If you Twitter @burncast and point a link to your ticket photo, we'll add yours to our Flickr set.
28 January 2010
Got Tix?
Earlier today we Twittered/Facebooked to see who received their Burning Man ticket yet as we wanted to see what it looked like. Here's some of the replies we received.
If you Twitter @burncast and point a link to your ticket photo, we'll add yours to our Flickr set.
If you Twitter @burncast and point a link to your ticket photo, we'll add yours to our Flickr set.
iGoogle Gadget: Countdown to Burning Man!
Oh, how we love this gadget that's installed on our iGoogle desktop by Mark Laramee. It's modeled after the Mac dashboard widget created by the Builder at BurnItMan.org. It's set to Pacific Daylight Time. You can also just grab the embed code in the window below or if you prefer to customize it a bit, get it from Google here.
Now some people think that Google is evil and getting too big for their pants. But in case you didn't know, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the founders of Google are long-time burners and like to camp next to First Camp.
WTH is First Camp? First Camp is kinda like the "First Family" if you'll pardon the analogy. It's where BMorg's big wigs hang out the week of Burning Man. It's just left of the 6 o'clock radius and Esplanade if you're walking towards the Man from Center Camp.
I'm told that Google's camp location is supposed to be a big secret so don't tell nobody, OK?
Ha! Playa rumor or not? You decide! ;)
25 January 2010
Official Cookieman Burning Man Scholarship!
Are you from the east coast? Wanna go to Burning Man? Don’t think you’ll get the $$ together? Ever wish the Burning Man org would think of travel expenses when giving out their low income/scholarship tix? Do you REALLY like to answer A LOT of ridiculous questions?
Announcing the Official Cookieman Burning Man Scholarship! This is NOT a joke or a prank! I am very serious about my cookie... I am very serious about my cookie scholarship...
Now accepting applications!
Here’s the scoop: we are sending one super awesome east coast would-be-burner-artist to the Burning Man Art Festival. Ticket, travel cost, & supply funds up to…but not defiantly $1000!
How do you start? Email us at burntcookie2010@hotmail.com
We will send you the application very quickly! DEADLINE: APRIL 30!
Q: Who is the Cookieman and why is he giving away money?
A: In the fall of 2008 some guy brought 526 fresh baked chocolate chip cookies to the Playa del Fuego festival in Odessa, Delaware. He proceeded to make LOTS of friends giving them away all weekend. He earned himself the name “Cookieman.” In the spring of 2009 he and his minions baked up 777 CCCs and gave them away at PDF. More friends were made. This got Cookieman thinking. “Maybe I should sell these cookies at my pizza shop” he said to himself. But Cookieman just couldn’t bring himself to charge people for the cookies…even at his pizza shop in far away NH. “The cookies have been a gift and should remain a gift.” Somewhere in the summer of 2009 while planning his Burning Man trip Cookieman got the idea to sell the cookies for $1.25 each and save the $1 profit to go into a scholarship fund to send one lucky east coast burner to Burning Man 2010! Thus making each cookie sold a most fantastic gift!
The average cost of a burning man trip from the east coast is about $1000. With ticket cost, flight, food, &supplies...it’s easy to spend that and more… trust us! So 1000cookies gets you $1000! So why not 1000 questions on the application for this scholarship?
Yup…1000 questions! These questions were collected mostly at Burning Man 2009 and at PDF Fall 2009 and some collected from friends and relatives and anyone else that would pay attention. You can imagine the ‘interesting’ nature of some of these questions. Basically the only requirement for a questions was that it end with a ? So yeah.. good luck!
Announcing the Official Cookieman Burning Man Scholarship! This is NOT a joke or a prank! I am very serious about my cookie... I am very serious about my cookie scholarship...
Now accepting applications!
Here’s the scoop: we are sending one super awesome east coast would-be-burner-artist to the Burning Man Art Festival. Ticket, travel cost, & supply funds up to…but not defiantly $1000!
You must be from the east coast or from farther away from the playa than me. (NOTE: Jason lives in New Hampshire, but the scholarship has been extended out to include anyone EAST of the Mississippi)
You HAVE to answer the scientifically selected 1000 question application (heehee).
That’s it I think. Until I think of something else.
How do you start? Email us at burntcookie2010@hotmail.com
We will send you the application very quickly! DEADLINE: APRIL 30!
