A collection of art car photos as seen in Auto Motto.
MullingItOver is the featured photographer and you can find more of his work on Flickr.
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This is an unofficial website. BURNcast is independently produced by burners for burners. It is offered as a gift to the Community (drink!!!). Our podcasts, vidcasts and blog are not intended to represent Burning Man in virtual reality or actual reality. The views expressed on BURNcast may or may not reflect that of the BMorg or the Black Rock City LLC and we're not affiliated with the Cult of Larry.
All rights reserved for all BURNcast audio podcasts and BURNcast vidcasts including any and all blog and calendar posts except where explicitly communicated on this blog. Permission required to use any BURNcast recordings for remix and reuse.
Hi there,
It looks like you're using my photo from Burning Man without giving me credit, as is required in my Creative Commons license. Original is here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mullingitover/1322336062/
I don't mind if you use this picture, but could you give me photographer credit please? Thanks!
Hi Barry,
I have amended this post for you and thanks for the information. I can't remember the details of how this got posted to my blog in the first place but I think I saw it on Auto Motto and "bookmarked" it directly to my blog.
Let me know if you have any more issues or concerns.
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