We are so pleased to announce that things are in the works for a burner Etsy Team spearheaded by the creative energies of Linda Loca, who runs the Etsy shop "Fire Grog Studios".
Loca put in the application for the team with the folks at Etsy and says it should be up and running in about week.
Some of you maybe wondering "WTH is an Etsy Team and why should I care?"
Well, Etsy Teams are groups of organized Etsy members who network, share skills, and promote their shops together. A team forms around a shared location, crafting medium, or another interest.
In this case Loca is building the team around a shared "community" (drink!).
"Actually, the team name is "Etsy Black Rock City Crew" says Loca. "I didn't want to use "team" in the title because, as you know, there is no team in f*ck you."
Aaah, this is how I knew Loca is a true burner!
Now you know me, I can't talk to a creative person without wanting to know more about what they do and why they do it. Loca told me that she only just started selling on Etsy in October and couldn't believe that there wasn't an Etsy burners team already in place.
"So hell," said Loca. "I'll start one myself, dammit. Cuz that's how we roll. ;) Radical self-reliance and all that rot."
I really admire Loca's "just do it" approach to the entire project. As my friend Technopatra once told me when I was having a hissy fit that Burning Man is a do-ocracy! I took her advice and created BURNcast. Radical self-reliance indeed!
"I'm excited at the prospects," says Loca, who envisions this crew as a tool for fellow burner artisans to utilize to great effect by globally promoting each others' shops and items.
Etsy's take? "Teams make us not just a marketplace of individuals, but an interconnected and diverse artistic community."
OK, it's time you played along with us! Click play now!
So now that I've got you psyched you're probably wanting to know how to get in on this.
Well, here's the dealio: since it will take about a week for the crew to be processed Loca has put in place a Google group (http://groups.google.com/group/etsy-brc) you can join right now with a blog and Flickr group soon to follow. Loca is inviting any burners who have Etsy shops to convo her on Etsy and she'll add you to the crew.
And that's it! More information as things start to take off. Until then, you can find me over at my little Etsy shop.