27 January 2009
A cool Burning Man video on MLK day
Here is a time-appropriate video clip from Burning Man 2008 of a firespinner with music by a DJ named Eastman/3, who gave me his cd on the playa. It is perfect for MLK day, even though the day is almost done...we stand on the verge of hope and greatness...I truly believe that for all of us. I hope you enjoy it!
Psilly Psimon
Check out SHADEradio!
Hi there, it's Diva Danielle here. Porter Tinsley and I have been doing a series of outdoor events called Shade - a day party. Starting March 14th, we will be recording live DJ sets and podcasting them. We will also be interviewing our special guests as well as uploading new sets from them and past guests.
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18 January 2009
The Sagrada Basura Burn 2008
This is of the burning of the Sagrada Basura (the Sacred Trash) Temple on the Sunday night of Burning Man '08. It was VERY moving!
12 January 2009
Breaking News: Los Angeles Fire Club Axed by BMorg

Check out this recent blog post by Los Angeles Fire Club's shin Tedward:
No more LAFC
Mon, January 12, 2009 - 2:27 PMLast year, we discovered that the Pyro, no matter how unsafe, was a more important part of "The Burn" than the fire performers. I called out Crimson in an open letter, but the response did not answer the core questions. We had no communication until this month.
So finally, I sent her a letter at the end of last year:
"So, it's looking like enough previous members are gonna be returning to make LAFC happen for 2009.
The question on my mind is: did I piss you off too much? You've never gone silent on me and I don't know if I should hand off the torch to someone else to give the lafc a fair shot at the great circle."
Not exactly groveling, not snarky or mean. Just a straight question. But, certainly an open door. I think, subconsciously, I wanted her to step through. She did.
She came back stating that the list was shut down, LAFC would not return, and that I could not function as a Shin, co-shin or helsman. She listed two reasons why, neither of which I believe.
"You continue to complain year after year after year and one of those complaints is about having to create choreography."
For the record, LAFC voluntarily started group choreography long before it was a requirement. This is one of the reasons she came to us in 2004 to build her fiasco "the Pulse". I've never had a problem building group choreography. I HAVE had a problem with the inequity about choreographic judging and the level of work different groups are expected to do. In 2006 both Amber and I were read the riot act about our choreographies looking too similar to the previous years (for different reasons. That was the second year in a row that LAFC had combat choreography). While, that year, other groups literally did the same, exact choreography.
No, I don't have a problem doing choreography, I have a problem being expected to produce while others phone it in.
"Your leadership is being questioned by members of the community and former members of LAFC will not be returning if your are in any kind of a leadership role."
This is EXACTLY why there are more than four groups in conclave. Back in 2000, crimson called 4 people to help her run the conclave. I was one. But after that year, most of the SFFC would not return if Crimson was at the helm. So she opened it up to any group. And yes, Mutaytor split off LAFC immediately, and in progressive years Phoenix split off from them, Pois in the hood split off from LA, Garnish split off early, And the more geographically convenient groups, San Diego and Santa Barbera pealed off too. People have had MANY options for spinning in LA, One person is not an excuse not to spin.
So. You can see why I don't believe her answer. But it's not like she could say "I didn't like that you called me out on the pyro thing last year". Nor could she say, "I'd rather have people that kiss my ass, and you're more trouble than you're worth." Whatever. I think it's politics, or fate, or whatever. It really doesn't matter to me. And here's why.
Back around 2002, I was known as "the safety Nazi." And when we started NAFAA, some people joined just to make sure we didn't "regulate them out of a job". It was a weird time, but I learned a lesson in duplicity. I had to leave my fire troupe because of a member who was a chronic drinker. And I don't mean a regular social drinker, I mean I didn't feel safe until she had a couple of drinks in her. Those people who joined to keep an eye on things started remarking about how I was performing with someone who broke the very first rule of the NAFAA guides. I couldn't live with the hypocrisy, so I left the troupe to keep NAFFAA clean.
About 2 years ago, we started Red Swan. And though it's not delineated in the mission statement, it was our goal to elevate fire performance into a respected art form. To place people in corporate events that have been previously inaccessible. And we wanted to get performers out of gigs where they are disrespected, underpaid, or mistreated. But again, I run into the duplicity.
Burning man expects people to pay to be in conclave, yes, they get a great party, but they're formally expected to work for months on their choreography, provide video proof of their work, compete for the position AFTER putting in all the work, show up days early to check in, show up 2 hours early for the gig, no dressing room, no bathroom, bad communication, bad organization. Frequently, their well-planned choreography gets cut significantly by upwards of 15 minutes. THEN, they have to protect themselves as 40,000+ people turn into a frenzied mob, often trampling equipment or performers. You can't really say they get the same party as everyone else, because they're expected to be sober for the performance.
