23 November 2010

Self As City, City As Self (Lecture from Entheon Village @ Burning Man 2010)

Today's video is from Michael "aka Percival aka The Professor" Garfield who writes:
"As an evolutionary biologist and developmental psychologist by training, I typically gift Black Rock City by expounding on lofty philosophical topics pertinent to the year's art theme...like the construction of selfhood in relationship to the collective."

'I gave this lecture at Burning Man Festival's Entheon Village as part of their 2010 symposium on sustainability and community. Entheon's focus on visionary art and psychedelic conversation, and Burning Man's dedication to the city as collaborative creative play, made it obvious to me that the year's art theme, "Metropolis," called for a talk on the many ways that individual and collective are intertwined.."

'This is a whirlwind tour of concepts from evolutionary biology, developmental psychology, philosophy, architecture, and art that - taken together - point us toward a new understanding of the self as a multitude and our communities as living, sentient beings."


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