Hey Party People!
30 April 2009
Hey Party People!
Here's my weekly update on events for and by you crazy Burners. Also, LA Burners watched for a chance to win free tickets to Charles Feelgood @ Heat and BootieLA!
28 April 2009
BURNcast.TV #43 - A Conversation with Chicken John (Part 1)
This is the first in a three part series of interviews with the infamous yet endearing Chicken John who has been burning since 1994. In this segment, Chicken talks about his collaboration with New York street artist Swoon on an art project entitled the "Swimming Cities of Serenissima" -- a fantastic aqueous large-scale work that the New York Times has described as "part floating artwork, part performance, part mobile utopia and seemingly part summer camp for grown-up artsy kids." Learn more about it and follow its fantastic voyage this summer from Slovenia to Italy, by way of the Adriatic Sea, for the Venice Biennale at http://SwimmingCities.org. Filmed 13 April 2009 at his home in San Francisco, CA.
27 April 2009
Come Sail Away, Now With Bottle Rockets!
This past weekend at NIMBY's "How to Destroy the Universe Part 6" party you missed a golden opportunity to shoot bottle rockets at Chicken John. His entire performance was a ridiculous, sophomoric, and entertaining attempt to raise funds for his upcoming participation in the voyage of "Swimming Cities of Serenissima" -- a project he's doing in collaboration with New York street artist Swoon. While it's too late to join in on the fun, it's not too late to kick into the fund. Send a donation via PayPal by clicking on the button below and tell him DaBomb sent'cha.

23 April 2009
divaDanielle presents "BURNcastEvents Vlog" 04.23 - FREE TICKET GIVE AWAY to BASS RITUAL!
Here's your weekly fill of what's going on in Burner communities (drink!) everywhere!
For you LA Burners, watch for a chance to win tix to Bass Ritual pres Break Thru @ The Wal*Art Gallery and Electric Speakeasy this Saturday! And for everyone else, just watch-it's cool, fun AND informational! You can't beat that! ahahaha
BURNcast Mistress of all things fun and exciting, divaDanielle
If you have an event, you'd like to plug through BURNcast, fill out the form here.
If you have an event, you'd like to plug through BURNcast, fill out the form here.
22 April 2009
17 April 2009
R.I.P. Shooter
This clip of Shooter in the video featured above is originally from an original work entitled Worker Protest at Burning Man HeadQuarters by BPVideo.
Caleb "Shooter" Schaber committed suicide last night in Gerlach, NV. He was an active participant in the community of Black Rock City of which he so dearly loved. In his default life, Caleb worked as a contractor and a vlogger/reporter for the U.S. Armed Forces in a Iraq. See more videos of Caleb at his website: A Year at the Wheel. More information is forthcoming as it is made available.
See Larry Harvey's response to Caleb's protest below:
UPDATE (via @chaiguy 14:57 PDT): I called the Washoe County Sheriff and was told they do not release suicide information but they did give me the number of the Medical Examiner's office who confirmed it: 36 year old suicide, from Gerlach, last night, positive identification from numerous sources in wallet and an on scene friend identification. They also gave me his name.
16 April 2009
A friendly reminder from BURNcast

This is an unofficial website. BURNcast is independently produced by burners for burners. It is offered as a gift to the Community (drink!!!). Our podcasts, vidcasts and blog are not intended to represent Burning Man in virtual reality or actual reality. The views expressed on BURNcast may or may not reflect that of the BMorg or the Black Rock City LLC and we're not affiliated with the Cult of Larry.The Burning Man Arts and Music Festival™ have their own expert team of public relations and media experts. Heck, they don't need us because they've got it going on and they have a very important message to put out to the public. Having said that, we are neither a mouthpiece of BMorg nor are we volunteers. We are independent burners who create this shit for other burners in an effort to serve the community (drink!) of Black Rock City, not the Black Rock City LLC.
All rights reserved for all BURNcast audio podcasts and BURNcast vidcasts including any and all blog and calendar posts except where explicitly communicated on this blog. Permission required to use any BURNcast recordings for remix and reuse.
