26 December 2006
19 December 2006
12 December 2006
06 December 2006
28 November 2006
21 November 2006
14 November 2006
07 November 2006
31 October 2006
24 October 2006
19 October 2006
10 October 2006
06 October 2006
26 September 2006
16 September 2006
07 August 2006
BURNcast #14 - Sweet Dreams with Treiops Treyfid
06 August 2006
BURNcast goes to Burning Man

BURNcast will attempt to produce one more episode prior to Burning Man. We ask that if you’ve been listening to this show to please make a small contribution to the BURNcast production budget to help enable us to record podcasts at Burning Man. I need of 1 GB mini discs and some better microphones. Or if you have recording expertise, I would love your assistance at event.
In addition to BURNcast, I am producing “Ouija Says” an interactive art project that will be mapped in the “Who What When Where” and located somewhere between the 4:00 radius and the man. At the time of this recording, I am still trying to raise funds for this project through the sale of furry playalicous playwear and hoops at the Ouija Says Freak Boutique, which can be found on the website.
For Burning Man 2006, I have a few things planned. First is Tu-Tu Tuesday, taking place on Tuesday August 29th in which I ask all citizens of Black Rock City to don a tutu and drink a toast in solidarity for “community”.
On Wednesday, August 30th, I will be recording a podcast at the Spoken Word Stage in Center Camp from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and I invite all our listeners to come and join us and again, drink a toast to “community”.
Then on Friday, September 1, 2006 from 7 to 10 p.m. I will be holding a BURNcast Meet and Greet Party in which guests of our show and listeners can come together and drink a toast to community (hiccup!). The party will take place Gnome Camp located 4:30 and Destiny within New Amsterdam Village.
01 August 2006
26 July 2006
11 July 2006
04 July 2006
28 June 2006
Today’s New Drinking Word
Today we’re changing the rules to the 3playa Community (drink!) drinking game in honor of a very special birthday.
Happy Birthday to...(insert the new word of the day here).
Today's word of the day is Lecter (drink!) because it's Lecter's (drink!) birthday!
I think I've known Lecter (drink!) about 6 or 7 years now. He's a great friend to have -- funny, goofy, loyal and sweet. Also, I and the fans of BURNcast appreciate that he hosts our podcasts, too.
Yay for Lecter! (drink!)
Thank you Lecter! (drink!)
Happy Birthday Lecter! (drink!)
BTW... any Lecter (d-frink!) fans here in LA...we're going out for pie tonight to celebrate at 4 & 20 Pies in Sherman Oaks on Van Nuys Boulevard near Burbank sometime after he gets off work!
Come help Lecter (d-frrink!) put another candle on that birfffday cake and have some pie and ice cream too!
26 June 2006
20 June 2006
13 June 2006
07 June 2006
23 May 2006
16 May 2006
BURNcast #4 - Burning Flipside Interview with Fred Murphy
Fred Murphy talks about Burning Flipside, the largest Burning Man regional event that takes place in Texas over Memorial Day weekend. Fred is the regional outreach coordinator for Flipside.
09 May 2006
BURNcast #3 - The 3rd 2nd Annual Grilled Cheese Invitational
From downtown Los Angeles, BURNcast brings you the 3rd 2nd Annual Grilled Cheese Invitational brought to you by the Intolerable Morons of Smashlabs™ and Theorylabs™. Recorded April 1, 2006.
06 May 2006
BURNcast #2 (Part 2) - Discussion continues with Black Rock City LLC principles: Larry Harvey, Maid Marian and Danger Ranger
Our conversation continues with Larry Harvey, Danger Ranger and Maid Marian. Here we ask: "Is Burning Man still dangerous?" Also discussed is hope and fear: the future of Burning Man. We wrap it all up with a special bonus track of Larry's explanation of why coffee is sold at Center Camp. Recorded on January 31, 2006 in San Francisco, CA.
30 April 2006
Burners Without Borders
Burners Without Borders
A podcast produced by the
Viking Youth Power Hour
Download mp3
It’s springtime and thing’s are starting to heat up within the community (drink!).
This past weekend BURNcast went out in the field to learn more about burner art projects taking place at Coachella and Xara Dulzura. Stay tuned as these recordings become available on-line in the next few weeks.
Until then, we’d like to take the opportunity to share with you a podcast interview with Tom LaPorte of Burning Man Information Radio as he heads down south with “Burners Without Borders” to cover Hurricane Katrina’s relief efforts.