Q: Who is the Cookieman and why is he giving away money?
A: In the fall of 2008 some guy brought 526 fresh baked chocolate chip cookies to the Playa del Fuego festival in Odessa, Delaware. He proceeded to make LOTS of friends giving them away all weekend. He earned himself the name “Cookieman.” In the spring of 2009 he and his minions baked up 777 CCCs and gave them away at PDF. More friends were made. This got Cookieman thinking. “Maybe I should sell these cookies at my pizza shop” he said to himself. But Cookieman just couldn’t bring himself to charge people for the cookies…even at his pizza shop in far away NH. “The cookies have been a gift and should remain a gift.” Somewhere in the summer of 2009 while planning his Burning Man trip Cookieman got the idea to sell the cookies for $1.25 each and save the $1 profit to go into a scholarship fund to send one lucky east coast burner to Burning Man 2010! Thus making each cookie sold a most fantastic gift!
The average cost of a burning man trip from the east coast is about $1000. With ticket cost, flight, food, &supplies...it’s easy to spend that and more… trust us! So 1000cookies gets you $1000! So why not 1000 questions on the application for this scholarship?
Yup…1000 questions! These questions were collected mostly at Burning Man 2009 and at PDF Fall 2009 and some collected from friends and relatives and anyone else that would pay attention. You can imagine the ‘interesting’ nature of some of these questions. Basically the only requirement for a questions was that it end with a ? So yeah.. good luck!
24 January 2010
Larry Harvey at NYC Spore
Click on image above for more info.
15 January 2010
Burner In The Spotlight: Lane Hartwell

Cover Photo by Peter Pereira.
Person Finder: Haiti Earthquake
As many of you may know, I spent the last two weeks in the Caribbean working a gig in the Bahamas, which is 887 kilometers/551 miles/479 nautical miles South/East of Haiti. I was in the casino when the hotel management advised that everybody on the premises stay inside due to a tsunami alert. I had no idea what would cause such an announcement so at my earliest convenience I Facebooked and asked my network what happened. Seconds later I was apprised of the horrible catastrophe that had struck the people of Haiti.

Ak espwa pou tout moun nan Ayiti ♥ (With hope for everyone in Haiti).
13 January 2010
Urban Dictionary's Definition of "burning man"
There are currently eight entries under the definition of "burning man" on UrbanDictionary.com. Below is the first one (which IMHO is amusing and entertaining -- if you can't laugh at yourself as a burner then who can you laugh at?). The seven remaining definitions can be found here.
1. burning man
As of 2009, Burning Man is society's officially sanctioned counter-cultural movement. And as this movement, it has no forward momentum.
It is a party in the desert. That's basically it.
It is fun and it is harsh. The environment in itself is beautiful and amazing. The culture of Burning Man is divided into two categories - 1) them 2) us. 'Us' consists of about 20% of the population of the City who mostly volunteer to work for the primary benefit of counting themselves part of the 'us' clique (they even get T-shirts to prove it). Needless to say, 'us' is a really annoying group (mostly). 'Them' is everyone else - mostly clueless spectators who have little or no interest in participating in activities or creating events or making art. When 'they' finally poke their heads out of their massive RVs, it's with the general purpose of taking pictures of freaks & geeks so they can prove to their friends back home that they 'did' Burning Man.
Freaks & geeks are another class separate from 'them' and separate from 'us' (but more them than us - thankfully). They consist of long-time participants called 'burners' who have attended the festival roughly more than 4 or 5 years. The also consist of newbies who are trying desperately to fit-in to appear as burners. They wear Utilikilts and repeat sayings like, 'safety 3rd' as if that signals to others they're 'in' on something cool. When they're not dropping names like telling you how they just had sex with LadyBee or had a beer with Larry Harvey, they're 'joking' about bacon or other sanctioned Burning Man topics with the design of impressing you. And who are you? You're just trying to get to the portapotties in hopes of escaping this moron who won't stop talking to you. No one cares that you 'know' Danger Ranger!!
If you say 'F yer day!' one more time in hopes of impressing me - I'm going to kill you. Which is why I no longer attend Burning Man.
tags: burning man. burningman, counter culture, party, larry harvey, black rock city
by broncotheman Jul 20, 2009
03 January 2010
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