Yeah. Now, frost that cake with the fact that I've gone a little deeper into debt each year I've gone to the Burn, while my business(es) suffer from my absence. You can see that I have plenty of reasons not to go. I'll miss my friends, but I dare say I won't miss putting up with Crimson's shit any more.
A shout out from Migadee Mac Maker.

The event sounds a little carnival-like burn meets a wacky twisted down home Pasadenie parade.
So that everyone in our group can rally with Inspiration & costumes & or performances - a theme has been suggested -- not sure what yet. But I know it will be fun filled - feel free to chime in with any ideas.
I spoke with one of the organizers of the Parade "Patty" -- she is an oracle of sorts.
She said: "Oh darlin, rite now is the time to be looking for possibilities, don't look at the limitations. Only look at the possibilities!"
When I asked what the policy for live music and amplified sound was she said, "The louder the better."
I would love to share that experience with you and yours. The parade starts at 11:30 January 18th with a grrrreat breakfast & set-up in the early morning-ish.
I an on a deadline to send in an entry form with names and a $10 per person fee. A group/art car entry form must be submitted I need a head count of all those interested in riding and/or marching in our group. The organizers request $10 bucks per person to cover the event costs.
***SO WHO'S IN -- let me know asap!***
Please send me the 10 bucks entry/participant fee asap.
Send payment to either my paypal "luvmakr at gmail.com (luvmakr No "e") or snail mail to: 1438 17th street Santa Monica CA 90404
Chundra needs to breath, to be alive for both monetary needs as well as communal joyous needs. I'm going to have a fund raiser soon to raise some dough to get her mechanically sound in time for the Doo dah. She leaves for the shop on Monday. Therefore I'm on the hunt for a great party fundraising space. Any ideas for a venue for a suweet fun-d raising location...lemme know.
Big Love my amigos n amigas. May 09 breath a healin year of good honest growth, acceptance, generosity, prosperity, a-bun-dance, Love & kindness!
Feel free to call with any questions
aka "Captain McHogwash"
323 253 3309
luvmaker at gmail.com
11 January 2009
Two Great Videos in One Awesome Blog Post from Psilly Psimon
Dear BURNcast,
Here is a short video I did of the flaming lotus girls' project this year and the burning of The Man:
This one is of the Archedream for Humankind blacklight dancers this past year at the Philadelphia Experiment stage at Burning Man:
Psilly Psymon
Here is a short video I did of the flaming lotus girls' project this year and the burning of The Man:
This one is of the Archedream for Humankind blacklight dancers this past year at the Philadelphia Experiment stage at Burning Man:
Psilly Psymon
07 January 2009
Attention All Burners, Makers and Creators!
We are looking NATIONWIDE for builders, scientists, inventors, engineers, carpenters, welders, mechanics, architects, etc. to take part in a game show for thinkers, dreamers and doers, who are eager to let their inner MacGyvers be seen and ready to collaborate with a team of other builders to beat the clock in order to "SAVE" the BIG PRIZE!!
Do you love to:
* Invent new gadgets
* Build robots
* Use power tools
* Weld together bizarre machines that drive, fly, climb, shoot flames or launch projectiles?
We are putting together a team challenge that will show off your handy skills such as: welding, knowledge of aeronautics, auto mechanics, hydraulics, carpentry, pyro-technics, thermodynamics, aerodynamics, material science, electronics, etc.
If you, or someone you know, is a gonzo engineer/scientist or just a high-energy, creative, fun, builder, we want to hear from you!
Email your NAME, CONTACT info, and a brief DESCRIPTION of your building talents to:
06 January 2009
New Year's Resolution/Revelations with Mark Zabala and Tony Edwards
After finally getting approval from Mark, this video is now available for your viewing pleasure. Happy new year, y'all. Follow us on Twitter!
05 January 2009
Danger Ranger’s 20th Annual Post-Yule Pyre Christmas Tree Burn
From mcgarrigle: Annual Yule Pyre on Ocean Beach with some time lapse photos of some dude fire dancing.
02 January 2009
01 January 2009
Putting Out The Hat
If you enjoy the work I do in producing these podcasts, vidcasts, and blog then please consider supporting my art. In these tough times it's worth mentioning that I am currently funemployed and I appreciate your support.
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