31 August 2009
30 August 2009
29 August 2009
Take Flat Smiley To Burning Man!

To participate in the Flat Smiley project each participant is asked to download the Flat Smiley PDF file and then color and decorate it in an effort personalize it with their own creative flair. Then, very much like the "traveling gnome" prank in the movie Amelie, participants will take Flat Smiley to the playa and photograph and/or videotape him at various camps, art installations and famous city landmarks. Finally, participants will upload the files to the Flat Smiley Flickr pool, Facebook Fan Page or YouTube playlist.
Download the PDF of Flat Smiley HERE
or at the image below.
- Download this file and color and decorate Flat Smiley to your heart's content.
- Then cut him out and take him with you to Black Rock City and your local burner community (drink!) to document your adventures with Flat Smiley using a digital camera or videocam.
- Upload the files to Facebook, YouTube and Flickr and tag them "flatsmiley" and or "bm2k9" (or hash tag "#flatsmiley" and/or "#bm2k9" if you're using Twitter) so that we can find them and share them with other participants.
by sharing Flat Smiley's adventures from the playa!
Welcome to Black Rock - A Video Submission from Black Rock TV
Now a word from Black Rock TV:
"Burning Man news and weather from the city of a million delights! Stay tuned for up to the minute reports from the BRTV team from Burning Man 09. Traffic Reports, Rave Cam, political commentary and so very much more will be broadcast throughout the year."
28 August 2009
Find divaD on the playa at BACON WITHOUT BORDERS aka divaD's homebase (4:45 and A)
Diva's Schedule:
The Red Party
Bacon without Borders is throwing a giant RED party for Joplin’s birthday on Wednesday at Burning Man in our big sound dome.
If you were at our camp last year, or at Slinky this year, you know how rocking the dome is!
Plus, as always, we will be dishing out the bacon and fine liqueurs at our 31 Flavors bar.
So put on your best RED attire and come join us in celebrating Joplin’s special day.
- Noon-1 Faith D'Marco
- 1-2:30 Travis Crandall & Erik Nelson
- 2:30-4 DIVA DANIELLE & Mark Zabala
- 4-5 Joplin
- 5-6:30 Bodyrock
- 6:30-7:30 Puzzle
- 7:30-8:30 Jokton
- 8:30-9:30 Olly the Limey
- Noon to 9pm
BUBBLE LOUNGE (6 and Center Camp)
- 2:00 - 3:30 Dr Bombay
- 3:30 - 4:45 Erik Nelson
- 4:45 - 6:00 Thomas Lann
- 6:00 - 7:00 Todd Spero
- 7:00 - 8:00 DIVA DANIELLE
PLAYA SURFERS (5:30 and Esplanade)
- 2:00 - 3:00 Dr. Bombay
- 3:00 - 4:00 Orence
- 4:00 - 5:00 Thomas Lann
- 5:00 - 6:00 DIVA DANIELLE
- 6:00 - 7:00 wolfie
- 7:00 - 8:00 Todd Spero
MYSTICAL MYSFITS (4:30 and Biology)
- 1:30-2:30 Dr. Bombay
- 2:30-3:30 Don Livingstone
- 3:30-4:30 Jahsin Carmean
- 4:30-5:30 DIVA DANIELLE
- 5:30-6:30 Surprise Guest
- 6:30-sunset Orence
(the car will be starting out @ 4: 30 and Esplanade at 9:30pm if anyone wants to join us)
- 10-11:30 Erik Nelson
- 11:30-12:30 Joplin
- 12:30-2 The BodyRock DJs
- 2-3:30 DIVA DANIELLE vs Mark Zabala
- 3:30-4:30 Todd Spero
- 4:30-6 Jokton
- 6-sunrise Treavor
(find us @ 3 o’clock at The Man for The Burn! art car will be circling around the man clockwise about 100-200ft out through out the night)
- sunset - 10 open
- 10-11:30 Todd Spero
- 11:30-12:30 Wolfie
- 12:30-1:30 Marques Wyatt
- 1:30-2:30 DIVA DANIELLE (look for me @ either 7:30 or 9 between Esplanade and The Man)
- 2:30-4 Saadhu
- 4-5:30 Mark Zabala
- 5:30-sunrise Jokton
27 August 2009
BURNcast Greatest Hits: BURNcast #067 - A Conversation with Miss Tickle
BURNcast #067 - A Conversation with Miss Tickle

Sooooooo......today on BURNcast we speak to Miss Tickle the day after the Man burned the second time to talk about costuming, the early burn and her week at Burning Man. It was recorded two years ago on 2 September 2007. Miss Tickle is a DELIGHTFUL interview and I know you'll enjoy it. Just click on the player above to listen.
If you'd rather download all the episodes of BURNcast to take with you on the road, you can get all 84 audio episodes for FREE at iTunes and dozens of video episodes of BURNcast at iTunes as well. As always, I'd love it if you'd leave a review in iTunes. It's like a virtual hug, y'know?
OK...enjoy the conversation with the cool and amazing Miss Tickle!
26 August 2009
25 August 2009
BURNcast.TV Greatest Hits: BURNcast #049 - Reno’s 411: The Civilized Explorer