Note: This podcast was produced by our friends at the Viking Youth Power Hour and was originally posted on April 26, 2006. It is separate and independent from BURNcast.
A podcast produced by the
Viking Youth Power Hour
Download mp3
It’s springtime and thing’s are starting to heat up within the community (drink!).
This past weekend BURNcast went out in the field to learn more about burner art projects taking place at Coachella and Xara Dulzura. Stay tuned as these recordings become available on-line in the next few weeks.
Until then, we’d like to take the opportunity to share with you a podcast interview with Tom LaPorte of Burning Man Information Radio as he heads down south with “Burners Without Borders” to cover Hurricane Katrina’s relief efforts.
Note: This podcast was produced by our friends at the Viking Youth Power Hour and was originally posted on April 26, 2006. It is separate and independent from BURNcast.
19 April 2006
BURNcast #2 (Part 1) - Talk with Black Rock City LLC principles: Larry Harvey, Maid Marian and Danger Ranger
The first in a two-part series, we talk to Larry Harvey and Danger Ranger about Burning Man’s relationship to the media, specifically television. Then, Maid Marian joins the discussion about the spiritual aspects of Burning Man, including the true meaning of the event (if any), the 10 Principles, religion and the regional network. Finally, we “pull back the curtain”, going behind the scenes to talk about the business, resources, logistics and operations involved in the Burning Man Arts Festival. Recorded live on January 31, 2006 in San Francisco, CA.
14 February 2006
BURNcast #1 - Interview with Andie Grace
In our premiere BURNcast, we talk to Andie Grace aka "ActionGrl", the Communications Manager for Burning Man. She'll explain the policies and procedures in place for media participation at Burning Man, discuss the effects of media presence within the community, as well as participant's rights to privacy and the concept of "media free zones". She'll also explain the background and development of the 10 principles with emphasis on principle #3 "Decommodification." Recorded on January 31, 2006 in San Francisco, California.
06 February 2006
Rip - Edit - Burn
Cross-posted from Tribe.net
The latest edition of the Jack Rabbit Speaks, the official list of Burning Man, mentions our still-in-production-and-upcoming podcast with the Burning Man organization and characterizes our visit to BMHQ as a positive conclusion. We wholeheartedly agree and can't wait to share the results with you.
At the moment Chai Guy and I are in the the midst of putting the material together. Though we are working to upload this podcast in a reasonable timeframe, there are logistical issues due to the physical distance between us (Chai Guy lives in Lake Tahoe, I live in Los Angeles) to be able to collaborate effectively. We are both working fast as we can while still doing our full-time jobs, learning the technical aspects of the producing the podcast and creating a meaningful piece. Please...stay tuned...it's coming soon!
Last Thursday, the show "Only In America" aired on the Discovery Times Channel. Many have contacted us to ask us what we think of the show.
We'd like to take this moment to remind y'all that when we first brought up the issue of Discovery Times Channel's presence at Burning Man, we took issues with commercial media presence at the event, participant's privacy rights and an artist's right and ownership to their art and performance.
We did not set out to be arbiters of taste of this show. Therefore, our main mission in setting up SaveBRC.org is focused on these issues and not about our personal critique of this particular show.
That's our party line and we're sticking to it! Having said that, many of you have insisted! Peee-shaw, girl! What did ya REALLY think of the show.
Well...um...OK...here ya go:
I'm offended by people who are outsiders that try to appear to be an insider. Charlie LeDuff aka "Media Man" (who has provided further evidence that the New York Times isn't worth the paper that it is printed on) pretends to get involved, makes pseudo observations and interpretations and doesn't actually try to feel the environment that he parades around in. Media Man ends up being a saccharin caricature of sophomoric pretense and posture. His show is about himself, not the cultures that he purports to explore.Just my two cents. Your mileage may vary.
Of course he had the mohawk before arriving. He had already decided what Burning Man was before he arrived. His mind wasn't open. He wasn't experiencing the now. "Its like Vegas North." Why do small minds have so much trouble understanding what is around them? His mind couldn't see the Temple. Fire breathing wasn't elemental to him, it was a novelty. In Media Man's own words: "The more I see America, the less I get it."
Please stay tuned for our podcast: powered by participants and sprinkled with a little bit of playa dust.
27 January 2006
Is Burning Man Having An Identity Crisis?
Cross-posted from Tribe.net
The Burning Man Organization has been commonly abbreviated as "BMorg" for some time now. The term is concise and non-judgmental. It is easy to remember, type and speak. It clicks immediately with almost all that hear it.