So, if you want to cut and paste, rip and mix or do something with any of the content you find on BURNcast you have to contact us first and ASK for permission. And even if you get permission, you will be required to site your source with a Creative Commons license. It's known as playing nicely and we all know how to do that on the playa, right?
Thanks, enjoy the shooo and fuck your day!
BURNcast TV Events Vlog 0416 - FREE TIX for BLUETECH & BASS RITUAL in LA
divaD's weekly events blog!! Watch for free ticket give aways for Bluetech @ Club Technique on Tues, April 21st and Bass Ritual on Sat, April 25th. Watch for details and be sure to leave a comment!
15 April 2009
BURNcast.TV #41 - The Flyer Project with Trevor Tuttle
The Flyer Project is a steampunk dirigible/art car conceived by Stacey Reineccius and designed by Trevor Tuttle. I first heard about the project at a bar in San Francisco from Reineccius and by coincidence met up with Tuttle on a flight to LAX from SFO.
Formats available: MPEG-4 Video (.m4v)
Tags: burningman, burncast, blackrockcity, theflyerproject, burning, man, 2009, dirigible, blimp, steampunk, artcar, tesla, coil
14 April 2009
R.I.P. Tom Kennedy
From Weird TV
The San Francisco burner community suffered a great loss this past weekend when artist Tom Kennedy passed away on Sunday, 12 April 2009. I met him once, briefly, last February so I personally can't speak of him much more than that. However, the words of love and remembrance by others who knew him well can be found below:
- Scott Beale's blog "Laughing Squid"
- Chicken John's blog
- Steve "Scribe" Jones, San Francisco Bay Guardian
Information regarding memorial services is forthcoming and can be found at his website.
11 April 2009
Pre-Recorded: Chicken John Presents "Lost Vegas"
On 11 April 2009 Chicken John presented "Lost Vegas, Dysfunctional Casino & Show" at Cell Space in San Francisco. The proceeds of this event to benefit the Swimming Cities of Serenissima project: junk boats made of rubbish crashing the hoity toity Venice Bieanalle art festival this summer in Italy.
10 April 2009
BMorg's New HQ
View Larger Map
The Black Rock LLC has a new location:
3450 3rd street, space 2-A,According to my sources the general feeling from insiders about the new venue is described as: "It's not perfect, it's much smaller than the current space. Many people will be working from home. Certain depts [sic] will be in the office, like finance and HR. We will have our next Artery meeting there. For the next year, who gets the room space will be a challenge. We need to work on keeping up meetings outside of the meetings so we can keep up the flow and cheer."
San Francisco, CA 94124
You have to wonder: where are they going to cram 50 volunteers to stuff envelopes with "Who, What, Where's" this season? In ActionGrl's kitchen? This will be interesting.
09 April 2009
BURNcast.TV #40 - Animal Control vs. Giant Bunny Car
In this video Black Rock City's Department of Animal Control enforces animal tagging even on giant art cars. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: MPEG-4 Video (.m4v)
divaDanielle BURNcast Events Vlog + Ticket Give Aways!
Here it is your weekly list of events coming at you DIVA style! AND, we've got free tickets for happenings in LA and SF. Check it!
If you have an event, you'd like to plug through BURNcast, fill out the form here.
06 April 2009
04 April 2009
02 April 2009
divaBLOG - Upcoming Events in the Burner Community 04.02
Hey All!
Check out upcoming events in the Burner community (drink!) every Thursday, here at BURNcast.tv with divaDanielle!
To submit an event, fill out the form here
Events happening this week featured on the divaBlog:
- Jimmy Edgar LIVE @ The Knitting Factory, April 2nd - www.clubtechnique.com
- Afro Funke @ Zanzibar, April 2nd - www.afrofunke.com
- FREE Hoop Classes @ Griffith Park, April 4th, 5th and 11th - www.flowtemple.org
- BootieLA @ Echoplex, April 4th - http://bootiela.com
- SupperFunk Fundraiser for Funkcamp @ NYC, April 5th - RSVP: tlewellyn@gmail.com
- Technique presents Filastine, April 7th - www.clubtechnique.com
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