Happy Tu-tu Tuesday! A Message From DaBomb

There's a couple of things I just want to touch base as we slide into Burning Man this year:
1) Diva Danielle wants to feature your playa events on our BURNcast Events Calendar vlog coming up this Thursday. We're not going to be covering local regional events at this time but instead focusing our efforts on playa events exclusively. So if you've got something going on and want it featured on our vlog, please post it to our Events form. Our deadline is tomorrow, Wednesday 26 August at 7:00 p.m.
2) I'm promoting The Flat Smiley Project for Burning Man 2009. The Flat Smiley Project is collaborative new media project and community building activity for Burning Man 2009 using Web 2.0 and social media tools. The project invites participants to send photos and videos of Flat Smiley's adventures in Black Rock City and regional burner events. It's like a postcard from the playa for many burners who are not able to attend the event this year due to the nation's prevailing economic downturn. You can get more info about the project at and even join his fan page on Facebook and share your images. It's my deepest wish that those who are going to be in attendance will get behind the Flat Smiley project and share the beauty of our fair city with others who can't make it.
3) Producing a daily new media blog about the art, culture and community of Black Rock City has been enormously satisfying for me but it's practically a full time job with lots of overtime. While I really love what I do here, I need to spend as much if not more effort looking for a real job with real pay. There are still a few audio recordings I want to put up for the audio podcast, I just got bogged down with stuff these past few weeks so it will have to wait. I fully intend to wrap up the audio podcast after producing them for the past 3 years straight but then after that, my focus will mainly be on curating user generated video for the video podcast.
4) As we get closer to the event, I'm feeling the need to scale things back a bit just to keep my sanity. Some personal issues have come up this summer including the serious illness of a family member. I also thought it might be good for me to get away from the computer occasionally so I've been assisting the folks at the Giant Cock Car and giving away much of my camping equipment to friends who are going this year. All this has been taking away from my focus on the blog this past week and it got me thinking that this might be a good time to start my hiatus. I'm planning on finishing out this week with a couple of videos and maybe point you to some greatest hits of BURNcast but mostly I'm just going to wait for you to come back from that thing is the desert and see what kind of stories you have to share here on BURNcast.
I hope everybody has a safe journey to Black Rock City and back again. I hope you're inspired to live fully and dream fantastically and love deeply whether at Burning Man or in your default life. As always, I appreciate comments left on our blog, reviews left in the iTunes store or wall posts on Facebook. And while I maybe stepping back just a little bit these next few weeks until everybody gets back from the playa, you can always keep in touch by following me on Twitter.
Love & Rockets,
21 August 2009
divaD - BURNcast Events! Pre-Burn Sickness Edition
Diva is sick! Send her some LOVE!
And check out our BRC events on the calender below!
20 August 2009
The Temple 2005 at Sunset
Here is a clip of the Temple in '05 a few hours before the Temple burned. The scene around the Temple in the hours before the burn are always some of my favorite introspective times. Hope you enjoy it! -- Psilly Psymon
19 August 2009
18 August 2009
BURNcast.TV Presents: In Loving Memory
This piece features members of our community and extended family who have passed away since last year's burn. Inspired by the efforts of the Memorial Plaque that is placed in the Temple prior to its immolation as well as that of Temple itself, this video is a celebration the lives of the people we love. It is available for viewing in HD format on Vimeo.
My People
The night is beautiful,
So the faces of my people.
The stars are beautiful,
So the eyes of my people.
Beautiful, also, is the sun.
Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people.
-- Langston Hughes
Music by Dixon's Violin.
Photos by Frogbeater, OhTony, Scott Beale, Kevissimo, Jon Alloway, Neil Girling, and more (please contact me to credit your name).
14 August 2009
BURNcast.TV Video Submission: The Adventures of Phillip Waymore
Owning your own home is the American dream and Philip Waymore with his team of associates set out on the playa to sell distressed and foreclosed properties in Black Rock City.
This is Part 2 of the following home video:
Philip Waymore's American dream for Burning Man 2008. Video by Hedy.
BURNcast.TV Memorial Video For Burning Man 2009

What I need to make this video is photos from your loved one. More information about that, so just keep reading....
Whomever has lost somebody this year and is taking their memory to memorialize in the temple is welcome. So for instance if you lost your parent but they never have been to Black Rock City, it doesn't matter. If you lost a co-worker but they never been to Black Rock City, it doesn't matter. What matters here is celebrating their lives and what they meant to you.
I've started a Flickr pool that you are free to join but if you don't have an account or if you'd rather not contribute photos there, simply email them to me at burncast[at]gmail[dot]com.
What I need to make this video are photos of your friends and family who have passed away since the last Burning Man. Please include their names. Also, please add only 9 photos at the most. Let me know which one is your favorite. The limit of 9 photos and your favorite one will assist me in making the video and highlighting the one you like the most. In the past I've made videos based on photos I found in the deceased's Tribe or Facebook profile and being a curator of the images of somebody I don't know is a little awkward for me. This is why I ask for your participation.
If you join the Flickr po0l, be sure to tag the images as follows:
- burning man 2009
- temple 2009
- burncast memorial 2009
Finally, I need these images no later than
13 August 2009
BURNcast.TV Playa Rumor #10
12 August 2009
BURNcast.TV Playa Rumor #9
11 August 2009
BURNcast #084 - Interviews with Jessica Hobbs and Larry Malick

