You've heard the rumors. Now's your chance to check out the craziness that is Burning Man! Each year, thousands flock to the deserts of Nevada, to create Black Rock City, a no-holds-barred party metropolis! That's right, anything goes in this arid, hard rock habitat! No running water and no inhibitions, Burning Man is not for the faint of heart. Is this the Party of the Year, a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, or a little of both? You decide! OURsceneTV Hottie, and Burning Man virgin, Jesse Archer brings you the low down dirty on the annual funfest, exploring everything from Mutant Vehicles to men in body paint! What you're about to see is real and brought to you in the comfort of your own home (hopefully, running water included) courtesy of OURsceneTV!
29 May 2009
You've heard the rumors. Now's your chance to check out the craziness that is Burning Man! Each year, thousands flock to the deserts of Nevada, to create Black Rock City, a no-holds-barred party metropolis! That's right, anything goes in this arid, hard rock habitat! No running water and no inhibitions, Burning Man is not for the faint of heart. Is this the Party of the Year, a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, or a little of both? You decide! OURsceneTV Hottie, and Burning Man virgin, Jesse Archer brings you the low down dirty on the annual funfest, exploring everything from Mutant Vehicles to men in body paint! What you're about to see is real and brought to you in the comfort of your own home (hopefully, running water included) courtesy of OURsceneTV!
28 May 2009
You Could Be A Winner!
BURNcast in conjunction with Firegroove is giving away FREE Fire Eating Class or a 3 Class Groove Pass in your choice of poi, hoop or staff.
All you have to do to win is comment on the BURNcast Events Blog because divaDanielle loves to hear from you! Be sure to mention which prize you want and make sure to leave your contact info.
First come first serve! Be the first to comment and you could be a winning winnah!
Claudia AKA Sunshine Memorial
Moose has provided some important information regarding Sunshine Allthetime's memorial service as follows:
Here it is, guys: (her family will not be arranging anything, so this is arranged by her '08 campmates)
Claudia Blankenzee (AKA Sunshine)
5-10 PM
Dockwelier State Beach
We will try to be at the northernmost fire ring. So if you are coming from Imperial Highway, turn right (north) and it will be the farthest fire ring. You can park on the street or in the lot, although my understanding is that they are VERY strict with street parking tickets--they start handing them out immediately after the clock hits 10PM. I think in the lot they give you a little more leeway.
- We will bring some of Claudia's things to give away and (possibly) to burn.
- Please bring food to share and/or firewood.
- Please no detectable alcohol/drugs--because we really don't want this gathering busted by the cops; and I have seen them break up gatherings because of this.
- Warm coats and beach chairs/blankets are usually a good idea.
- I'm not sure about fire spinning since they can sometimes be kinda strict about that, but sometimes they're cool with it. Use your best judgment.
- And most importantly, please come with stories of Claudia. One suggested topic is what you learned from Claudia.
Peace and Blessings
divaD BURNcast Events VLOG 05.28.09
Hey Kiddies!
If you have an event, you'd like to plug through BURNcast, fill out the form here.
Upcoming Events
27 May 2009
BURNcast.TV #47 - The Lightning Temple with Wizwonka
Video Submission: Dust Storms & Double Rainbows: Burning Man 2007
Dust Storms & Rainbows : Burning Man 2007 from moontroll on Vimeo.
A short video depicting the extreme dust storms and lovely double rainbow at Burning Man 2007, set to music recorded on the open playa from Disorient and Bassnectar. This video features the Boogie Universal crew and our Boogie Pyramid camp at 9:00 & Esplanade.
Most film clips and photos by moontroll of Bellingham, Washington. Learn more at
22 May 2009
Red Lightning

Come meet me and divaDanielle as we celebrate Memorial Day weekend this Saturday at Red Lightning, a fundraiser for Shamballah, Green Society and Lightning Temple.
Visit the website where you can find more details on our village for Black Rock City 2009.
Get your tickets here.
Love & Rockets,
21 May 2009
divaD's BURNcast Events Vlog 0521
Hey Party People!
If you have an event, you'd like to plug through BURNcast, fill out the form here.
Upcoming Events
BURNcast Extra: Messages for Doll Parts

Members of the Burner community reached out to her by leaving a voice message for her. This recording was embedded in "BURNcast #44 - Flippin' Out at Burning Flipside!"
Two years later I ask this same community to help me create an audio get well card for Hollis Hawthorne. All you have to do is call 775-363-5861 and leave a message.
R.I.P. Sunshine Allthetime
20 May 2009
C'est Incroyable!

