October 17, 1997 at 7:00p
    My friends and I, by flying in on Reno Air and staying at a Reno Hotel and renting two Reno rental cars and drinking in Reno Bars and buying supplies in Reno stores and losing money in Reno casinos and eating in Renostaurants easily spent over $2000 in Washoe County. -- Patrick L., October 17, 1997 at 1:24p
    Gas, Ice, Supplies--$40.00 -- Tom Price, October 17, 1997 at 11:57a
    Our family favorite en route is the Alamo truck stop, east side of Reno. In each direction we gas-up and snack-up including a ritual milkshake, fresh banana thank you. @ the alamo: gas for 2 vehicles $30; milkshakes, road snacks, water, gambling $50 and a buck for a postcard but they were out of stamps. @ Wadsworth $3.20 for stamps at the Post Office, there would be hell to pay if I had missed that birthday. @ the festival: for ice and other goods of the desert economy $50. @ Gerlach a hot meal and cold beer $30 for 3. @ Alamo again $30 in gas and a hot lunch, milkshakes and snacks $40. travel advice: the food in Gerlach retaurnts is better than that at the Alamo retaurant. -- david and ranko, October 17, 1997 at 0:42a
    My daughter and I spent approximately $180 on food and supplies in Reno and about another $50+ on gas, lunch and supplies in Washoe County. I have to admit that we were treated very well by everyone we met, and felt no hostility from the "natives." I'm sorry that so many people had such negative experiences with the locals. Sheila -- Sheila S., October 16, 1997 at 1:45p
    Three of use spent around $350.00 in Reno, nothing in Washoe county. -- Paul, October 16, 1997 at 1:02p
    For our car: Gas, munchies, ice, etc... Wadsworth...approx $100.00 Reno area.....approx $50.00 We were better prepaired this year.....spent much more last year on, hotel, camping supplies, food, etc.... Must admit, I pretty much only come to Washoe county for the yearly trek out to BM -- JEN, October 16, 1997 at 0:41p
    My entire group spent probally around $75.00 to $100.00 on gas and supplies and all. -- Ramses M., October 15, 1997 at 4:59p
    Groceries: $300.00 gas: $100.00 Supplies: $200.00 -- J Paris, October 15, 1997 at 2:14p
    Well we purchased about 80.00 worth of supplies in Fallon but I don't think that is in Washoe Co.. We topped off the tanks in Gerlach and still need to send in 165.00 for a nice little speeding ticket just outside of Gerlach (only 11 mph over). When I asked the trooper what BM was like he said it was "just a bunch of drug dealers and bar tender types" wasting the counties resources and causing problems. Anyway total spent in Nevada 265.00. -- Dan, October 15, 1997 at 10:01a
    $40 in the Motel 6 in Sparks, $40 in gas , $20 in ice, $30 at the IHOP, $20 more in gas. I never come to the Reno/Sparks area except for the annual Burning Man festival. Cheers, Mark -- mark g., October 14, 1997 at 5:33p

    My three friends and myself did not spend much maybe about one hundred dollars a piece on gas and shopping but with the thousands of people who attended Burningman that adds up I just wish the county officials there in Washoe county get there heads out of there asses and give Burningman a little more hospitality and a lot less financial hassles And I whould suggest the possibilty of a couple of Burningman organizers to move to Reno and run for office aginst some the politicians that don`t want to welcome the Burningman crowds in their county -- Joe, October 14, 1997 at 3:13p
    due to the insanely high price of gasoline in this county, my little 10 gallon honda ate up about $18 of fuel. food, drink, supplies, and even a cheesy "Visit scenic Gerlach, Nevada" shirt cost me another $100. Think this place could survive without us or government subsidies? -- derek a., October 14, 1997 at 1:02p
