14 December 2010

All Aboard the Airship Victoria

The Airship Victoria  is a steampunk dirigible and multi-year project conceived by Stacey Reineccius and designed by Trevor Tuttle.   Above is an old episode of BURNcast when the AV was still in its planning stages back in 2009.  

For Burning Man 2010 the AV was built on a matrix of seven 10 ft diameter balloons attached to a hand-made aluminum frame. Once airborne, the dirigible attempted to lift a 1 kilowatt Tesla coil above the ground. The coil and LED lighting system were controlled by a midi keyboard on the ground creating a music and light show unlike anything built before.

There's more videos plus photos of the Airship Victoria from this year's burn on their Facebook page and also on YouTube. Unfortunately, the admin has disallowed embedding and sharing otherwise I would have posted them here instead. So go on over and check'em out. They're gearing up for Burning Man 2011 and they're looking for volunteers. Tell'em I sent'cha!


Anonymous said...

The Amazing Creativity and LIFE of BRC! Well Done and Amazing!

~N~ said...

This is a good move which I applaud. Keep the trolls and spammers at bay, and everyone else will be happier.

Kantiki Jayamana Whateva said...

The. Greatest. Artcar. EVAR!

Okay, I could be hasty with that assumption... but an airship!? That plays music with tesla coils? It's something you would normally joke about making, but wouldn't dream of actually seeing. Can't wait for 2011's burn!

K Akseth said...

We are flying the Airship Victoria Prototype X3 this year at Burn with an help of a beautiful grant from Burning Man itself. Come visit us on Promenade. Just look up.

K Akseth said...

Hi, We're still working on this project. Check us out, help and smile.

Twitter: ArishipV

Magic Kristian

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