French Burners Mini Burning Man: 30 Mai 2009
- Body Art (body painting,…)
- Ultra Pop Photography
- Foot massage
- Cours de massage Thaï
- Costume Design & Creation
- Création de tenues lumineuses avec du el wire et des LED
- Cours de jonglage avec des bolas
- Initiation au Mix
- Nowhere & Burning Man 2009
A 18h, nous prendrons tranquillement l’apéro. Puis, vers 20h nous ferons un grand barbecue !
Lookés total BURNING MAN, vous danserez sur les musiques de nos DJs. Encore de la bonne musique éclectique: electro bien sûr, mais aussi pop rock et même une série slow à ne pas manquer!!!
L’équipe des French Burners
paris (at)
06 30 84 27 55
19 May 2009
Leave A Message for Hollis!

This is great because as I previously posted, I'm mixing new audio podcasts episodes from recordings I made at BM 2007 for "BURNcast" and want listeners to participate by leaving voice messages for Hollis to be used in the next episode. That way she can listen on her iPod!
BURNcast #076 - The Morning After BURN 2007
In this episode we talk to three visitors to the BURNcast camp at Burning Man 2007 the morning after the burning of the Man and Crude Awakening. Our first guest, Lighthouse, shares many a tale about his experiences on the playa. Andie and Joe follow up with a discussion about moop. Finally, Obi Wan recounts the events of the Crude Awakening burn. Music by Pleasure Sean.
BURNcast Announcement
So I'm mixing new audio podcasts episodes from recordings I made at BM 2007. Leave a message for Hollis that I can use in the next episode. Let's not forget Hollis! She's still with us and needs our love and support. Call 775-363-5861
17 May 2009
BURNcast.TV #46 - The Grilled Cheese Invitational w/CuriousJosh
16 May 2009
Burning Man 2008 by jdsvids
Burning Man 2008 from jdsvids on Vimeo.
This is an excellent video from BM 2008. What's even more wonderful is the artist's transparency. When he posted this to Vimeo he also included his camera tag number: #4783. Kudos on a great job in filmmaking and respecting the community (drink!).
15 May 2009
14 May 2009
divaD BURNcast Events Blog 0514 - WIN FREE TIX TO PLUMP in LA!!
Hey Party People!
Tomorrow! 'Bootie: Black Rock City' is coming to New York!