    My party of three spent about $40 in Washoe County on supplies. -- Ray A,, October 14, 1997 at 11:32a
    Besides the obviouse Gas I also purchased all of my food and water jugs and liquor in Washoe County, not to mention a plethora of ice, some film, I lost $80 in gambling, My bike broke down in Winnamucca cost $120. The grand total for Nevada/Washoe county $400-$500 -- Andy, October 14, 1997 at 10:11a
    I purchased more than $200 worth of professional slide film, just under $150 of liquor (hey, I swear, some of it was to bring home), and about $50 in groceries in Reno. Not to mention filling the gas tank of the RV we were driving to the tune of approximately 70 gallons, and three ice chests of ice (I think it was 22 blocks, whatever that costs) -- Dale L., October 14, 1997 at 8:55a
    $100 at Safeway $60 gas -- JoMoCo, October 14, 1997 at 6:42a
    WE spent in Washoe County during Burning Man: Food $ 45.00 Gas 78.00 Gambling 110.00 -- Rick S., October 14, 1997 at 2:32a
    Total spent in Washoe County: Driving to Burning Man: Gas at Boomtown $37.00 lunch at Boomtown (4 people) $17.00 After Burning Man: We stayed at Boomtown on 9/1 - 9/5. Hotel (4 days) $200.00 Food (5 days) $250.00 Casino Net loss (2 people) $300.00 (we did OK) Children's archade (2 people) $400.00 (they spent more than we did) Gas going home $32.00 Total spent in Washoe County $1236.00 -- Jim C., October 13, 1997 at 6:31p
    That monday Night after Burningman 6 of us stayed in Reno overnite. Stayed at the Peppermill Hotel gambled a little. With meals and everthing we spent at least $800.00 just in Reno. -- Gus H., October 13, 1997 at 4:51p
    My flight to Reno from Vancouver, Canada on Reno Air - Cost approx. $200 U.S. Purchase of food, water, gas, other supplies in Reno (me and three friends): approx $250 U.S. One night stay in Reno trailer park, with meals and, casino visit (me and three friends): approx $95. -- Robert B., October 13, 1997 at 3:59p
    Kat (not the one who is so often impersonated) and I spent a total of around $75 for gas in Washoe County. Everything else we carted in. -- Phillip, October 13, 1997 at 3:44p
    Washoe County Spendings 1997
    $50 - Groceries
    $30 - Gas
    $120 - hotel before & after B.M.
    $30 - restaurant food
    TOTAL: $230.00 -- Suzanne, October 13, 1997 at 0:17p
    $100.00 groceries in the crappy little town near blackrock city $60.00 groceries in Reno $50.00 in lunch in Reno $60.00 in gas in Reno Plus there was the emotional cost of having to endure going through Reno. -- SM, October 13, 1997 at 0:03a
    For the past 3 years we've spent the following: about $60 for hotel room, $30 for gas, $50 for meals, $25 for last minute suplies. It's the only reason we have for going to Reno. -- Don H., October 12, 1997 at 10:20p
    approx. $120 at twin city surplus, $30 at home depot, $30 for misc. things like bungee cords & umbrellas, plus food - which was about $100 for food and water. -- craig, October 12, 1997 at 5:50p
    Over $750 last year with car rental and other provisions completely purchased in reno... Car rentals in Nevada carry a whopping 15% plus tax on them... Plus i got a ticket from those fucking gerlach pigs (went to warrant to the tune of an additional $350) -- Baba louie of the gerlach wazooie, October 12, 1997 at 4:04a
    $50 camera filter $15 ice $25 gasoline $10 cigars $30 groceries $20 resturants $15 army surplus $10 thrift store $21 extra film $200 nearly all together for one person -- Jon A., October 12, 1997 at 3:53a
    I went to Burning Man in '96. I wanted to go this year but my husband is a little up tight about me having a good time without him. Oh well, hopefully NEXT YEAR!!!!! It was so awesome I have to go back. I didn't spend alot of money but did alot of partying of course. -- nikki, October 11, 1997 at 4:45p