09 August 2009
Crafty Burners on Etsy Redux

Etsy Buy Handmade GlamourBomb |
Etsy Buy Handmade ElvenForestCreations |
Etsy Buy Handmade piecesofmyart |
Etsy Buy Handmade YabYummiCreations |
Etsy Buy Handmade TomBanwell |
Etsy Buy Handmade meankittywear |
Etsy Buy Handmade whoopkat |
Etsy Buy Handmade Starrbeads |
Etsy Buy Handmade bluemoonkatherine |
Etsy Buy Handmade deborahwright |
Etsy Buy Handmade RunzwithScissors |
Etsy Buy Handmade SafetyThird |
Etsy Buy Handmade crazyjamiez |
Etsy Buy Handmade sewisyourface |
Etsy Buy Handmade OctopusMe |
Etsy Buy Handmade phoenixfirestarter |
Etsy Buy Handmade Wildontheinside |
08 August 2009
Calling All Crafty Burners on Etsy Redux

07 August 2009
BURNcast.TV Home Videos -The Wheel of Thwarted Ambition
06 August 2009
divaD Event Vlog 08.06.09
To Win a pair of tickets to FIRST FRIDAZE @ AREA 33 - THE WESTSIDE AFTER PARTY TO FIRST FRIDAY on ABBOTT KINNEY, copy and paste the below sentence into your Twitter. Make sure to follow Burncast and divaDanielle so we see see you are entered to win! (Winner announced tomorrow morning!)
You could win 2 tix to FIRST FRIDAZE @ AREA 33 this Friday night in LA! To enter follow @burncast and @divadanielle and retweet this!
05 August 2009
KION Focuses On Elias Sorokin's Father
In my opinion KION-TV, the local CBS affilliate in California's Central Coast, has the most comprehensive taped news coverage on the case of missing burner Elias Sorokin. Their tweets (follow @KIONRightNow on Twitter) has been enormously useful in tracking latest updates.
This video clip focuses on Elias' father Nick Sorokin. Elias has been missing since July 20 and the police department are now considering this a homicide case. At this time the search for his body continues.
If you have any information as to the whereabouts of Elias Sorokin or his body you are urged to contact the Santa Cruz Police Department's Crime Tip Line at 831-420-5995. Anonymous information may be left on an answering machine that is checked daily. Or call the Los Angeles Police Department at 213-485-5381.
"Burner: Tales from the Playa" - Part Four
This is Part Four (and final episode) of "Burner: Tales from the Playa". Previous parts are available here on BURNcast.
04 August 2009
Skuba & Hunt Booked on Murder Charges Relating to Missing Burner Elias Sorokin

Update 16:35 4 August 2009: Both the Santa Cruz Sentinel and Mercury News reporting that two men (Hunt and Skuba) are booked on murder charges however Sorokin's body and/or a murder weapon have not been found.

According to the Santa Cruz Sentinel and Mercury News the two men will be arraigned this Wednesday on murder, kidnapping and robbery charges in connection with the death Elias Sorokin, a burner from Los Angeles who has been missing since 20 July 2009.
More details as they are made available.
BURNcast #083 - The Green Shoes Installation

Update 18:00 4 August 2009. In response to this interview, here's a video of the Green Shoes as it was re-installed at Burning Man a year later:
03 August 2009
Video Submission: My most surreal experience @ Burning Man 2008 by Liquid Solomon
It's totally worth waiting the first couple seconds of bad audio to see what happens in this clip!
From LiquidSoloman:
"Although you can't hear me because of the wind, my only comment is riding around the desert visiting everything from a playground to 'fire flowers'. But when I ran across this dome in the middle of the playa, Iwas truely dumbfounded and amazed as my auditory sense was taken completely off guard!!"
02 August 2009
Tonight in Santa Monica: Candlelight Vigil For Elias Sorokin
From Elias' friend Free Walker
♥ ~FOR ELIAS~♥~ILYA♥ ~ To ALL ~ Who are in the LA area, We are gathering this evening Sunday August 2nd~at 7pm in Santa Monica, @ Ocean Park~You can park in the Parking Lot~ Walk out on the wooden board walk to the waters edge~ Please bring Flowers and Candles~ Give Love to Elias~ Thank You Everyone for your Prayers and Support~ Please repost~Map to Ocean Park for tonight's vigil here:
View Larger Map