This event promises to bring together The Fandango Village, one of Burning Man's longest-running theme camps; with Funk Camp, one of Burning Man's most-successful live-music venues; and Bootie, the world-wide mashup club phenomenon. If this doesn't get you primed for this year on the playa, you need to check your pulse.
When Fandango and Funk Camp have collaborated in the past, the result was 2002's Church of Funk, located on the Esplanade and providing an antidote to all the trance and house out in the desert.
On May 15th, the East Coast and West Coast branches of Fandango/Funk Camp are uniting to bring the best the playa has to offer to one of the hottest clubs in Manhattan. For one-night-only Bootie: NYC will be at the Crash Mansion, 199 Bowery at Spring. May 15th promises to bring together the rampant mayhem of the Fandango Village, the musical chops of Funk Camp, and the "bastard pop" insanity of the Bootie DJs.
More information and RSVP details check out:
Get your name on the RSVP list here:
For more from Adrian & The Mysterious D, and Malderor, be sure to check out the Piss Clear anthology:
13 May 2009
Why Do We Go To Burning Man
A video submission from Psilly Psimon who writes: "Why do we go to Burning Man? There are LOTS of reasons! Here are a few from the '04 burn."
If you would like to submit a video for, please click here for our guidelines.
12 May 2009
BURNcast.TV #45 - A Conversation with Chicken John (Part 3)
08 May 2009
divaD's BURNcast Events Blog 0508 - FREE TIX 16Bit&Beyond w/DJ Patricio!
Here it is!! The BURNcast events Video Blog. It is one day late. Sorry! Bad Diva! Bad!
04 May 2009
BURNcast.TV #44 - A Conversation with Chicken John (Part 2)
R.I.P. Joseph Lawrence Huckins
Burntown suffered a heavy loss last week when Joey Huckins passed away in a tragic work related accident. Below is the obituary as featured on
Joseph Lawrence Huckins
12/15/1978 - 4/30/2009
Joe lived life to the fullest. Joe had dreams and then he lived them as an inspiration to us all. Joe worked as a tree trimmer; a job that he dearly loved. On Thursday, April 30, in a job related accident, much too early in life, God took Joe away. Joe was everyone's favorite grandson, son, brother and uncle and friend.
Joe is survived by a large family and many friends. His parents, Chick and Ginny, His brothers and sisters and their spouses and children, Tom and Lisa Huckins, Zachariah, Cecilia, Magdalena, Dominique and Giana; Peter Huckins; Katie and Ken Prust, BJ, Kenny, Kolbe, Kyler, Sophia and Levi; Tim and Stephanie Huckins, Jacob, Spencer, and Lucy; Teresa and Tony Landry, Chloe, Anthony, Emily, Lizzy, Mitchell, Austin, Molly and Gracie; Pat and Stephany Huckins, Charlie, Johnny, Sarah, Mae, Jimmy and Christina Josephina (Born the day before his death); Rob and Andrea Huckins, Anna, Alli, Bobby and Ashley; Chris Huckins, Mitzy Huckins, JP Huckins and Anne Marie Huckins. His Grandmothers Mary Huckins and Betty Triol, his aunts and uncles, Judy and Chuck Paine, Marjorie and John Hamon, Barbara Triol, Susie Huckins and Gary Huckins. There is a lingering emptiness in this family that Joe filled.
Joe attended St. Joseph's Catholic School and Del Oro High School and was also home schooled. Joe was born at Auburn Faith and lived nearly his entire life in Auburn, until he started traveling.
He visited Rome, Ireland and Mexico with his parents. He traveled to and lived for extended periods in Venezuela and New Zealand. He traveled to Thailand and India, and more recently to Mexico where he learned to surf. Just last week he returned from a two-week bike ride that started in Phoenix and ended in El Paso.
Besides bike riding, Joe was an expert of many pursuits, including, sailing, windsurfing, skateboarding, snow skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding and canoeing. While many of us struggled to learn something new, Joe not only picked it up instantly, he excelled at doing it. Many friends and family members will greatly miss living vicariously through Joe's many adventures.
Joe is the personification of all good things a man is capable of being; with just the right amount of mischief, playfulness and kindness included, which made him so loveable and well respected. Because of Joe there is a lot more love in this world.*
Viewing of the body will be on Wednesday, May 6, at 5 pm and Rosary will follow the viewing at 7 p.m.
51 Grass Valley Highway
Auburn, CA 95603
Funeral will be Thursday, May 7 at 10:30 a.m.
1162 Lincoln Way
Auburn, CA 95603
Reception to follow at St. Teresa's Parish Hall on Atwood Road.
In lieu of flowers please donate to:
28000 Rawlings Lake Rd.
Colfax, Ca 95713
*First published in the Gold Country Media Newspapers on 5/3/2009.
Slideshow images courtesy of Tony Tohono and Burntown.
Music Gleam Remix by Etherine available on
03 May 2009
Farewell, Tom Kennedy May 1 2009
From PuzzlingEvidenceTV
Family and Art Car friends of Tom Kennedy join Bishop Joey for a few words, fireworks and tears at Ocean Beach, where we last saw our friend smile. Music is "Taxi Suite" by Rare Air. You will be loved, Tom...
01 May 2009
Livestream of Tom Kennedy Grand Memorial at 7:20 p.m. PDT

BURNcast will be offering a feed of the livestream on this blog post starting at 7:20 p.m. PDT. However -- as with all things tech -- this start time is also playa time approximate technical difficulties notwithstanding. Though the information I received says the stream will starts @ 7:20 pm PDT, I feel that this may be incorrect as the procession begins at 6:00 pm and the speakers begin at 7:00 pm so just check back here frequently throughout the evening.
For more information about the schedule of events to celebrate the life of this amazing artist and human being, please go here.
Tom Kennedy Benefit Screening of "Dust & Illusions"
This Saturday is a screening of "Dust & Illusions: A History of Burning Man" in San Francisco. A portion of the proceeds go the support the Delancey Street Foundation, a residential self-help organization for former substance abusers, ex-convicts, homeless and others who have hit bottom. The other portion will go to support Tom Kennedy’s memorial service that is taking place this evening.
More details about the screening on here.