    Sorry, but I need to know how to get to 98's Burning Man. I wasn't sure about anything else I saw, please help me out. I've got some art that no one else understands and will blow you away. I'd kill for the chance to show it off. If anyone can help... -- Don K., October 10, 1997 at 8:20p
    We spent $20 for gas in Reno, $45 for water, groceries and batteries at Keystone shopping center, $10 for yogurt and snacks at cute little yogurt shop in Keystone Center, about $18 for buffet at Circus Circus on the way home and $5 in slots. -- Mary Beth, October 10, 1997 at 5:32p
    Food for two, film, batteries etc about $140 Shade awning $130 Water Containers $18 Auto Fuel $40 Costume Misc $70 Folding camp table $45 Solar shower $15 Money spent at: Copeland's Sporting Goods, Twin Cities Surplus, Scolari's -- Matt R., October 10, 1997 at 10:24a
    In preparing for Burning Man, I'd say I spent the following in Reno: $20 for gas, $50 @ Costco, $50 at Albertsons & Safeway (food, water, ice), another $50 in other stores (costume preparations, gas for stove, etc.)and another $5 at a car wash once back in town. About $175 total. -- Purple Princess, October 10, 1997 at 10:22a
    Our purple phreak camp had 11 people, 2 non-enviro vans, and a car. In Empire we bought lots o'gas, food on the way in and out, cigarettes (too many)and ice. We bought camping gear and ate in Reno on the way in and out. We spent about $550 total. -- Purple Phreak, October 10, 1997 at 9:28a
    My husband and I flew in from L.A. -- we bought all of our groceries and a few sundry items from a shopping center in Reno -- about $100; we rented a truck for the weekend -- about $200; gas -- about $30; eating in Reno & Gerlach -- about $40. -- Linda W., October 10, 1997 at 8:39a
    My friends and I spent $55 on gas and probably $30 in food. We also left over $50 in the slot machines. $135 total. -- Bone Daddy, October 10, 1997 at 8:16a
    Spent $20 on gas in Gerlach, another $40 or so at the grocery store in Empire. In Reno I dumped about $250 on a new battery for the truck, some camping supplies and food. All told, that's $310 spent in Washoe Co. -- Terry, October 10, 1997 at 4:30a
    We spent about $30 ($20 in Gerlach) on gas, $6 getting car cleaned by the nice kids in Gerlach, $5.00 for stawberry rubarb pie and a drink, and another $20 on food and cigarettes in Reno. -- randi, October 9, 1997 at 6:45p
    $145 car rental $116 supplies (tent, lamp, sleeping bag) $ 40 groceries $ 35 hotel $ 18 gas $ 30 restaurant -- yvette, October 9, 1997 at 1:55p
    Two of us spent at least $50 in gas, $40 in groceries/water, $20 in meals in the Reno area, plus some ice at the Empire general store. -- briand***@aol.com, October 9, 1997 at 1:52p
    All told, about $60 in food and gas going in and out of Hualupai Playa. -- John, October 9, 1997 at 0:16p
    Sorry- I'd heard before I left how Washoe was trying to jerk BM around and overcharge us. So I spent $6 at the Site for the Ice from the General store. Managed to gas up in california. Maybe if I'd felt like we were welcome I wouldn't have made a point of not spending any money in Nevada. -- Steve B., October 9, 1997 at 7:48a
    About $40 bucks in gas, $30 in meals, $20 in gambling, $30 in foodstuffs, and about $30 in beer. -- Rob the Wop, October 9, 1997 at 6:21a
    $120 in gas, $40 for food and drink, $60 for liquor, $19 for cigarettes, $100 on blackjack. fuck the nugget... -- n***@sirius.com, October 9, 1997 at 2:50a
    We spent $120 on groceries, $25 on gas (one tank coming and going), $55 on a motel, $20 at Denny's in Reno... -- Anon., October 9, 1997 at 0:25a
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