In my recollection, the term "BMorg" first was used by Chicken John and the organizers of the "Borg 2" experiment. For the record, I have never heard the term "BMorg" used derogatorily. BMorg has become an affectionate title, an appropriate, fitting and respectful meme for the Burning Man community to reference the organization.
Even the Burning Man website uses the term BMorg: to wit.
So why would anyone have an issue with the term? Apparently the organization itself feels that way. I'm told from insiders that BMorg hates the term "BMorg".
So what to do?
What do you succinctly call a company that produces the Burning Man? How about: BM-LLC? BM-Co? BM-Inc? Technically, the correct title should be "BRC-LLC" because Burning Man is produced by the Black Rock City Limited Liability Corporation.
Even Larry Harvey comes to this conclusion when the topic of BMorg arose: "Yet we could not agree among the six of us, and we're the founders and directors of this enterprise. People switched back and forth several times. Finally, it degenerated into farce. We found ourselves trading honesty for integrity. Courage walked the plank in order to make room for charity. Just to throw a spanner in the works, my candidate was "fun" (no one had the heart to take it off the list). In the end, our facilitator's writing pad was covered with a scribbled palimpsest of words, phrases, under linings, elisions: an indecipherable welter of ideas, all crowded together, like renters in a cheap tenement building. We simply couldn't agree."
Maid Marian prefers the term "Burning Man Project."
Now, "project" is a noble word, suggesting something bigger than Burning Man the event, bigger than Burning Man the Corporation, or even bigger Burning Man the Community. It suggest synergism, collectiveness, the growth of artistic expression and human potential. It's right up there with other notable projects including:
- Manhattan Project: Developed the first nuclear weapon
- Project Apollo: Landing a man on the moon
- Human Genome Project: To map the human genome
- Experience Music Project (EMP), an interactive music museum located in Seattle
- SETI: Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
- The Linux Project: a free Unix-type operating system
- Polaris missile project: an ICBM control system
- The TWINKIES Project: Featuring a variety of scientific experiments on this popular snack food.
As defined by Webster's, a project is "something undertaken, especially something requiring extensive planning and work: enterprise, undertaking, venture. See work/play."
The Burning Man Project. "See work/play." That makes sense. It works to describe the significant efforts the BMorg undertakes. But it doesn't describe the organization itself. But that is ok, since we already have a perfectly fine meme for that. The project is larger than the organization.
The title "Burning Man Project" suggests there are numerous groups, organizations, energies and individuals who come together to make Burning Man what it is. The Black Rock City LLC is one part of that whole. A necessary part indeed, but still a part.
To that end, to adopt that term exclusively to solely represent the Black Rock City LLC is insulting to me because it minimizes my personal contribution and those of thousands of other artists and volunteers who contribute to the event in the form of labor and content to the Burning Man event. The sum of the project is greater than its parts, and each individual part is due its appropriate respect.
According to Wikipedia: "A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Temporary means that the project has an end date. Unique means that the project's end result is different than the results of other functions of the organization. It can also comprise an ambitious plan to define and constrain a future by limiting it to set goals and parameters. The planning, execution and monitoring of major projects sometimes involves setting up a special temporary organization, consisting of a project team and one or more work teams. A project usually needs resources."
So the organization partakes in and sets the parameters of the project. But this is half the equation. "A project usually needs resources." In other words, the Burning Man Project requires participants. Imagine if a project exclusively consisted of spectators? Could such a project last, or even exist outside of theoretical musings? Every one who participates in the Burning Man Project is a part of it, and the BMorg is one section of the greater participant pie. Mmm, pie! One project pie a la cart please! Forks for everyone!
After recovering from a severe pie coma, I asked my friend Laura, a veteran burner who also happens to be a project management consultant about this. Laura said, "Burning Man itself is not a project, because in theory, it doesn't have an end date, and that is a very important element of any project. In business, people often confuse projects and operational activities. You could consider each individual year of Burning Man as a project made up of activities that lead up to and include the event, and an ending when all the clean-up activities are completed. "BMorg" is definitely not a project. It's a team of resources."
BMorg is a team of resources is aptly put. I don't understand why they object to this title. To that end, I stand by the term "BMorg" to respectfully identify the Black Rock City LLC and it's paid staff as a resourceful, dedicated team that contributes to the event. It recognizes that the community is a separate and vital entity to Burning Man. The BMorg along with the participation of the Black Rock City Community together produce the amazing event known as the Burning Man Arts Festival.
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